Author Index


  • Ali, Ali Halwo Building and coding the psychometric programming standard for shed fencing players [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 259-268]
  • Askander, Youns Fasil Evaluation of some biomechanical variables for the technical performance of throwing gravity for an Iraqi country champion [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 215-226]



  • EL-dlimi, Nahed Abd Zid Psychological flexibility and its relationship to the accuracy of performing some basic skills for disabled soccer players [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 258-266]
  • EL-kbisi, Rafaa Saalh Fathi Using functional strength exercises to develop skillful performance and activate some of the neuromuscular variables among football players [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 277-285]
  • El-naser, Fatama Naser Ahmed The effect of different forms of mathematical shows on the psychological compatibility of secondary school students [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 269-276]


  • Farhan, Ahmed Fadal The effect of a training program; the use of biometric training; the development of the muscular strength of the muscles of the legs; volleyball players; Malaysia [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 227-249]


  • Gadban, Hakmat Abd elkrim Analyzing the values of some chemical variables after changing the direction by rolling and aiming from the right side and its relationship to the accuracy of football players in the halls. [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 200-214]