Author Index


  • Abo hashish, Yaser The effect of using some teaching methods on learning the skill of paying the shot for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 57-78]
  • Abu Hashish, Yaser The effect of a program using social networks on learning the skill of 110 meters / barriers for students of the Faculty of Mathematical Education, University of Menoufia [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 41-56]
  • Ali, Rasha The effect of compatibility capabilities training in some biometric variables and the level of transmitter reception skill level of volleyball players [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 15-40]


  • EL-hanafi, Naser The development of some special kinetic capabilities of a counterattack affected the quantum effectiveness of offensive activity of the Sunda players in kung fu. [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 79-99]


  • Farah, Mohamed The effect of a three-dimensional educational program on the skill and knowledge level of volleyball for students of the Faculty of Mathematical Education [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 80-101]
  • Farah, Mohamed The effect of mobile learning supported by the code reader on the achievement of knowledge and some basic skills in volleyball [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 102-122]


  • SHwki, Amira The effect of compatibility capabilities training in some biometric variables and the level of transmitter reception skill level of volleyball players [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 15-40]
  • SKwki, Amira A training program to improve muscle balance and its impact on the level of performance of some defense skills in volleyball [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 145-161]


  • Yahia, Nouha The effect of spin body movement training using the Tech Toc tool on improving the digital level of the crawl surfaces on the abdomen and back [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2018, Pages 123-144]