Author Index


  • Abd Elaziz, Mohamed Abd Elaziz Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Ahmed, Rania gaber tawfiq ahmed A study of some biomechanical variables of the jumping skill in the kinetic rotation Kankashu-kata as a basis for developing specific exercises for kata players [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 213-280]


  • Elhadede, Fatma mostafa elsaed shehata The role of the one-day camp in providing some aesthetic values ​​for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 184-212]
  • Elsadek, Walid mohamed elsadek mohamed The relationship between the level of administrative performance and the level of administrative creativity of those in charge of managing sports activities in some Egyptian sports clubs [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 45-89]
  • ELsherief, Eman A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]