Author Index


  • Aly ibrahem, heba The effect of using the educational bag on motor satisfaction and level Performing some defensive skills in basketball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 234-257]


  • ElBishihy, Mahmoud Rabie Ameen "The effect of plyometric exercises with resistance and assistance in the direction of movement on the development of explosive power and the level of performance of the kumite players" [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 258-290]


  • Kamal, Hemat Ezzat The effect of the development of special physical attributes on some kinematics variables and the performance of the motor sentence (Jojo Shihu Shu) for karate people [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 205-233]


  • Shltout, Abeer Strategic Vigilance as an Entry Point to Support the Brand in Health Clubs [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 178-204]