Author Index


  • Abo ELabas Abd ELhamed, Mahmoud Speed Control Strategy (5000 m – 10000 m) Race was Conducted for the 2019 World Athletics Championship [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 139-173]
  • Al Droushi, Abdul Rahim Omanis' Tendencies towards Hosting Sporting Events in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 90-122]
  • AL Khalifa, Hesa ahmed A proposed research plan for Department of Physical Education in Bahrain through an analytical study of problems associated with educational process in light of academic standards of total quality [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 316-348]


  • Badawi Abdel-Al Badawi, Ahmad The effectiveness of social media networks in developing awareness of sustainable development issues among physical education teachers in light of Egypt's 2030 [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 59-89]


  • Farouk Rateb, Fatma Temporal analysis of Tennis strokes as a base for volume of load size in skill preparation [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 235-252]


  • Lmetwaly Osman, Atwael Lmetwaiy Positive self-talk and its relationship to the psychological flow and the level of ambition of the players of some national sports teams at Suez Canal University. [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 31-58]


  • Rostom Mahmoud, Salma The effectiveness of electronic maps on cognitive achievement and skill performance in basketball for students of the Education Division at the Faculty of Physical Education in Alexandria [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 174-217]


  • Sharaf, Hisham nabil ibrahim sharaf Habits of mind and its relationship to academic procrastination and academic achievement for students of the school sport major [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 278-315]


  • YOUSSEF, HODA The reality of the teaching staff using the joint educational karate course in some education and some physical education [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 218-234]