Author Index


  • Abdelnaeim, Nader Ahmed Mohmed Abdelnaeim The effect of a regulated physical load on the level of some biochemical changes in serum of the boxing and rowing players [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 93-115]
  • ALASHKAR, HEBA IBRAHEM MOHAMMAD "A mental training program affected by catecholamine and competition anxiety for swimmers" [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 50-68]


  • Eid Abdul Karim, Abdul Karim Evaluating the level of physiological competence between the front and back teams in the Junior Football League U-17 in Kuwait [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 145-163]


  • Ghareb, Ali Ghareb Gadban Abdala Ghareb Biomechanical comparison between the hitting arm of the skill of serving with a face The front racket and the service face the back racket in squash [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 164-179]


  • Mansour, Fatma Shhada Deeb Precautionary procedures for the safe return of swimming after resuming sports activity in light of the Corona pandemic in the Gaza Strip [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 8-20]
  • Mohammed Ali, Abdullah The effect of mental capacity level on match results for basketball players under 17 years old [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 128-144]


  • Nabawy Abodonia, Mohammed Abdelmegeed Interactive educational platforms (Zoom, Edmodo) and their impact on the level of cognitive attainment of the skill of the hammer throw [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 21-49]