Author Index


  • Abdel hamid, amany hussein Mohamed “Development of agility components and their impact on the exchange of collective defensive duties for junior female handball players” [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 165-206]
  • Abdellah, Reda Aziz Abdel Hamid The effectiveness of a kinetic education program on some special movement abilities and teaching some basic skills for field and track competitions [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 207-243]


  • Elmorshedy, Ahmed Effect of (S.A.Q) training on the special coordination abilities and technical performance level for freestyle junior wrestlers [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 244-278]
  • Etewa, Safenaz The effectiveness of an educational program supported by info graphics on cognitive achievement and the level of skill performance in some field and track competitions for middle school students [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 131-164]


  • Fahad Mohamed Althuwaini, Meshal The reality of students' Attitudes Towards E-learning using synchronized virtual classrooms on Cognitive Achievement Course for the Javelin Throwing competition In light of the Coronavirus Pandemic [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 8-38]


  • Mahmoud Abou Bakr, Hany The relative contribution of some indicators of psychological competence to the digital level of the short distance contestants [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 39-66]


  • Salem, Mohamed ouda khlil Salem The effect of using leeches and rehabilitative exercises on improving the efficiency of the knee joint affected by inflammation in the elderly [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 67-94]