Author Index


  • Ahmed Abd Elaal Elmamlouk, Mohga An educational instructional program and its effect on ego strength and psychological tension in the first educational stage in swimming [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 21-51]
  • Al-Thumali, Fahad The Effect of The Corona Pandemic And The Suspension of Sports Activity on Some Physical And Physiological Variables Among Female Students of Sports Sciences at Taif University [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 9-20]
  • Atallah, Hanan The effect of a recreational program using small games to provide some basic skills for fencing and psychological well-being for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr El Sheikh University [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 245-272]



  • Fahad Mohamed Althuwaini, Meshal The effectiveness of self-learning method using Microsoft Teams platform on the motivation of learning and Numerical level of the 100 m sprint competition [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 163-181]


  • Gamal, Amina The effect of using interactive video on the effectiveness of the university self and the level of performance Skilled in fencing [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 221-244]


  • Mady, Asmaa The effect of a recreational program using small games to provide some basic skills for fencing and psychological well-being for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr El Sheikh University [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 245-272]


  • Saltah, Mohsen Mahamed Mahamed The effectiveness of teaching with the Self-Schedule (KWL) strategy on cognitive achievement and the trend towards a comparative physical education course for students of the third year of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Alexandria University. [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 82-121]
  • Shala, Magda Fathy The effect of using the fixed and variable method on the performance level of some field hockey skills for students of specialization at the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 273-299]