Author Index


  • AbdElEmam, Shreen Rafie AbdElGlil A suggested cognitive achievement test using the QR code in the educational technology course for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 9-31]
  • Ashour, Heba ahmed ashour The use of Pilates training to improve some physical variables and their effect on the follow-up (defensive - offensive) of junior basketball [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 181-205]


  • Farouk Rateb, Fatma Analytical study of the defensive and offensive performance of the National Handball Team In The World championship 2021 [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 206-239]


  • Ghalab, Ali Mustafa Ali The effectiveness of using the artful method of teaching on some harmonic abilities, kinetic satisfaction and the level of performance of the students of the sports performances team [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 240-273]
  • Ghareeb, Mahmoud The level of anxiety predicting the sporting future of sports players Collective in light of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 9-30]


  • Hamza, Raafat Mohamed tawfeeq hamza Active learning by using learning strategy peer to overcome the difficulties of learning to swim for beginners [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 274-287]
  • Hussen, Eman Wagih Mohammed The effect of "CrossFit" exercises on endorphins, some physiological and physical variables, and the level of skill performance of some jumps in the ballet [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 31-61]


  • Saltah, Mohsen Mahamed Mahamed Evaluating the experience of digital transformation of the curricula of the teaching program from the viewpoint of the student teachers at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria. [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 135-180]