Keyword Index


  • Abdominal muscles walmutaghayirat albadanih The effect of a proposed rehabilitation program on the muscle separation of the rectus abdominis muscle, body [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-158]
  • Abilities The effect of objective games supported by expressive movements on the cognitive abilities of students in one-class schools with community education [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 19-36]
  • Abilities '' The Impact of Apreliminary Games Program on Develop Special Kinetic Abilities and Performance level Of Some Skills on Horizontal Bar" * DR / Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 111-133]
  • Abilities The effect of a training program using A.S.Q training exercises on improving some physical abilities and the level of skill performance of dueling players in the New Valley [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 175-212]
  • Abilities Effect of (S.A.Q) training on the special coordination abilities and technical performance level for freestyle junior wrestlers [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 244-278]
  • Abilities The effect of mental capacity level on match results for basketball players under 17 years old [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 128-144]
  • Abilities An Educational Program In Terms Of Electromyographic Analysis Of Muscles And Its Impact On Some Physical Abilities And Performance Level Of Back Rolling Skill Handstand In Artistic Gymnastics [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 83-126]
  • Abilities Tabata Exercises and their Impact on some Special Physical Abilities and the Digital Level of the 800 Meter Race [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 77-95]
  • Abilities Effectiveness of coordinative abilities exercises on digital level for back swimming juniors [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 63-80]
  • Ability of Muscle The Effect of Using Contrast Training During the Pre-season Period on the Level of Ability of Muscle for Basketball Female Players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 408-420]
  • A biomechanical A biomechanical comparison of some kinematic characteristics of a spiral strike against the front racket of different levels for table tennis players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 162-183]
  • Absolute Standard Absolute standard score for modified tensile testing [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 41-52]
  • Academic Habits of mind and its relationship to academic procrastination and academic achievement for students of the school sport major [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 278-315]
  • Academic Academic adaptation and its relationship student/teacher teaching skills in volleyball teaching methods syllabus. Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 309-326]
  • Academic Self-efficacy The effect of an educational program using the flipped learning strategy on learning outcomes in boxing and the academic self-efficacy of school students at the Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 159-193]
  • Academic Self-efficacy Constructing the academic self-efficacy scale for female students at the College of Physical Education, Helwan University [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 84-100]
  • Acadox technology The effect of using the Acadox technology in teaching the learning technology course on developing knowledge achievement and electronic communication skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 270-307]
  • Acceleration The effectiveness of rhythm on some kinematic and physiological variables of gymnasts in Kuwait [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Accentuated Eccentric Effect of Accentuated Eccentric Training to Improve Reactive Strength Index, Vertical Stiffness of Some of Muscles Involved in the Turn of Breast Swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 117-173]
  • ACE angiotensin gene Diversity of Angiotensin ACE gene and its relationship to some anthropometric measurements and physiological in aerobic endurance athletes as a function of selection [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 174-194]
  • Achievement A training curriculum according to a factory device to reduce the force of attraction and its impact on some mechanical variables and achievement of the running efficiency of 1500 m [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 173-184]
  • Achievement Effect of stepping-up exercises on vital capacity, special physical abilities and digital achievement of 400 m freestyle swimmers. [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 118-137]
  • Achievement The use of a program based on the dramatic entrance and its effect on achievement and the development of some life skills for primary school students [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 53-100]
  • Achievement Personality traits and their relationship with psychological endurance and achievement motivation for excellent football players (B) [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 203-236]
  • Achievement The effect of using blended learning on cognitive achievement, reducing test anxiety and learning some fundamental skills in volleyball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 50-86]
  • Achievement The effect of a sports recreation program on improving the level of achievement of my skills (jumping and hoping) for children in athletics competitions [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-138]
  • Achievement Motivation Achievement relationship and personality traits with the digital level of swimmers in North Sinai [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 180-202]
  • Achievement Motivation Competitive orientation and its relationship to athletic achievement motivation and competitive behavior of squash youth [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 291-306]
  • A comparative study of the mental image of the physical education teacher in the educational stages Pre A comparative study of the mental image of the physical education teacher in the educational stages Pre-university in Alexandria Governorate [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 158-190]
  • Activities Classification of recreational activities for the elderly in Egyptian society [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 125-148]
  • Activities The effectiveness of employing educational digital platforms in promoting participation towards virtual student activities as alternative recreation means from the viewpoint of staff members during the Coronavirus pandemic [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 8-54]
  • Activities A proposed vision for practicing home recreational activities in epidemic crises [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 177-223]
  • Activities program of some recreational activities to alleviate Severity of anxiety in the elderly [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 57-74]
  • Activities Evaluation of sports facilities for the General Authority of Cairo Sports Stadium [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 97-113]
  • Activities Crisis strategy for investment strategy recreational activities in the gaps In the sports area, Minya Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 53-85]
  • Activities the effect of a program of extracurricular sports activities on some physiological variables for middle school students [(Articles in Press)]
  • Adaptive The effect of a virtual educational program using an adaptive learning strategy according to educational methods and preferences on developing the educational performance of students, physical education teachers [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 75-135]
  • Addiction The role of recreational culture in reducing electronic addiction among middle school students [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 9-59]
  • ADHD "The effect of Brain Dance on level of attention and motor coordination in children with ADHD" [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 9-30]
  • ADHD The effect of yoga on attention level and motor compatibility in children with attention deficit hyperactivity [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 139-168]
  • Adjusted Tension Absolute standard score for modified tensile testing [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 41-52]
  • Administrative The requirements of applying knowledge management and its role in developing the administrative and technical creativity of those in charge of managing sports activities at Al-Azhar University [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 119-139]
  • Administrative Economic contributions and administrative policies for sports activities for all in the youth sports cities [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 231-245]
  • Administrative Administrative corruption and its impact on economic growth in sports federations [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 180-234]
  • Administrative Creativity Administrative creativity and its relationship to some demographic variables among employees of the General Administration of Physical Education at the Ministry of Education [(Articles in Press)]
  • Administrative Performance Management with transparency and its relationship to administrative performance in Assiut sports clubs [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 83-111]
  • Administrative Transparency The reality of applying administrative transparency in the Egyptian weightlifting fedration [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 87-101]
  • Administrative work in the Disabled Clubs in the United Arab Emirates Development of administrative work in the clubs of the handicapped in the United Arab Emirates in light of Total Quality Management [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 78-95]
  • Advantage relationship marketing and its relationship to achieving the competitive advantage of some Egyptian Premier League clubs [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 101-132]
  • Adventure Tourism The Role of Adventure Tourism as a New Tourist Pattern in Developing the Tourist Attraction of the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 65-90]
  • Aerial Cartwheel Muscle Symmetry as A Function of A Training Program to Improve Aerial Cartwheel Skill on The Balance Beam [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 264-386]
  • Aerobic The components of the aerobic gymnastics degree and its impact on the final results of the 15th world championship competitions in Portugal 2018 [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 314-335]
  • Aerobic Mental toughness as a predictor of tournament results for aerobic gymnasts Dance in the Arab Republic of Egypt " [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Aerobic Auxiliary exercises by the station training method on the degree of performance of some aerobic movements for junior aerobic gymnastics for the 6-8 year old age. [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Aerobic The effect of a training program according to the energy production systems on improving some physical and physiological variables and the level of performance of the Floor Exercise in artistic gymnastics [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 69-95]
  • Aerobic The effect of specific and functional exercises on some physiological and physical variables and the level of skill performance of aerobic gymnasts" [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 261-282]
  • Aerobic endurance The effect of Modified Sprint Interval Training on developing some physical and physiological variables for juniors squash under 13 years [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 184-213]
  • Aerobic exercise The effect of the use of aerobic exercise on the level of health connotations in obese women [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 159-184]
  • Aerobic Gymnastics A training program via the Zoom app to maintain the fitness of aerobic gymnasts during the suspension of sports activity due to the outbreak of the Corona virus [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Aerobic Gymnastics The effect of cardio training on some physiological indicators and level of skill performance of aerobic Gymnastics [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-250]
  • Aerobic Gymnastics The effect of cross training on the maximum oxygen consumption and the motor performance of aerobic gymnastics [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 76-103]
  • Aerobic Gymnastics The effect of individual directed training on the level of performance of some sequential exercises Aerobic Sequence among female aerobic gymnasts [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 70-102]
  • Aerobic program The effectiveness Of Aerobic program On some bio variables As A indicator to reduce Of Alzheimer Disease Progression [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 266-310]
  • Aesthetic The role of the one-day camp in providing some aesthetic values ​​for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 184-212]
  • African Nations Cup2019 Management of the volunteer committee for the African Nations Cup in Egypt 2019. " An analytical study [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 52-104]
  • Agility The effect of Sakio training on fitness elements The 100m race is the enemy of the first division [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 101-150]
  • Agility Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Agility " S.A.Q Training and it's effect on the development of the performance time of the movements of the Footwork and the simple attack for fencers under 17 years ". [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 191-210]
  • Agility “Development of agility components and their impact on the exchange of collective defensive duties for junior female handball players” [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 165-206]
  • Agility The effect of interactive agility training on some physical and skill variables for kumite players [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 298-318]
  • Agility The effect of a training program on the maximum oxygen consumption and some elements of physical fitness for female preparatory school students [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 104-123]
  • Agility The effect of using exercises with the Blaze pod device on the development of two elements Agility and speed of reaction for female handball players [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 68-86]
  • Agility Interactive agility training effectiveness on the triple jump junior's record and some physical variables [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 100-119]
  • Agility Ladder Developing Physical & Technical performance For Rhythmic Gymnastic Juniors By Using Modern Exercise Training [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 301-326]
  • Agminted reality The agmeinted reality for learning some of the basic movements in modern dance for children with intellectual disabilities. [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-174]
  • A graphic network A graphic network of kinematic variables for the shooting skill, considering the theory of brain specialization for some Egyptian handball team players. [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 329-345]
  • AI A proposed model for the mechanism of applying artificial intelligence in sports injury rehabilitation centers in Premier League football clubs [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Aids Tools Effect of a program using some aids tools on the performance of shooting skill in Handball [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 244-273]
  • Al-Ahly sports clubs The application of the Six Sigma method as a tool to achieve competitive advantage in national sports clubs [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Al-Azhar institutes The reality of organizational affiliation among physical education teachers at Al-Azhar institutes [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 174-188]
  • Al-Azhar institutes The reality of Distinguished leadership among physical education teachers at Al-Azhar institutes [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 124-138]
  • Alignment The effectiveness of basic training on compatibility, balance, and the level of technical performance in rhythmic exercises [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-350]
  • ALL Economic contributions and administrative policies for sports activities for all in the youth sports cities [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 231-245]
  • Alo T. T. Start device The invention of the (Alo T. T. Start) device for measuring and developing a kinetic response (reaction and kinetic speed) to start sitting [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 136-148]
  • Alzheimer Disease (AD) The effectiveness Of Aerobic program On some bio variables As A indicator to reduce Of Alzheimer Disease Progression [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 266-310]
  • Ambition Family counseling and its role in academic self-efficacy and level of ambition for female undergraduate students of Physical Education who are only examiners in light of the Corona pandemic [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 191-230]
  • Ambition The attitudes of the students of the College of Sports Education towards blended education and its relationship to the level of ambition and educational competencies of the members of the teaching staff in light of the developments of the Corona pandemic [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 80-114]
  • Ana An analytical study of the difficulties that students of mathematics education specialize in practical courses at Palestine Technical University [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 74-88]
  • Anaerobic capacity The effect of a training program according to the energy production systems on improving some physical and physiological variables and the level of performance of the Floor Exercise in artistic gymnastics [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 69-95]
  • Anaerobic threshold The effect of training in the direction of the anaerobic threshold on some physiological variables and specific endurance for taekwondo players [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 26-58]
  • AnalysisMuscle Contribution percentage of the Electromyography of the muscles and its relationship to the discus throwing contest - case study [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 11-23]
  • An analytical study of the centers most targeted by crushing strikes An analytical study of the most targeted centers for crushing strikes and forward transmissions from above with the leap to score direct points as a basis for laying the foundations for training programs in volleyball [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 215-237]
  • And skillful performances The effect of saku training (S.A.Q) on the level of some special physical abilities and the combined skill performances of the Egyptian kumite team juniors [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 273-312]
  • An Educational An Educational Program In Terms Of Electromyographic Analysis Of Muscles And Its Impact On Some Physical Abilities And Performance Level Of Back Rolling Skill Handstand In Artistic Gymnastics [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 83-126]
  • An educational instructional program An educational instructional program and its effect on ego strength and psychological tension in the first educational stage in swimming [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 21-51]
  • An electronic program An electronic program for standardizing training loads biomechanically for short distance sprinters [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 49-20]
  • Animation Animation as an introduction to exploratory motor activities to develop basic motor skills and environmental awareness of kindergarten [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 139-168]
  • Ankle sprain "The effect of a rehabilitation program to improve the level of range of motion of female handball players with external ankle joint sprains" [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 106-132]
  • Anthropometric Variables Visualization of the graphic network for anthropometric and physical diagnosis, mental visualization and digital level For long jump players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 374-407]
  • Anthropometric Variables The effectiveness of the rehabilitation programme and its impact on girls' obesity [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 234-251]
  • Approach An implicit curriculum proposed to develop some healthy habits in the school's physical education program to prevent the Corona pandemic among the circle's students The second of basic education in Damietta governorate [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 317-337]
  • A proposed The effect of a proposed program Aquatic and functional exercises to rehabilitate the rotator muscle rupture of the shoulder joint for athletes [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 251-265]
  • A proposed plan A proposed plan for managing sports crises in the Egyptian General Sports Federation for All in light of (COVID-19 crisis management) [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 143-175]
  • Aqua The effect of aqua cardio training on muscular endurance, functional efficiency and scoring in 400m free style swimmers [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 9-39]
  • Aqua bags Aqua bags exercises and its effect on some physical abilities and the level of performance on balance beam for female beginners under (9) years [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 76-103]
  • A Quality Ballet Exercises A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]
  • Arbitration The effect of a program using PowerPoint presentations on cognitive achievement and learning some arbitration Signals in taekwondo [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 56-84]
  • Arbitration A comparative study between arbitration of kata with eye vision and remote imaging techniques [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 155-172]
  • Archery Employing electronic services in acquiring some arbitration skills in the sport of bow and arrow for the third year students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 9-34]
  • Arginine The effect of high-intensity periodical training with the in-take of (arginine-carnitine) on some physical and biochemical variables for 400m race [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 244-266]
  • Arrow The impact of the development of some special harmonic capabilities on the performance time of the darts dash for young under-20 competitors [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 142-166]
  • Artificial Intelligent Applications (AIAs) Attitudes of female university sports science students towards using artificial intelligence and technology applications to raise the level of academic achievement [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 85-113]
  • Artistic Execution value “The Effect of Coordinative Abilities Exercises on the Artistic Execution value of Rhythmic Gymnastics Routine during Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 34-56]
  • Artistic Swimming The Effectiveness of Using Some Artistic Swimming Sculling on Crawl Stroke Performance [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 9-31]
  • Artistic Swimming The Effect of a Recreational Games Program on Performance Level of Star Three in Artistic Swimming [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 32-51]
  • Assistance "The effect of plyometric exercises with resistance and assistance in the direction of movement on the development of explosive power and the level of performance of the kumite players" [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 258-290]
  • Assistive devices The effect of a training program using the cable cross device on improving the performance of the F57 Discus throwing [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 253-277]
  • Assiut Governorate Management with transparency and its relationship to administrative performance in Assiut sports clubs [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 83-111]
  • Athletics competitions for children The effect of a children's athletics competition program on some basic movements and some physical variables For children stage 4: 6 years [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 131-150]
  • A training program A training program to develop the functional strength of the muscles of the central region and its effect on the skill level performance of gap bunting with the tendency of the torso to succeed in rhythmic gymnastics [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 162-227]
  • Attack Predictive values of playing positions and attack entrances in terms of the physical abilities of wrestlers [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 309-326]
  • Attack The effect of developing some tactical Performance on the time of movements and the attack effectiveness of the karate player [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 34-53]
  • Attack The activity of the attack during the numerical change of the advanced teams before and after the amendments to the 2016 international rules of play in the men's handball world championships [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 76-125]
  • Attention The effect of combination training simulating the "Fitlight" technique on the response speed and attention of the defending player in beach volleyball [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 149-164]
  • Attention "The effect of Brain Dance on level of attention and motor coordination in children with ADHD" [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 9-30]
  • Attention The effect of yoga on attention level and motor compatibility in children with attention deficit hyperactivity [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 139-168]
  • Attention A comparative of attention concentration study among kata ٌ Referees in karate sport. [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 24-59]
  • Attention concentration A comparative of attention concentration study among kata ٌ Referees in karate sport. [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 24-59]
  • Attention . Scuba Diving Relationship between Sensory Deprivation and Attention Styles of scuba divers (predictive study) [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 9-49]
  • Attitudes Attitudes of female students of the College of Education towards distance learning using the Black Board system And its relationship to test anxiety [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 355-385]
  • Attitudes The attitudes of the students of the College of Sports Education towards blended education and its relationship to the level of ambition and educational competencies of the members of the teaching staff in light of the developments of the Corona pandemic [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 80-114]
  • Attitudes: Algerian women Attitudes of Algerian women towards exercising sports and its relationship to physical self-affirmation [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 26-46]
  • Auditory and motor rhythm Effectiveness of an educational program using Auditory and motor rhythm in developing front crawl swimming skill level for students at faculty of physical education for girls in Alexandria [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 110-149]
  • Augmented Reality technology The effectiveness of the use of augmented reality technology in the teaching skills of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tanta [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 8-39]
  • Authorization Management delegation and its role in succession planning to secure the needs of leaders in sports institutions [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 44-74]
  • Autistic Child The effect of a program of recreational games in the outdoors on the development of social interaction and spatial ability of children on the autism spectrum [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 31-69]


  • Backstroke The effect of using hypermedia on the level of backstroke performance of buds [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 173-194]
  • Balance Beam Muscle Symmetry as A Function of A Training Program to Improve Aerial Cartwheel Skill on The Balance Beam [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 264-386]
  • Balance Beam A program for skillful qualitative training in the light of biomechanical determinants and its impact on improving the Round Off on the balance beam. [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 262-286]
  • Balance Beam The effect of a quality balance training program on some physical variables for female gymnasts on the balance beam apparatus [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 129-165]
  • Balance Beam Aqua bags exercises and its effect on some physical abilities and the level of performance on balance beam for female beginners under (9) years [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 76-103]
  • Balance Beam The effect of stretching exercises in developing some physical abilities on the balance beam apparatus [(Articles in Press)]
  • Balance training The effect of balance exercises on improving the digital level for a distance of 200 meters for a beginner kayak [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 96-119]
  • Balet The effect of a self-educational program using an electronic platform Balet lessons at home on learning some ballet skills in light of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 166-186]
  • Ballet "The effect of ballet exercises on some motor abilities of the feet and the level of Execution performance of some Body Difficulty in rhythmic gymnastics [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 110-144]
  • Ballet “The Effect of Using 3D Biomechanical Models on Learning the (Piqué Turns) Skill in Ballet” [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 332-357]
  • Ballet The effect of functional strength training on muscle capacity ,balance and the level of performance of some jumps in the ballet [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Ballet The effect of a proposed training program for the prevention of foot joint injuries during the performance of the motor sentence in ballet. [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 173-203]
  • Ballet The effect of "CrossFit" exercises on endorphins, some physiological and physical variables, and the level of skill performance of some jumps in the ballet [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 31-61]
  • Ballet The effect of using the flipped learning on the level of performance of the bar sentence in ballet and the special physical abilities of first-level female students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Port Said. [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 48-86]
  • Ballet The effect of Bosu Ball training on feet positions accuracy and self-confidence among ballet novices [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 388-408]
  • Ballet Abstract of the research in Arabic The effect of the Needham constructive model in learning some ballet skills and developing high-order thinking for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minia University [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ballistic training The Effect Of Ballistic Training On Improving Explosive Power and Some Biomechanical Variables for Forehand Topspin for Table Tennis Juniors. [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 74-95]
  • Based The effectiveness of an educational program based on the theory of brain-based learning to improve mental alertness and the level of achievement (cognitive - skill) in the Balinese [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 198-255]
  • Basic Defensive Skills The Effect Of Recreational Preliminary Games On Some Basic Handball Defensive Skills And Quality Of Life For The Hearing Impaired [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 138-169]
  • Basic Motor Skills The effect of a movement education program on the development of some basic skills and social interaction for third-year primary school students [(Articles in Press)]
  • Basic Motor Skills The effect of employing motor games in developing some basic motor skills and distinguishing between letters that are similar in different forms of pronunciation among students of the School of Intellectual Education [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 25-55]
  • Basketball Study the variation of physiological responses during the game, according to the basketball playing centers [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 231-255]
  • Basketball The effect of the use of educational drama on the cognitive achievement of some articles of international basketball for students of the second year of the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 28-40]
  • Basketball The most common injuries in the stadiums of Dhi Qar governorate and the methods of prevention among basketball players from the coaches point of view [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 101-119]
  • Basketball The effect of visual vision exercises to develop the tactical performance of young basketball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 71-82]
  • Basketball The effect of maps of digital concepts on the level of performance of some basic skills in basketball among students in the second cycle of basic education [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 151-183]
  • Basketball The effect of sensory awareness exercises - dynamic and focus attention on mindfulness and correction skills for basketball beginners [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 183-202]
  • Basketball Effect of Qualitative Exercises On Some Kinematical variables and Shooting Precision in female basketball players [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 306-324]
  • Basketball The effectiveness of electronic maps on cognitive achievement and skill performance in basketball for students of the Education Division at the Faculty of Physical Education in Alexandria [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 174-217]
  • Basketball The effect of using the educational bag on motor satisfaction and level Performing some defensive skills in basketball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 234-257]
  • Basketball The effectiveness of using the Five-Year Learning Course (5E's) supported by the virtual reality model on the level of performance of some basketball skills [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 43-84]
  • Basketball Building an electronic test to measure the ability of offensive and defensive react in the different playing situations of youth basketball [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 187-210]
  • Basketball A training program to develop the static and moving balance and its effect on the effectiveness of shooting from different positions in basketball [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 115-137]
  • Basketball The use of Pilates training to improve some physical variables and their effect on the follow-up (defensive - offensive) of junior basketball [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 181-205]
  • Basketball Use of crossfit Exercises and their impact on muscle ability and some physiological variables And the level of performance of the complex offensive skills of basketball player [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 9-28]
  • Basketball The individual offensive Basketball 3x3 skill performances according to game condition [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 8-29]
  • Basketball : Impact of the use of virtual reality technology on learning some offensive skills in basketball [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 78-109]
  • Basketball Evaluation of coaches' attitudes towards the use of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence applications in basketball [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 186-210]
  • Basketball The effect of three-dimensional functional exercises using platform9 on some physical abilities and basic skills in basketball [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 47-73]
  • Basketball - The effect of gliding exercises on endurance, muscular ability, and shooting by jumping skill in basketball [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 120-148]
  • Basketball Effect of Tae-Bo Exercises on Some Physiological and Skill Variables in Basketball [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 233-285]
  • Basketball Course The impact of the use of the educational scaffolding strategy in some aspects of the learning of the basketball course for the students of the 4th Division at the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Basketball Female Players The Effect of Using Contrast Training During the Pre-season Period on the Level of Ability of Muscle for Basketball Female Players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 408-420]
  • Battery "Establishing Special Physical Parameters Battery For Gymnastics Players at 10 years stage " [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 9-44]
  • Battle Rope The effect of using( Battle rope) exercises on muscle strength output and performance level of some skills (Tachi Waza) for judo juniors” [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 518-530]
  • Battle Ropes The effect of Battle Ropes Exercises on Special Physical Abilities and skill performance level For Gymnastic juniors [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 169-188]
  • Behavior The effect of a taekwondo educational program with the merging and isolation system on some physical variables, skills, and withdrawal behavior of children with hearing impairment [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 54-96]
  • Behavior Psychological fitness and its relationship to the creative behavior of trainers [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 324-364]
  • Behavior Social behavior of family deprived athletes and its relationship to achievement motivation [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-47]
  • Behaviors Competitive orientation and its relationship to athletic achievement motivation and competitive behavior of squash youth [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 291-306]
  • Beyond knowledge Summary The strategy of meta-knowledge through the educational platform and its impact on the level of achievement and the motivation of the academic achievement of some of the technical skills of the female students of the first year of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 142-187]
  • Biathle The competitive orientation of Biathle swimmers under 17 years old and its relationship to the attribution style [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • Bioelectrical Impedance measures Estimating biological age according to biomarkers, anthropometric and Bioelectrical Impedance measures, and its relationship to physical fitness age [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 24-53]
  • Biological Condition The Impact Of COVID-19 Spreading On Biological And Psychological Condition Of Faculty Of Physical Education Tanta University Students [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 285-304]
  • Biomechanic Impact of training program on some selected Biomechanical, Physical, and skillful Indicators about Backhand volley drop shot for squash players [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 55-78]
  • Biomechanical Biomechanical performance of some basic motor skills on concrete and sand fields and their relationship to sports injuries among primary school Pupils [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 45-64]
  • Biomechanical A study of some biomechanical variables of the jumping skill in the kinetic rotation Kankashu-kata as a basis for developing specific exercises for kata players [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 213-280]
  • Biomechanical Biomechanical movement of the center of gravity and the center of gravity of the bar and their relationship to digital achievement In the clean of lifting weightlifters [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 122-146]
  • Biomechanical Studying Some Biomechanical and Physiological Changes for the First-class and Under-20 Years 400m Runners [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 260-284]
  • Biomechanical “The Effect of Using 3D Biomechanical Models on Learning the (Piqué Turns) Skill in Ballet” [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 332-357]
  • Biomechanical Biomechanical comparison between the hitting arm of the skill of serving with a face The front racket and the service face the back racket in squash [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 164-179]
  • Biomechanical analysis Biomechanical analysis as a basis for developing special exercises for three punching techniques in kickboxing [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 72-97]
  • Biomechanical determinants Biomechanical determinants as indicators of skill training (Tkatchev) On crossbars of different heights [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 47-86]
  • Biomechanical indicators Biomechanical indicators of triple jumping performance for contestants of different numerical levels [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 113-155]
  • Bio mechanic Analysis A training program for three punches according to biomechanical analysis to improve some physical variables for kickboxing players [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 256-270]
  • Biomechanics Suggested rehabilitative exercises in terms of some biomechanical indicators and electrical activity of the pillar muscles Cervical spine to improve the motor range of those with head deflection forward [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 98-118]
  • Biomechanics The effect of the use of transfer training on some bio-kinematical variables and the accuracy of the touch to the skill of a Cope of foil fencers. [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 136-152]
  • Biomechanics The predictive value of muscle strength in terms of some anthropometric measurements as an indicator of injury prevention [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 24-43]
  • Biomechanics Determining the biomechanical characteristics of the shot put for first-class runners in the Arab Republic of Egypt as a basis for developing qualitative training for the performance stages. [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 133-170]
  • Blackboard The effect of using the interactive whiteboard on learning some basic skills in handball for students of the second cycle of basic education [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 9-39]
  • Blazepod The effect of using exercises with the Blaze pod device on the development of two elements Agility and speed of reaction for female handball players [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 68-86]
  • Blended The effect of using blended learning on cognitive achievement, reducing test anxiety and learning some fundamental skills in volleyball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 50-86]
  • Blinds weapon " The effect of using the "Wheatley model" on the level of some skill and physical variables for female students in fencing" [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 237-264]
  • Blocked practice The effect of Contextual interference of practice on learning some fundamental movements for children aged from 6 – 7 years [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 306-327]
  • BMI Cardio Exercises and Their Impact on Blood Lipids and Body Mass Index Among Health Club Goers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Body Components Polymia and its relationship to the body's components in both sexes [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 261-282]
  • Body Components walmutaghayirat albadanih The effect of a proposed rehabilitation program on the muscle separation of the rectus abdominis muscle, body [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-158]
  • Body Components The level of awareness of body components among physical education teachers in public and private schools [(Articles in Press)]
  • Body Image Practicing recreational activities and their effect on accepting the body image [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 284-305]
  • Body Mass Index Relationship of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) to the body mass index for blind male students (15-18 years) [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 141-148]
  • Body mass index (BMI) The effect of using some specific exercises on the body mass index (BMI), some physiological variables, and the level of kata performance for young people in karate. [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Body spin exercises The effect of spin body movement training using the Tech Toc tool on improving the digital level of the crawl surfaces on the abdomen and back [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 123-144]
  • BOSU ball Effect of Bosu Ball Exercises on Special Physical Abilities and The Degree of skill performance For Female Gymnasts under 7 years old [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 114-138]
  • BOSU ball The effect of a training program using the (Bosu Ball) on the level of physical and numerical variables for the 100m freestyle young women swimmers. [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 185-205]
  • Boxers The effect of symmetrical training with unilateral muscle work on cerebral control, some physical variables, and the level of punching from the traditional and opposite ready stance [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 139-190]
  • Boxing Analytical study of the counter-attack performances in 2020 African Boxing Olympic Qualification Tournament [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 220-243]
  • Boxing The effect of a regulated physical load on the level of some biochemical changes in serum of the boxing and rowing players [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 93-115]
  • Boxing The effect of S.A.Q training in cluster groups on the level of group performance Punching and effectiveness of the skill performance of boxing players [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 138-162]
  • Braille Effect of a stereoscopic sensory program and Braille on learning the long jump competition for the blind [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 386-417]
  • Brain "The effect of Brain Dance on level of attention and motor coordination in children with ADHD" [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 9-30]
  • Brain The impact of a training program in improving motor abilities and the performance of the skill of the kick-ass (Yup Chagi) for taekwondo players in light of different brain control patterns [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 218-253]
  • Brain "The Effect of Brain Gym exercises on some psychological skills and skill development for Divers" [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 238-264]
  • Brain control patterns Brain control patterns in diving players [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 171-186]
  • Brain Dominance The effect of brain control patterns on some teaching competencies of the student-teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education in Alexandria." [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 284-300]
  • Brain Dominance patterns Brain Dominance patterns and their relationship to thinking strategies to the football players [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 11-44]
  • Brainstorming The effect of brainstorming method on the creation of aids, innovative training and the skill level of beginners in table tennis [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 26-38]
  • Brainstorming The effect of using the strategy of Figure v map and brainstorming on cognitive achievement and learning some basic handball skills for students of the College of Sports Education [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 191-210]
  • Brand Strategic Vigilance as an Entry Point to Support the Brand in Health Clubs [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 178-204]
  • Branding The brand and its relationship to protecting consumers of football academies services [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 93-114]
  • Breakletics The effect of Breakletics exercises on muscular strength and the level of skill performance of the floor Movements in modern dance [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 220-241]
  • Breaststroke The effect of an educational program using an interactive video on improving the level of physical performance and skills for breaststroke crawling for beginners. [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 45-79]
  • Buds The effect of using hypermedia on the level of backstroke performance of buds [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 173-194]
  • Build Building and coding the psychometric programming standard for shed fencing players [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 259-268]
  • Building Building a test the kinematics of the hitting arm in a straight forward hitting skill for table tennis women [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 15-25]
  • Building Building and applying the creative thinking test for martial arts players in Nineveh Governorate [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 116-135]
  • Bulgarian The Effect of Bulgarian bag in physical education lesson On the development of some physical fitness For secondary stage [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 492-518]
  • Bungee حفظ الترجمة The effect of using bungee exercises on the muscular ability of the hands and feet and the level of digital achievement for junior javelin throwers [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 271-297]
  • Bungee training The effects of using rubber cords ( bungee) on performance variables in rhythmic exercises [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 218-248]
  • BWF The Effectiveness of “Shuttle Time” Program in Improving the Performance Level of Certain Skills of Badminton Coaches in the Kingdom of Bahrain [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bybee Model The Effect of using Bybee Model(5E,S) on learning Flick skill and reducing exam hockey anxiety for Students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Alexandria University [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 259-283]
  • Bybee Model The effectiveness of constructivist Bybee model on morale, cognitive achievement and some hoop skills learning in exercises rhythmic [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 283-339]


  • Calendar Evaluating the level of physiological competence between the front and back teams in the Junior Football League U-17 in Kuwait [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 145-163]
  • Calm The effect of using different periods of apical calm on the digital level for short-distance swimmers [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Calming On pulse rate, vital capacity and digital level for budding swimmers. [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 151-170]
  • CAMP The role of the one-day camp in providing some aesthetic values ​​for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 184-212]
  • Camps The role of recreational camps in instilling citizenship values among university students [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 9-42]
  • Cardio Cardio exercise and its effect on fat volume, body mass index and some physiological variables for practices in Dammam fitness centers [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 188-213]
  • Cardio The effect of cardio training on some physiological variables, and the level of performance of compound offensive kicks for Taekwondo players. [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 9-46]
  • Cardio The effect of cardio training on some physiological indicators and level of skill performance of aerobic Gymnastics [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-250]
  • Cardio The effect of aqua cardio training on muscular endurance, functional efficiency and scoring in 400m free style swimmers [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 9-39]
  • Cardio Cardio Exercises and Their Impact on Blood Lipids and Body Mass Index Among Health Club Goers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Cardiorespiratory fitness The Impact of using a training mask on some physical abilities and cardiac, Respiratory fitness and Record for players of 800m running [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 204-227]
  • Cards The effect of using TOP SPORT cards on learning the snatch lift for students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Benha University [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 86-104]
  • Career Job bullying behaviors and their relationship to the career path of faculty members and supporting staff Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University [(Articles in Press)]
  • Cascade relaxation The effect of cascade relaxation exercises on some psychological and physiological implications Among preparatory year students [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 225-248]
  • Center gravity Biomechanical movement of the center of gravity and the center of gravity of the bar and their relationship to digital achievement In the clean of lifting weightlifters [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 122-146]
  • Center muscle strength The dynamics of developing the strength of the center muscles and their effect on bone mineral density and some physiological, physical and skill variables for squash players [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Center muscle strength training The effect of center muscle strength training on the level of performance of some attack kicks for juniors kumite [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 16-33]
  • Cerebral palsy The effect of a rehabilitation program to improve the muscle strength of cerebral palsy patients [(Articles in Press)]
  • Cerebral thrombosis The effect of using rehabilitative exercises with compressed oxygen to improve the functional efficiency of a patient Cerebral thrombosis [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 151-174]
  • Characteristic player mode The effect of the distinguished player style training according to the playing distances on the level of determinants of offensive activity in the game for the "Kumite" player in karate [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 94-113]
  • Chat rooms The strategy of cooperative educational pillars as an entrance to an educational program supported by electronic chat rooms in learning the two lessons of “snatch– clean and jerk” for students of the Faculty of Physical Education. [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 108-162]
  • Children's The effectiveness of using athletics competitions for children to warm up and its impact on some special physical variables and the level of performance of students of the first year’s students [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 389-414]
  • Class classification Classification of recreational activities for the elderly in Egyptian society [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 125-148]
  • Classification II1 The impact of a proposed training program to improve the physical variables and the digital level of 100m sprint athletics classified as II1 for intellectual disabilities to participate in the World Games in Egypt 2027 [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 66-83]
  • Climate Perceived Driving Climate and its Relationship to Anxiety of Sports competition and the level of skill performance of handball players [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 273-295]
  • Climate Building a tool to measure environmental awareness of the climate variables of kindergarten teachers [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 73-86]
  • Club Members' understanding intelligence as an input for the development of sports club services . [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 44-61]
  • Clubs The reality of quality marketing and its role in attracting subscribers to health clubs in Cairo Governorate [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 60-72]
  • Clubs and its role in attracting subscribers to health clubs in Cairo Governorate [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 92-106]
  • Cluster sets The effect of cluster training on developing reactive strength index for juniors squash under 15 years [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 194-224]
  • Cluster training The effect of cluster training on developing reactive strength index for juniors squash under 15 years [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 194-224]
  • Cognitive engagement Reality the Cognitive Engagement of Sports Specialists at the Ministry of Youth and Sports [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 189-205]
  • Cognitive Test The effect of using both online-based and blended learning on the learning outcomes of the Teaching Methods course for the students of the College of Education for Basic Education in Kuwait [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 74-107]
  • Cognitive Test Building a proposed cognitive achievement test for cognitive aspects of some basketball skills for middle school students [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-21]
  • Cognitive Test The effect of an educational song for ballet skills on the artistic achievement of the first group [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 9-24]
  • Cognitive trips The effect of using cognitive trips via the web (Web Quest) on improving the performance level of some field hockey skills [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 80-107]
  • Collection effect The effect of the combination of KWLH strategy and mastery of learning on some physical and skill variables and the trend towards tennis among 14-year-old tennis school subscribers [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 15-47]
  • Collision exercises Impact of collision training on muscular ability and improving start-up time in back crawling swimming for young swimmers [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 87-107]
  • Colon massage Effect of colon massage and passive stretch exercises on reducing some of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 64-83]
  • Combat training The effect of combination training simulating the "Fitlight" technique on the response speed and attention of the defending player in beach volleyball [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 149-164]
  • Communications E-Marketing Communications and its Role in Promoting Sports Tourism in the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 126-158]
  • Compact The student’s attitudes toward teaching physically disabled students in the integrated physical education lessons [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 45-76]
  • Companies The economic effects of transnational tourism companies on the recreational tourism movement in Egypt (applying to the recreational tourism sector in the Red Sea and South Sinai) [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 213-259]
  • Compatibility The effect of yoga on attention level and motor compatibility in children with attention deficit hyperactivity [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 139-168]
  • Competence Digital competencies and their relationship to leadership excellence in directing physical education in the Directorate of Education in Cairo Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 97-113]
  • Competency Digital competencies and their relationship to leadership excellence in directing physical education in the Directorate of Education in Cairo Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 97-113]
  • Competition The effect of using electronic mental maps on the motivation of learning And the level of technical and digital performance in the discus throwing competition [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 135-159]
  • Competition The effect of group competitive learning on teaching relay competition 4 x 100 for deaf pupils [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 337-354]
  • Complex training The Effect of Complex Training on the Productivity of Ability during the Take-Off in Long Jump Event [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 285-303]
  • Complex training The effect of training on developing the ability to skills and some skills in rhythmic exercise [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 471-494]
  • Component “Development of agility components and their impact on the exchange of collective defensive duties for junior female handball players” [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 165-206]
  • Compound The effect of compound weightlifting on physical requirements and the level of the front midfield lift skill and then thrown behind the curves of Wrestlers [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 203-226]
  • Compound The effect of using the combined skill performance training method on improving some skillful performances of basketball players under 17 years old in the State of Kuwait [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 240-257]
  • Compound Skills Efficiency of online learning, using superior media, to learn some of the complex skills involved in judo [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 190-214]
  • Compulsory wholesale requirements The effect of a proposed training program on the level of skill performance and some physical attributes of artistic gymnastics juniors under 7 years in light of the Compulsory wholesale requirements [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 82-141]
  • Computer program Designing a computer program for the cognitive achievement tests of handball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 83-91]
  • Concepts The effect of maps of digital concepts on the level of performance of some basic skills in basketball among students in the second cycle of basic education [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 151-183]
  • Concepts The effect of using programmed concept maps on learning the skill of snatching in weightlifting [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 246-276]
  • Confidence The impact of the (Think - Pair - Share) strategy on self-confidence, cognitive achievement and performance level in crawl swimming [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 76-104]
  • Consolidation The role of recreational camps in instilling citizenship values among university students [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 9-42]
  • Constant practice The effect of Contextual interference of practice on learning some fundamental movements for children aged from 6 – 7 years [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 306-327]
  • Constructive Learning Model The effect of an educational program using the constructive learning model on cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some track competitions in Kuwait [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 164-196]
  • Constructivism The five-stage learning cycle (5E's) according to the constructive learning theory and its effect on some harmonic abilities and the level of motor sentence performance in rhythmic exercises [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 55-78]
  • Consumer protection The brand and its relationship to protecting consumers of football academies services [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 93-114]
  • Containment The effect of using the embedding method on the learning dimensions of Marzano and learn some Basketball skills for middle school [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 132-164]
  • Content Analysis of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Departments’ Approved Master Theses at Sultan Qaboos University from 2015 to 2017 [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 184-201]
  • Content Suggested electronic content for the exercise basics course for students of the first year at the Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 232-271]
  • Contextual interference The effect of Contextual interference of practice on learning some fundamental movements for children aged from 6 – 7 years [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 306-327]
  • Contrasts and similarities Differences and similarities in the tactical variants of the technique of attacking multiple surfaces of tennis courts [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 44-72]
  • Contrast Training The Effect of Using Contrast Training During the Pre-season Period on the Level of Ability of Muscle for Basketball Female Players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 408-420]
  • Contribution "The relative contribution of some biomechanical variables of the short circular kick." Kizami - mawashi geri [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 102-142]
  • Contribution ratios Contribution ratios of some mechanical variables as a function of accurately forecasting the reception of volleyball [Volume 001, Issue 001, 2017, Pages 63-76]
  • Contribution ratios An analytical study to identify the participation rates for the competitions in the combined events (the seven-decathlon) in the light of the effectiveness of the first-class championship in the period From 24-26 / 7 / 2019 AD [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 20-54]
  • Cooperative The effect of using the cooperative learning strategy on developing the cognitive achievement of gifted students with learning difficulties in football [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 35-78]
  • Coordinating capabilities Effect of exercises with coordinating capabilities in some kinematic variables and preciseness of tennis Ground Forehand Stroke in beginners [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 24-44]
  • Coordination Abilities The effect of developing some Coordination abilities on the level of skilful performance [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 120-152]
  • Coordination between hand and eye exercise Developing Physical & Technical performance For Rhythmic Gymnastic Juniors By Using Modern Exercise Training [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 301-326]
  • Coordination Exercises The effect of a training program using some coordination exercises on some offensive skill variables in handball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 124-150]
  • Coordinative Abilities “The Effect of Coordinative Abilities Exercises on the Artistic Execution value of Rhythmic Gymnastics Routine during Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 34-56]
  • Core Stability “The effect of central body stability training on specific physical abilities and the level of skill performance on the balance beam for female students majoring in artistic gymnastics.” [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 9-33]
  • Corona crisis A future vision to face the repercussions of the corona crisis on the Egyptian sport economics" [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 54-92]
  • Corona Pandemic Precautionary procedures for the safe return of swimming after resuming sports activity in light of the Corona pandemic in the Gaza Strip [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 8-20]
  • Coronavirus Recreational interests of Kafr El Sheikh University students during the home quarantine period of the Coronavirus pandemic as a basis for setting up a recreational program [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Coronavirus The level of anxiety predicting the sporting future of sports players Collective in light of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 9-30]
  • Corona virus A survey study of recreational activities carried out by university youth during the period of study interruption due to the emerging corona virus [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 30-56]
  • Corona virus Social isolation as a predictor of psychological security for health club visitors in light of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Corona virus outbreak A training program via the Zoom app to maintain the fitness of aerobic gymnasts during the suspension of sports activity due to the outbreak of the Corona virus [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • COVID19 The role of electronic learning platforms on developing the capabilities of innovative thinking and the speed of learning and knowledge acquisition in light of the spread In the racquet sports arbitration decision of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19) [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 46-79]
  • COVID19 Home exercise program and its effect on Psychological Happiness & Positive Thinking during Covid-19 [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 154-201]
  • COVID19 Creative Teaching Practices and their Role in Managing (Covid-19) Crisis in the Department of Physical Education at the University of Bahrain [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 88-132]
  • COVID-19 The Impact Of COVID-19 Spreading On Biological And Psychological Condition Of Faculty Of Physical Education Tanta University Students [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 285-304]
  • COVID-19 The effect of distance education on some injuries of the skeletal system of the teaching staff [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 209-236]
  • CrawlStroke Performance The Effectiveness of Using Some Artistic Swimming Sculling on Crawl Stroke Performance [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 9-31]
  • Create spaces in football mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Creative Psychological fitness and its relationship to the creative behavior of trainers [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 324-364]
  • Creative Creative Teaching Practices and their Role in Managing (Covid-19) Crisis in the Department of Physical Education at the University of Bahrain [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 88-132]
  • Creative thinking A suggested recreational program using the Schamper theory to develop creative thinking for pre-school children in Madinah [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 238-257]
  • Creativity The requirements of applying knowledge management and its role in developing the administrative and technical creativity of those in charge of managing sports activities at Al-Azhar University [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 119-139]
  • Creativity The relationship between the level of administrative performance and the level of administrative creativity of those in charge of managing sports activities in some Egyptian sports clubs [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 45-89]
  • Critical Speed Manipulation The Training Load According to The Critical Speed and its Impact on Some Physical Fitness variables and the Record Level of the 400 m freestyle in Young Swimmers [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 172-206]
  • Crossfit The effectiveness of a training program using Crossfit exercises on some fitness elements and the digital level of the 200m sprint. [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 184-214]
  • Crossfit The effect of "CrossFit" exercises on endorphins, some physiological and physical variables, and the level of skill performance of some jumps in the ballet [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 31-61]
  • Crossfit Use of crossfit Exercises and their impact on muscle ability and some physiological variables And the level of performance of the complex offensive skills of basketball player [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 9-28]
  • Crossfit The Effect Of Using Cross Fit Training And Aquatic Exercises To Improve Some Physiological Variables Among Female Students Majoring In Swimming [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 113-135]
  • CROSS FIT The effect of using "CROSS FIT" exercises on blood lactate levels And bear the skillful performance of Taekwondo players [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 69-92]
  • CROSS FIT Effect of cross fit training on physical abilities and record level for 100 m butterfly swimmers [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 79-104]
  • CROSS FIT The effect of combining Crossfit and Sacio training on endurance and muscular capacity And the level of the three-point shooting performance [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 192-216]
  • CROSS FIT The effectiveness of Cross Fit training Cross Fit on some variables of "body composition and image - neuralgia" for obese teenage girls [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 110-160]
  • CROSS FIT The effect of a training program using Cross Fit exercises and the Total Body Resistance to develop special physical abilities at the Numerical level of shut put event [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-177]
  • CrossFit exercises The effect of Cross Fit training on some physical variables of javelin throwers [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 205-221]
  • Crossfit training The effect of crossfit training on some sales and the effectiveness of the skill performance of the skill of the background face (center front) of wrestlers [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 211-228]
  • Crossofit Use of crossfit Exercises and their impact on muscle ability and some physiological variables And the level of performance of the complex offensive skills of basketball player [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 9-28]
  • Cross-training effect The effect of cross-training at the digital level on kidnapping lift for the emerging quadrants [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 159-175]
  • Cruciate A suggested rehabilitation program to improve the efficiency of the knee joint After surgery to replace the posterior cruciate ligament for athletes [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 24-44]
  • Cube Strategy The effectiveness of the cube strategy in developing cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some basic skills in a physical education lesson [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-34]
  • Cup Analytical study of goal scoring variables in the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 25-41]
  • Curricula The effect of using Dramatized Curricula supported by motor modeling on teaching some offensive skills and the achievement of knowledge for beginners in handball [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 65-97]
  • Curricula and Teaching Methods A proposed strategic vision to develop the research plan in the Curriculum and Teaching Department in light of the strategic vision of higher education 2030 [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 208-237]
  • Curriculum basketball The effect of using the Google Classroom program on some aspects of learning the basketball course among first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 91-121]
  • Curriculum dramatization The Effectiveness of Curriculum Drama as an Accompanying Teaching Approach to the Program of Kinetic Exploratory Activities in the Acquisition of Some Etiquette Behaviors for Primary Students [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 224-250]
  • Curriculum Evaluation The philosophy of evaluating curricula in the practical departments of the colleges of mathematical education to raise the quality of the product (student) in higher education [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 52-74]
  • Cutting The effect of a training program to improve collective planning performances cut for basketball players under 15 years old in Kuwait [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 132-147]
  • Cybersecurity The degree of availability of requirements for implementing cybersecurity in sports federations in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 156-179]


  • Daily dynamic rhythm pattern The effect of a training program according to the daily dynamic rhythm pattern on some characteristics of attention and the level of performance of the overwhelming strike for table tennis beginners. [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 275-290]
  • Dance "The effect of Brain Dance on level of attention and motor coordination in children with ADHD" [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 9-30]
  • Dance Dance program to reduce Disruptive Behavior and its effect on physical abilities of primary school students. [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 246-271]
  • Dance skills "The effect of Dance skills and pedagogical motor games on some physical and social variables in students from (6-7) years" [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 31-49]
  • Deaf The effect of an educational program using computer graphical modeling according to Kinematic variables on the level of performance of some volleyball skills for deaf and Mute students [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 97-118]
  • Dealer The effectiveness of anaerobic training by the two methods distributed and intensive for genotype ACE DD boxers on some Physiological variants and bear offensive performance of boxers [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Decision Stress and it`s relationship to psychological comptability and decision making byyouth care specialists at Al-Azhar University [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 54-95]
  • Defense Skills A training program to improve muscle balance and its impact on the level of performance of some defense skills in volleyball [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 145-161]
  • Defensive “Development of agility components and their impact on the exchange of collective defensive duties for junior female handball players” [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 165-206]
  • Defensive The use of Pilates training to improve some physical variables and their effect on the follow-up (defensive - offensive) of junior basketball [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 181-205]
  • Defensive Analytical study of the defensive and offensive performance of the National Handball Team In The World championship 2021 [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 206-239]
  • Defensive skills in handball The effect of using the modified 7´ES learning course supported by educational platforms on learning some defensive skills and cognitive achievement in handball [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 166-220]
  • Degree The Effect of a Hydrotherapy Program to Strengthen the Back Muscles of a Herniated Disc [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 279-310]
  • Dermatoglyphics Dermatoglyphics fingerprint analysis methodology in the selection of gifted mathematicians [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 241-248]
  • Designated means (The effect of some specific methods on improving the performance in breaststroke swimming for young students in the United Arab Emirates) [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 236-260]
  • Designing Designing a specific training program for the skill of the two rounds in front of the motor term on the parallel machine in terms of some mechanical indicators . [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 212-230]
  • Designing a training environment based on virtual reality technology to develop applied performance and cognitive achievement among female students of the College of Physical Education for Girls Designing a training environment based on virtual reality technology to develop applied performance and cognitive achievement among female students of the College of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 191-218]
  • Design Skills Effect of using metacognition strategies on developing innovative design skills for motor expression shows [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 221-230]
  • Determinants of human capital in light of the requirements of the labor market in the field of physical physical education Determinants of human capital in light of the requirements of the labor market in the field of physical physical education [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 287-308]
  • Determination Design and technique of compound testing, benchmarking and prediction of target accuracy in terms of speed, speed and height of the ball for basketball players on wheelchairs [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 21-40]
  • Development The influence of the development of some consensual capabilities on the effectiveness of the performance of attack renewal for shish gunmen [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 191-221]
  • Development The effect of participation in recreational festivals on developing social communication among mentally handicapped children who are educated [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 108-188]
  • Development A suggested recreational program using the Schamper theory to develop creative thinking for pre-school children in Madinah [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 238-257]
  • Development The effect of using variable resistance training on developing the muscular balance and the digital level of disc ejaculation [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 37-55]
  • Development Development of a Specialized Applications Course in Kinetic Expression for the Fourth Division (Education Division) in light of the quality standards and in accordance with the market requirements [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 1-229]
  • Development The development of some harmonic capabilities and their relationship to the effectiveness of the anti-karate attack [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 159-230]
  • Development The effect of a training program on the balance-development dynamic to improve the physical-skilled performance level for wrestlers [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 274-296]
  • Development The effect of visual vision exercises to develop the tactical performance of young basketball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 71-82]
  • Development The effect of using the tempo trainer device on developing the performance and enhancing the digital level of the breaststroke swim [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 50-63]
  • Development A scouting program to develop some social skills for the visually impaired in Alexandria Governorate [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 11-47]
  • Development The effectiveness of social media networks in developing awareness of sustainable development issues among physical education teachers in light of Egypt's 2030 [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 59-89]
  • Development Developing the foundations of the plans for developing recreational tourism in the Red Sea and South Sinai sector in light of modern international changes [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 27-68]
  • Development The role of governance in achieving sustainable development in youth centers [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 75-100]
  • Developments Building an academic rebellion scale in the light of developments for female college students physical education helwan university [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 126-148]
  • Differentiated Differentiated education strategy and its effect on psychological flow and level Performing some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 267-299]
  • Differentiated The effect of strategy using differentiated education on developing cognitive achievement and learning some basic soccer skills for primary school pupils in Sohag Governorate [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 384-427]
  • Differentiated education The effect of differentiated education strategy on achievement motivation and performance of some skills play reverse side of the racket in the field hockey [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 258-282]
  • DIFFERENT LEVELS A biomechanical comparison of some kinematic characteristics of a spiral strike against the front racket of different levels for table tennis players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 162-183]
  • Digital Achievement Psychological skills and their relationship to digital achievement among long jump players Under 18 years [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 221-251]
  • Digital administration Electronic management and its relationship to developing distance education at the Faculty of Physical Education for Women, Alexandria University [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 37-67]
  • Digital and skill level (The effect of some specific methods on improving the performance in breaststroke swimming for young students in the United Arab Emirates) [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 236-260]
  • Digital level of the disk Blended training using smartphones and its impact on the skill and digital levels of junior discus throwers [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 296-321]
  • Directing Digital competencies and their relationship to leadership excellence in directing physical education in the Directorate of Education in Cairo Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 97-113]
  • Directorate in Menoufia Fact practice of empewerment AT The Mengers in youth and sports directorate in Menoufia [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 342-356]
  • Directorate of Youth and Sports Strategies for managing organizational conflict and its relationship to job performance in the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Assiut Governorate [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 294-323]
  • Directorate of Youth and Sports Transcendent leadership as an input to enhance the organizational resilience in the Directorate of Youth and Sports [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 133-180]
  • Discriminatory indicators Determination of the discriminatory indicators of "kumite" karate players in light of the analysis of tactical maps of world champions [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 327-342]
  • Disc skill level Blended training using smartphones and its impact on the skill and digital levels of junior discus throwers [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 296-321]
  • Disruptive behavior Dance program to reduce Disruptive Behavior and its effect on physical abilities of primary school students. [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 246-271]
  • Distance The effect of "Insanity" training on some physical, physiological, and numeric level variables for short-distance swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 40-67]
  • Distance Education Electronic management and its relationship to developing distance education at the Faculty of Physical Education for Women, Alexandria University [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 37-67]
  • Distinguished Construction scale of Psychological Flow for Distinguished students in sports in The Faculty of Physical Education Helwan University [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Divers Building a Scale of Positive Thinking Patterns for Scuba Divers [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 83-158]
  • Diving تأثير تدريبات الساکيو (S.A.Q) على فعالية الأداء المهارى لمهارة الغطس والاختراق للاعبى المصارعة [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 275-297]
  • Diving Brain control patterns in diving players [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 171-186]
  • Diving "The Effect of using Longa Belt on Improving the One and Half Somersault with a Full Twist for Divers” [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-29]
  • Diving "The Effect of Brain Gym exercises on some psychological skills and skill development for Divers" [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 238-264]
  • Dolllyo Chagaui Proposed specific exercises for the skill of Dollyo Chagui throw the EMG in Taekwondo [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 162-198]
  • Dollyo chagi Effect of using Kettlebell exercises to improve some physical variables on the electrical activity of the muscles working for Dollyo Chagi skill in taekwondo [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 272-299]
  • Doping Healthy culture to take steroids and supplements for sports practitioners [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-39]
  • Down syndrome The effectiveness of a training program for harmonic capabilities on approaching speed flying and the digital achievement of the long jump for Down syndrome runner [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 11-33]
  • Down syndrome The effectiveness of integrative psychological therapy in improving the psychological and social adjustment of children with Down syndrome who are able to learn [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 114-141]
  • Dramatic The effect of using educational dramatic stories on reducing hyperactivity and developing communication skills and social competence for pre-school children [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 32-52]
  • Dramatic Entrance The use of a program based on the dramatic entrance and its effect on achievement and the development of some life skills for primary school students [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 53-100]
  • Dramatized The effect of using Dramatized Curricula supported by motor modeling on teaching some offensive skills and the achievement of knowledge for beginners in handball [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 65-97]
  • Drills Effect of intermittent high intensity Drills on some Technical Performance variables and record level for the 1500 m/running competitor [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 60-84]
  • Drills The effect of using the combined skill performance training method on improving some skillful performances of basketball players under 17 years old in the State of Kuwait [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 240-257]
  • Drills The effect of "cross fit" exercises on some physical abilities and skillful performance in the sport of fencing Foil Fleuret [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-80]
  • Driving Perceived Driving Climate and its Relationship to Anxiety of Sports competition and the level of skill performance of handball players [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 273-295]
  • During Marketing Crises The role of marketing intelligence in maintaining the image of the trademark during the marketing crises "from the viewpoint of employees of some companies sponsoring Egyptian sports" [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 256-273]
  • Dynamic The effect of a training program on the balance-development dynamic to improve the physical-skilled performance level for wrestlers [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 274-296]
  • Dynamic educational program to develop visual skills for beginners with special olympic and its impact on levels of performance some skills Basic in volleyball [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 20-44]
  • Dynamic eveloping a dynamic balance on the effectiveness of the fall skill on one leg of wrestlers [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 134-161]
  • Dynamic balance The effect of variable resistance training on the dynamic balance and men's skills of the Egyptian kumite team players [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 288-323]
  • Dynamic balance exercises The effect of dynamic balance exercises on improving some physical and kinematic variables Digital level for hammer toss players [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 138-157]


  • Earning An educational program using the constructive learning model and its effect on some aspects of learning in track competitions for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 8-45]
  • E-book؛ The effect of using a multimedia e- book on the cognitive achievement of some items of the Artistic Gymnastics code of point for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 96-131]
  • E-Book The effectiveness of using an interactive e-book in the cognitive achievement of educational technology for first-year students in the Faculty of Physical Education, Matrouh University [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 140-170]
  • E-Collaborative Learning The Effect of E-Collaborative Learning in the Virtual Learning Environment on Cognitive Achievement (Immediate - Referral) and Motivation towards the Motor Learning Course among Students of the College Of Education – Hail University [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 29-61]
  • Economic Economic contributions and administrative policies for sports activities for all in the youth sports cities [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 231-245]
  • Economic Administrative corruption and its impact on economic growth in sports federations [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 180-234]
  • Economic impact Omanis' Tendencies towards Hosting Sporting Events in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 90-122]
  • Edmodo The effectiveness of an educational program using the Edmodo educational platform in developing cognitive achievement and basic football skills for middle school students in Sohag Governorate [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Edmodo Interactive educational platforms (Zoom, Edmodo) and their impact on the level of cognitive attainment of the skill of the hammer throw [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 21-49]
  • Edmodo platform The effectiveness of using the Edmode platform based on electronic projects in imparting the technical presentations unit skills to students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Educate The effect of a rehabilitation program and health education to reduceknee osteoarthritis pain [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 180-206]
  • Educational The effect of using high-tech educational mission analysis method On the level of shooting aim from basketball [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 55-75]
  • Educational The effect of an educational program using the educational platform on the skillful learning outcomes in volleyball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 237-257]
  • Educational The effectiveness of using the " Gagne educational model" in cognitive achievement and learning of some volleyball skills in physical education studying for middle school pupils [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 336-356]
  • Educational Theeffecofaneducationalprogramusingclasstheatertoteachsomehandballskillsandimprovethekinestheticperceptionofstudentsinthefirstcycleofbasiceducation [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 76-119]
  • Educational The effect of an educational program using alternative tools on learning some basic basketball skills for deaf and dumb students [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 164-183]
  • Educational The effectiveness of a program in educational matches in improving skill performance and attribution of legal errors to Volleyball Beginners [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 249-272]
  • Educational The effect of an educational program by using presentation applications on a level Technical performance in butterfly swimming for novice children [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Educational Building a measure of educational, creative, social, physical and psychological determinants of student teachers in early childhood stage [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 229-256]
  • Educational An educational program using the constructive learning model and its effect on some aspects of learning in track competitions for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 8-45]
  • Educational The effect of a self-educational program using an electronic platform Balet lessons at home on learning some ballet skills in light of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 166-186]
  • Educational The effectiveness of an educational program based on the theory of brain-based learning to improve mental alertness and the level of achievement (cognitive - skill) in the Balinese [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 198-255]
  • Educational The effectiveness of an educational program based on the electronic educational platform and its impact on learning to swim crawl on the back for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 172-207]
  • Educational bag The effect of using the educational bag on motor satisfaction and level Performing some defensive skills in basketball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 234-257]
  • Educational drama The effect of the use of educational drama on the cognitive achievement of some articles of international basketball for students of the second year of the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 28-40]
  • Educational Platform Evaluating the professional competence of physical education teachers using educational platforms in the basic Education stage in Port Said Governorate [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 163-187]
  • Educational Platform Summary The strategy of meta-knowledge through the educational platform and its impact on the level of achievement and the motivation of the academic achievement of some of the technical skills of the female students of the first year of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 142-187]
  • Educational Platforms The effect of using the modified 7´ES learning course supported by educational platforms on learning some defensive skills and cognitive achievement in handball [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 166-220]
  • Educational Program The effectiveness of an educational program based on the differential learning method In the cognitive and digital achievement of the shot put competition [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 123-138]
  • Educational Program The effect of an educational program using differentiated teaching method on learning the snatch lift in weightlifting for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Zagazig [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 36-60]
  • Educational Program The effectiveness of educational program based on the electronic educational platform and effect on learning the skill of serve in volleyball for students of the Faculty Physical Education [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 42-71]
  • Educational Program An educational booklet "QR-Code" as an entry point for an educational program accompanied by electronic tests supported by an informational return on knowledge achievement of some international law of weightlifting [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 105-154]
  • Educational Program The effectiveness of an educational program supported by info graphics on cognitive achievement and the level of skill performance in some field and track competitions for middle school students [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 131-164]
  • Educational Program The effect of an educational program using the wheatley model on the level of technical and digital performance in Shot put for first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education Girls Zagazig University [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 161-185]
  • Educational Program The effect of an educational program using the six-dimensional strategy (PDEODE) and accompanying software in learning the two “snatch-clean and jerk” lifts for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-165]
  • Educational Program The effect of an educational program via Scholigit on the basic skills (partridge - jumping - running) for first graders [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 31-44]
  • Educational Program The Activities of Multiple Intelligences as an Introduction to an Educational program on some athletics skills for Primary school pupils in Kuwait [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 9-40]
  • Educational Program The effect of an educational program to prevent postural deviations in primary school students [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 240-263]
  • Educational Program " The effect of using the "Wheatley model" on the level of some skill and physical variables for female students in fencing" [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 237-264]
  • Educational Scaffolding The impact of the use of the educational scaffolding strategy in some aspects of the learning of the basketball course for the students of the 4th Division at the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Effect The influence of the development of some consensual capabilities on the effectiveness of the performance of attack renewal for shish gunmen [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 191-221]
  • Effect The effect of using programmable mind maps on the level of cognitive achievement and the performance of the forward somersault skill on the hands on the jumping table [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 189-210]
  • Effect The effect of active learning on the level of performance of some basic skills in hockey sports [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 278-303]
  • Effect The effect of using variable resistance training on developing the muscular balance and the digital level of disc ejaculation [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 37-55]
  • Effect The effect of a strategy based on the combination of the E’S 7 course and concept maps on learning some of the life-saving skills of swimming [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 100-122]
  • Effect The effect of critical evaluation of field training students on enhancing concurrent feedback and the level of performance of teaching skills for rhythmic technical exercises [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 123-147]
  • Effect The effect of mixing between individual and vehicle training exercises on some determinants of attack activity for “karate” sport of karate. [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 67-74]
  • Effect Effect of functional strength exercises on developing the performance level of the whole throat horse system for young people under 11 years old [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 231-271]
  • Effect Effect of counter-training tactics at the level of some determinants of offensive activity for kumite athletes. [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 19-51]
  • Effect The effect of very short training speed of the race on morphological adaptation and some functional responses to the heart muscle of swimmers 50 m butterfly [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 120-138]
  • Effect The effect of exercises using mental maps according to the integrated brain dominance in learning the front and back ground stroke of squash players [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 52-65]
  • Effect The effect of using the monthly dynamic rhythm curves as a guide for training loads on some determinants of the offensive activity of the players in the "korean" actual combat competition in the sport of taekwondo [Volume 001, Issue 001, 2017, Pages 178-239]
  • Effect The effect of lactic anaerobic endurance training exercises on some physiological variables, the efficiency of vital organizations and the digital level of the 800-meter runners [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 349-371]
  • Effect "The effect of ballet exercises on some motor abilities of the feet and the level of Execution performance of some Body Difficulty in rhythmic gymnastics [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 110-144]
  • Effect The effect of ballistic training on muscular capacity in light of the electrical activity of the working muscles at the moment of elimination of javelin players. [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Effect The effect of a self-educational program using an electronic platform Balet lessons at home on learning some ballet skills in light of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 166-186]
  • Effect The effect of a program using force on the development of throwing skills for athletics for children [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 66-82]
  • Effect The effect of a proposed program Aquatic and functional exercises to rehabilitate the rotator muscle rupture of the shoulder joint for athletes [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 251-265]
  • Effect The effect of aqua cardio training on muscular endurance, functional efficiency and scoring in 400m free style swimmers [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 9-39]
  • Effect The effect of the use of aerobic exercise on the level of health connotations in obese women [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 159-184]
  • Effective The comparative effectiveness of some offensive performances between some European League clubs [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Effective The effectiveness of active learning through guided discovery in cognitive achievement and the performance of some volleyball skills for middle school students. [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 263-284]
  • Effectiveness The effectiveness of a proposed TRX training program on improving some of the physical variables and level of performance in modern dance. [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 112-133]
  • Effectiveness The effectiveness of a program based on play activities in reducing the level of attention deficit accompanied by increased activity in children [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 53-73]
  • Effectiveness The effectiveness of basic training on compatibility, balance, and the level of technical performance in rhythmic exercises [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-350]
  • Effectiveness The effect of developing some special motor abilities on increasing the effectiveness of tactical performance in the Atouchi Braku stage of the match for kumite players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 254-287]
  • Effectiveness Effect of Physiological strengh Training on Some Biomechanical Indicators and the effectiveness of skill performance Of Back Throwing With Facing The Back Skill For Wrestler [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Effectiveness The effectiveness of using hybrid education on teaching the triple jump competition for first-level students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Effectiveness The activity of the attack during the numerical change of the advanced teams before and after the amendments to the 2016 international rules of play in the men's handball world championships [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 76-125]
  • Effectiveness The Effectiveness of Teaching the Sports Physiology Curriculum Using Holographic Technology on Students` Cognitive Achievement Level in the Faculty of Physical Education at Benha University [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 162-186]
  • Effectiveness The effect of using some competitive exercises according to the playing distances on improving the level of the effectiveness of the planned performance of kumite players [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 172-191]
  • Effectiveness The feasibility of using the circular house strategy in learning some motor skills in a physical education lesson [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 61-80]
  • Effect of specific exercises The effect of using some specific exercises on the body mass index (BMI), some physiological variables, and the level of kata performance for young people in karate. [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Efficacy Efficacy of stretching exercises using some PNF methods to improve elasticity on electrical activity (EMG) for leg muscles and the digital level in long jump [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 215-237]
  • Efficacy: hemispherical device The effectiveness of using the hemispheric device at the level of the anti-skill attack against the two legs of the wrestlers [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 64-86]
  • Efficiency Efficiency of online learning, using superior media, to learn some of the complex skills involved in judo [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 190-214]
  • Efficiency The effectiveness of an educational curriculum using the Culp model in learning the front and back ground strikes for tennis students [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 41-52]
  • Efficiency The extent to which members of the judo faculty possess educational technological competencies And Practicing them in colleges of physical education [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 177-212]
  • Efficiency The relative contribution of some indicators of psychological competence to the digital level of the short distance contestants [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 39-66]
  • Efficiency of using introductory games Effectiveness of using introductory games in learning some basic skills in field hockey for deaf mute students [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 174-190]
  • Ego strength An educational instructional program and its effect on ego strength and psychological tension in the first educational stage in swimming [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 21-51]
  • E-Guide An interactive and applied electronic guide developed for sustainable professional development for physical education teachers for the primary stage [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 133-172]
  • Egypt The Trends of Women's towards sport for all in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Kuwait(Comparative Study) [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 119-140]
  • Egypt Building a strategy for obstacles to the spread of athletics practice in private clubs in Egypt. [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 9-35]
  • Egypt Studying the kinematic variables of the best player in egypt for triple jump [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 40-65]
  • Egypt The reality of sports integrity and the requirements for its application in Egyptian sports clubs [Volume 033, Issue 033, 2020, Pages 157-200]
  • Egyptian family The ideological structure of the Egyptian family in supporting sports culture to form social identity of the athletes [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 424-465]
  • Egyptian Football Association The role of sports organizations towards the irregular migration of young Egyptian football [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 295-316]
  • Egyptian society Classification of recreational activities for the elderly in Egyptian society [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 125-148]
  • Eisenkraft Inquiry The effect of using the Eisenkraft Inquiry model on achievement and Formulating educational goals and tasks among students of the College of Physical Education [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Elderly program of some recreational activities to alleviate Severity of anxiety in the elderly [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 57-74]
  • Elderly Recreational Physical Activity Program for Health Promotion for Overweight elderly [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 190-222]
  • E-learning Efficiency of online learning, using superior media, to learn some of the complex skills involved in judo [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 190-214]
  • E-learning Reality of E-learning at the Faculty of Sports Education Mansoura University in light of the digital transformation [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Electromyographic An Educational Program In Terms Of Electromyographic Analysis Of Muscles And Its Impact On Some Physical Abilities And Performance Level Of Back Rolling Skill Handstand In Artistic Gymnastics [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 83-126]
  • Electronic administration The role of sports organizations towards the irregular migration of young Egyptian football [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 295-316]
  • Electronic Advertising The role of electronic advertising in the purchasing decision of consumers of sports products in the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 44-72]
  • Electronically supported V-Shape map The effect of using the electronically supported V-Shape map on learning and developing the clean and clean lift in weightlifting for students of the College of Physical Education [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 51-87]
  • Electronic cognitive tests Building a scale of knowledge of physical education teaching methods from the viewpoint of physical education teachers in Damietta Governorate in light of some variables [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 155-196]
  • Electronic Management Electronic management and its relationship to developing distance education at the Faculty of Physical Education for Women, Alexandria University [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 37-67]
  • Electronic management in sports institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain Electronic management in sports institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 267-288]
  • Electronic mind mapping A collaborative electronic mind mapping strategy as an introduction to an educational program supported by wave sailing across networks in learning the weightlifting course. [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 156-202]
  • El Guerrouji The effect of using the monthly dynamic rhythm curves as a guide for training loads on some determinants of the offensive activity of the players in the "korean" actual combat competition in the sport of taekwondo [Volume 001, Issue 001, 2017, Pages 178-239]
  • EMG Effect of using Kettlebell exercises to improve some physical variables on the electrical activity of the muscles working for Dollyo Chagi skill in taekwondo [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 272-299]
  • EMG Percentage distribution of GRF and EMG variables for some specific exercises to perform Counter movement jump with arm swing jump in volleyball [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 85-95]
  • Emotional creativity Emotional Creativity and Its Relationship To The Teaching Efficiency and Optimism of the Student Teacher Faculty of Sports Education for Men - Alexandria University [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Emotional Equilibrium " Study the Effect of Psychological Stress on Mood Styles and Emotional Equilibrium for Divers" [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 124-349]
  • Emotions Emotions and their relationship to some physiological manifestations in the Gulf Women's Championship held in the State of Kuwait from 20 to 30 October 2019 [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 254-272]
  • EMS The effect of a training program using electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) on improving some physical variables for female students in fencing [Volume 078, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 9-33]
  • Endurance pairing with ability training The effect of Endurance pairing with ability training on the development of some special physical abilities and the level record of the 3000m steeplechase [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 74-99]
  • Environmental Awareness Animation as an introduction to exploratory motor activities to develop basic motor skills and environmental awareness of kindergarten [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 139-168]
  • Environmental Awareness An analytical study of environmental awareness of pupils practising sports activity at the preparatory stage [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 287-308]
  • Environmental Awareness Building a tool to measure environmental awareness of the climate variables of kindergarten teachers [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 73-86]
  • Enzymes The effect of two training and counseling programs, based on perceived self-efficacy and optimism, on regulating enzymes to counter muscle fatigue [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 26-44]
  • Epe Emotional excitation and its relationship to emotional balance during competition and its impact on the level of skill performance of fencing epee players [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 195-220]
  • Epee Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Epee Effects of a Kinesthetic Program on the Technical Performance Level of Counterattack Among Junior Sabre Fencers (less than 15 years) [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 307-336]
  • E-Projects The effectiveness of using the Edmode platform based on electronic projects in imparting the technical presentations unit skills to students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Evaluating Evaluating the competencies of planning sports performances for graduates of the sports administration major [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 108-119]
  • Evaluation Evaluation of some biomechanical variables for the technical performance of throwing gravity for an Iraqi country champion [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 215-226]
  • Evaluation Absolute standard score for modified tensile testing [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 41-52]
  • Evaluation The comparative effectiveness of some offensive performances between some European League clubs [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Evaluation Evaluating the water sports course 2 according to the hybrid education system within the framework of the quality of university education [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 96-165]
  • Evaluation Evaluating the professional competence of physical education teachers using educational platforms in the basic Education stage in Port Said Governorate [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 163-187]
  • Evaluation Evaluation of the plan of recreational activity of Kafr El Sheikh Sports Club in Kafr Al-Sheikh Governorate [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 9-26]
  • Evaluation The effectiveness of the seven-day learning cycle (7 E’S) supported by (Microsoft Teams) to improve the level of some types of Shooting in basketball [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 159-189]
  • Evaluation Evaluation of the psychological state of players in the light of some contemporary societal changes in the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 223-259]
  • Event The effectiveness of an educational program using the Edmodo educational platform in developing cognitive achievement and basic football skills for middle school students in Sohag Governorate [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Excellence Management Excellence management standards As an entrance for developing youth welfare management at Alexandria University [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 266-283]
  • Excess flexibility Indicator Effect of Stretching Resistance Method with Excess flexibility Indicator on Estimate Positions and Jerk Effectiveness for youth Weightlifters at the National Project of Talented Youth in Damietta [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 303-352]
  • Exercise ball chair Exercise ball chair design and some compensatory exercises to improve working conditions: Ergonomic and Biomechanical considerations [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 228-266]
  • Exercises The effect of motor skill exercises on the level of performance of the compulsory sentence for young trampolines under 10 years [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 179-189]
  • Exercises Effect of functional strength exercises on developing the performance level of the whole throat horse system for young people under 11 years old [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 231-271]
  • Exercises تأثیر استخدام تمرینات نوعیة بالأدوات علی تنمیة بعض المهارات الأساسیة لناشئی الکرة الطائرة [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 272-305]
  • Exercises The effect of the stabilization and relaxation method with rehabilitative exercises in reducing knee joint pain for players with OSGOOD SCHLATTER [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 79-92]
  • Exercises Effect of stepping-up exercises on vital capacity, special physical abilities and digital achievement of 400 m freestyle swimmers. [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 118-137]
  • Exercises Suggested rehabilitative exercises in terms of some biomechanical indicators and electrical activity of the pillar muscles Cervical spine to improve the motor range of those with head deflection forward [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 98-118]
  • Exercises The effect of strength training exercises using weightlifting jacket to develop some types of speed and skill level for squash players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 228-250]
  • Exercises am of specific exercises with tools on some physical characteristics - functional responses and time level of performance for beginners drowners [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 229-264]
  • Exercises The effect of using elastic rope exercises on improving some physiological variables, physical abilities, and the level of performance of the straight attack skill of fencing players in the New Valley [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 320-355]
  • Exercises The Effect of Proprioceptive Exercises on the Ring with Hands Balance Skill Performance in Rhythmic Gymnastics [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 44-66]
  • Exercises Legalizing the intensity of some upper and lower extremity explosive strength training with weights in terms of the biomechanical ability of karate players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 184-206]
  • Exercises The effect of combination between coordination ‏Exercises and TRX by tools on improving BMI and thier relationship to some of physical variables and the digital level of young dolphin swimmers [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 183-219]
  • Exercises The effect of including special rhythmic functional exercises on some physiological and Physical - skill variables of female kata players in karate [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 365-380]
  • Exercises effect of the(Randori) exercises which Addressed to the less privileged side on the level of skillful performance and the effectiveness of the attack for junior of Judo . [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 398-425]
  • Exercises Effect of using plyometric exercises in physical education lesson on improving physical abilities and long jump record for students in second stage of basic education [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Exercises The effectiveness of a program of relaxation exercises on the level of psychological pressures resulting from digital learning For physical education teachers in the time of the Corona pandemic [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 126-165]
  • Exercises The effect of zumba training on the level of concentration of the hormone adiponectin and some body composition variables for obese females from the ages of 18-25 years [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 166-187]
  • Exercises Cardio exercise and its effect on fat volume, body mass index and some physiological variables for practices in Dammam fitness centers [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 188-213]
  • Exercises The five-stage learning cycle (5E's) according to the constructive learning theory and its effect on some harmonic abilities and the level of motor sentence performance in rhythmic exercises [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 55-78]
  • Exercises "the characteristic curve for the momently of angular change for the free leg effective as a basic to developing specific exercises in the sport of judo [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 187-206]
  • Exercises The effect of using some competitive exercises according to the playing distances on improving the level of the effectiveness of the planned performance of kumite players [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 172-191]
  • Exercises The effect of trampoline training on some special physical variables and the skill level of jumps in rhythmic artistic exercises among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports at Al-Aqsa University [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 52-77]
  • Exercises The effect of balance exercises and mastery learning style on some Physical and skill variables for volleyball juniors [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 324-347]
  • Exercises Effect of Bosu Ball Exercises on Special Physical Abilities and The Degree of skill performance For Female Gymnasts under 7 years old [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 114-138]
  • Exercises حفظ الترجمة The effect of using bungee exercises on the muscular ability of the hands and feet and the level of digital achievement for junior javelin throwers [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 271-297]
  • Exercises The effect of interactive agility training on some physical and skill variables for kumite players [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 298-318]
  • Exercises The effect of using pair exercises on some harmonious physical abilities and the level of Psychological flow of students of the Faculty of Physical Education,Tanta University [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 25-62]
  • Exercises The effect of a rehabilitation program to get rid of wrist joint pain in rheumatoid patients [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 265-278]
  • Exercises The effect of an educational program using pivot exercises on some physical and skill abilities in a physical education lesson for middle school students [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 96-128]
  • Exercises walmutaghayirat albadanih The effect of a proposed rehabilitation program on the muscle separation of the rectus abdominis muscle, body [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-158]
  • Exercises Rhythmic Gliding Workouts Effectiveness on the Psychological Energy, Some Physical Fitness Elements and Performance Skill Level in Exercises Rhythmic [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 313-356]
  • Exercises Rhythmic The effectiveness of constructivist Bybee model on morale, cognitive achievement and some hoop skills learning in exercises rhythmic [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 283-339]
  • ExercisesTraining Use of crossfit Exercises and their impact on muscle ability and some physiological variables And the level of performance of the complex offensive skills of basketball player [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 9-28]
  • Exercises with tools he effect of exercise programs with tools inside and outside the water on qualifying the excess tidal deviation of the vehicle for swimming beginners [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 29-73]
  • Exercises with tools Health implications of an instrumental exercise program for obese children [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 172-191]
  • Exhaustion Spiritual intelligence and its relationship to psychological exhaustion and internal drive for achievement among athletes at Minia University (a comparative study) [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 108-141]
  • Exhaustion The relationship of psychological flow levels with psychological exhaustion among young people in some self-defense sports [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 106-140]
  • Expatriate Teachers The Effect of Physical Activity on same physical and Biochmical variables and the level of hormone Serotonin among expatriate teachers in Kuwait [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 164-288]
  • Explain) associated with competitive learning style in achievement motivation and skill level of some squash skills for beginners Strategic Effectiveness (Predict - Note - Explain) associated with competitive learning style in achievement motivation and skill level of some squash skills for beginners [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 48-75]
  • Explosive force The effect of explosive force development using ballistic exercises on the speed of movement of the two legs of young under-15 competitors [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 191-212]
  • Extension The effectiveness of the seven-day learning cycle (7 E’S) supported by (Microsoft Teams) to improve the level of some types of Shooting in basketball [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 159-189]


  • Faculty Of Physical Education Students The Impact Of COVID-19 Spreading On Biological And Psychological Condition Of Faculty Of Physical Education Tanta University Students [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 285-304]
  • Faculty of Sports Educationو digital transformation Reality of E-learning at the Faculty of Sports Education Mansoura University in light of the digital transformation [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Fall eveloping a dynamic balance on the effectiveness of the fall skill on one leg of wrestlers [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 134-161]
  • Fartalk training The effect of the use of Vartlek trainings on some physical variables, section times and the race of 800 m / run [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 58-73]
  • Fast Attack Short Range Technical analysis of the finishing phase of the scoring opportunities according to the types of attack in The European Football Championship 2020 and its impact on the results of matches [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 222-265]
  • Fast break The Effect of (The Humanity) Training on Some Special Physical Variables, Delaying the Appearance of Fatigue, and the Level of fast break of Basketball Players [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 189-217]
  • Fayoum Governorate The level of health awareness of primary school students in Fayoum Governorate [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 197-219]
  • Feedback Effect of Educational program for feedback (immediate and delayed) supported by results of kinetic motion analysis on the level of performance in weightlifting. [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 75-99]
  • Female Students Constructing a measure of attitudes toward using the Internet [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 81-107]
  • Female Students of Sports Sciences The Effect of The Corona Pandemic And The Suspension of Sports Activity on Some Physical And Physiological Variables Among Female Students of Sports Sciences at Taif University [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 9-20]
  • Festivals The effect of participation in recreational festivals on developing social communication among mentally handicapped children who are educated [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 108-188]
  • Figure The effect of using the strategy of Figure v map and brainstorming on cognitive achievement and learning some basic handball skills for students of the College of Sports Education [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 191-210]
  • First aid The level of health awareness of knowledge and health information on first aid among health club trainers " [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 9-27]
  • First aid The knowledge of parents of children aged 8-9 years about injuries and first aid in Riyadh [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 175-195]
  • First year students The effect of an educational program using the flipped learning strategy on learning outcomes in boxing and the academic self-efficacy of school students at the Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 159-193]
  • Fishing effect Motives for Participation recreational fishing its impact on subjective happiness in spending of the elderly Persons [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 27-51]
  • Fit light The Effect of Using the Fit light Training on Offensive Skills of Kung fu players [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 303-331]
  • Fitness centers The Relative Contribution of Product Innovation to Predicting Fitness Centers Market Share [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 332-366]
  • Flexi Bar exercise The Effect of Flexi Bar Exercise On Muscle Strength And Skill Level For Back Crawl Swimming [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 232-271]
  • Flipped Learning E-learning environment based on flipped learning and its impact on developing some learning outcomes for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - University of El Arish [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 160-185]
  • Flipped Learning Flipped learning and its effect on some learning outcomes of the javelin throw skill For students of the faculty of Physical Education [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 231-256]
  • Flipped Learning The effect of using flipped learning on performance of some floor exercise skills [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 52-81]
  • Flipped Learning The effect of an educational program using the flipped learning strategy on learning outcomes in boxing and the academic self-efficacy of school students at the Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 159-193]
  • Flipped Learning The effect of using the flipped learning on the level of performance of the bar sentence in ballet and the special physical abilities of first-level female students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Port Said. [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 48-86]
  • Flipped Learning The effect of using flipped learning on some tennis skills and mental flexibility for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 136-165]
  • Flow Positive self-talk and its relationship to the psychological flow and the level of ambition of the players of some national sports teams at Suez Canal University. [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 31-58]
  • Flow Construction scale of Psychological Flow for Distinguished students in sports in The Faculty of Physical Education Helwan University [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Flow The relationship of psychological flow levels with psychological exhaustion among young people in some self-defense sports [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 106-140]
  • Focus attention A comparative study of the concentration of attention between a moderate environment (21 ° C) and a hot environment (35 ° C) after running at moderate intensity [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 209-220]
  • Focus attention The effect of using augmented reality program on focusing attention and learning some basic volleyball skills [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 219-243]
  • Folklore The effect of some popular games on the severity of bullying among middle school students [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 40-60]
  • Folklore Perceptions of experts in physical education towards the possibility of including some kinetic popular folklore in the physical education subject in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 207-239]
  • Follow-up The use of Pilates training to improve some physical variables and their effect on the follow-up (defensive - offensive) of junior basketball [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 181-205]
  • Foot injuries The effect of a proposed training program for the prevention of foot joint injuries during the performance of the motor sentence in ballet. [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 173-203]
  • For The effectiveness of a suggestive learning program to improve some handball skills And some psychological variables for troubled students at the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 174-193]
  • For Building a measure of psychological empowerment among the arts activities players, zagazig university [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 34-71]
  • Force The effect of a program using force on the development of throwing skills for athletics for children [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 66-82]
  • Forehand Clear Three-dimensional motion analysis of biomechanical variables and their relationships with the forehand-clear skill performance of wheelchair para-badminton players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 349-386]
  • Forehand Smash Muscles Activity Ratios of Forehand Smash As A Training Loads Indicator for Wheelchair Para-Badminton Players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 330-348]
  • Forehand Topspin The Effect Of Ballistic Training On Improving Explosive Power and Some Biomechanical Variables for Forehand Topspin for Table Tennis Juniors. [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 74-95]
  • For Female Gymnasts Effect of Bosu Ball Exercises on Special Physical Abilities and The Degree of skill performance For Female Gymnasts under 7 years old [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 114-138]
  • Form The effect of using the Bybee constructivist model on learning Some tide and jump skills in ballet [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 387-408]
  • Function Discrimination function of the proposed FTBFS battery according to indications Differentiation Analysis of Junior Swimming [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 153-175]
  • Functional movement Analytical study of individual and total functional motion examination (FMS) scores for long jump players [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 84-91]
  • Functional strength The dynamics of developing the strength of the center muscles and their effect on bone mineral density and some physiological, physical and skill variables for squash players [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Functional strength The effect of functional strength training on core muscle strength and the numeric level for high jump juniors [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 126-142]
  • Future Prospects Sport and Future Prospects in the Third World Countries [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 323-322]


  • Gagne The effectiveness of using the " Gagne educational model" in cognitive achievement and learning of some volleyball skills in physical education studying for middle school pupils [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 336-356]
  • Generative The effect of using generative learning strategy on the level of cognitive achievement and learning some basic skills in table tennis for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Damietta [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 93-127]
  • Generative Learning The effect of generative learning on 110 meter/hurdles skill [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 80-105]
  • Generative model An educational program using the generative model and its effect on mental flexibility and some advanced skills in tennis [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 120-146]
  • Genetic diversity of the ACE gene in elite players as a determinant of selection in hockey Genetic diversity of the ACE gene in elite players as a determinant of selection in hockey [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 235-242]
  • Gifted The effect of using the cooperative learning strategy on developing the cognitive achievement of gifted students with learning difficulties in football [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 35-78]
  • Gliding - The effect of gliding exercises on endurance, muscular ability, and shooting by jumping skill in basketball [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 120-148]
  • Gliding Gliding Workouts Effectiveness on the Psychological Energy, Some Physical Fitness Elements and Performance Skill Level in Exercises Rhythmic [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 313-356]
  • Global competitiveness The reality of the internationalization of programs at the Faculty of Physical Education at Helwan University to achieve global competitiveness. [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-48]
  • Glutamine The effect of taking "glutamine" as an amino acid during the skillful numbers period on ability Functional and performance level for Taekwondo players [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 8-28]
  • Google Classroom The effect of blended "hybrid" learning using the "Google Classroom" platform on some learning outcomes for shot put skill [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 79-103]
  • Google، classroom Program The effect of using the Google Classroom program on some aspects of learning the basketball course among first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 91-121]
  • Governance Perceived awareness of information technology governance and the requirements for its application among administrative and technical leaderships In some sports clubs [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 418-443]
  • Governance The role of governance in achieving sustainable development in youth centers [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 75-100]
  • Graphic grid Visualization of the graphic network for anthropometric and physical diagnosis, mental visualization and digital level For long jump players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 374-407]
  • GRF Percentage distribution of GRF and EMG variables for some specific exercises to perform Counter movement jump with arm swing jump in volleyball [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 85-95]
  • Ground movements device The effect of a training program using the Slider device on the development of some special physical characteristics and the level of the motor system performance on the ground movements device [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 428-454]
  • Ground movement skills The effect of using infographics on improving learning outcomes and teaching some ground movement skills [(Articles in Press)]
  • Growth Administrative corruption and its impact on economic growth in sports federations [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 180-234]
  • Guides) The Reality of Leadership Skills of Girl Guides in Schools in the A.R. E [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 22-46]
  • Gymnasti The components of the aerobic gymnastics degree and its impact on the final results of the 15th world championship competitions in Portugal 2018 [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 314-335]
  • Gymnastic juniors The effect of Battle Ropes Exercises on Special Physical Abilities and skill performance level For Gymnastic juniors [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 169-188]


  • Habits Habits of mind and its relationship to academic procrastination and academic achievement for students of the school sport major [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 278-315]
  • Hammer Throw Interactive educational platforms (Zoom, Edmodo) and their impact on the level of cognitive attainment of the skill of the hammer throw [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 21-49]
  • Hammer Throwing The effectiveness of the Bulgarian bag drills on some physical variables and the level of skill and digital performance of the Hammer Throwing competitions [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 60-77]
  • Hamstrings A Program For Improving Strength Of Quadriceps and Hamstrings As An Indicator For Muscle Balance in gymnastics [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 151-171]
  • Hand The effectiveness of using the 5E's course on the level of performance of some handball skills among physical education students [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 182-229]
  • Hand The effect of using the strategy of Figure v map and brainstorming on cognitive achievement and learning some basic handball skills for students of the College of Sports Education [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 191-210]
  • Hand The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on the level of functional competence and indications of inflammation for handball players with shoulder impact syndrome [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 305-328]
  • Hand The effect of training using functional aqua bags on some physical and skill variables for young handball players [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 188-215]
  • Hand The effect of a rehabilitation program to get rid of wrist joint pain in rheumatoid patients [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 265-278]
  • Handball Designing a computer program for the cognitive achievement tests of handball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 83-91]
  • Handball The Effect Of Recreational Preliminary Games On Some Basic Handball Defensive Skills And Quality Of Life For The Hearing Impaired [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 138-169]
  • Handball The effect of reverse learning using a smartphone on learning some offensive skills in handball [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 141-161]
  • Handball The effect of a training program using some coordination exercises on some offensive skill variables in handball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 124-150]
  • Handball he use of educational electronic simulation games and their effect on some skill and cognitive variables In handball for elementary school students [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 35-89]
  • Handball The activity of the attack during the numerical change of the advanced teams before and after the amendments to the 2016 international rules of play in the men's handball world championships [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 76-125]
  • Handball The effectiveness of using Sakio S.A.Q training on beta-endorphin and intramuscular troponin And Creatine kinase and the level of offensive skill of handball players [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 110-133]
  • Handball Analytical study of the defensive and offensive performance of the National Handball Team In The World championship 2021 [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 206-239]
  • Handball The effectiveness of the cube strategy in developing cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some basic skills in a physical education lesson [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-34]
  • Handball The Effect of Using Specific Exercises of Muscular Endurance to Improve Some Basic Handball Skills. [Volume 033, Issue 033, 2020, Pages 360-404]
  • Handball The effectiveness of competitive training at the skill level, cognitive achievement and learning motivation in handball [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 59-76]
  • Handball The effect of using visual exercises on the development of some mental abilities And the level of performance of some offensive skills in handball [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 132-162]
  • Handball Effect of a program using some aids tools on the performance of shooting skill in Handball [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 244-273]
  • Handball "The Effect of training using the tabata method on Muscular Ability handball for female students of the faculty of physical education " [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 49-68]
  • Handicapped The student’s attitudes toward teaching physically disabled students in the integrated physical education lessons [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 45-76]
  • Hand spring The Effectiveness of proposed training program of using compound training on some of physical Abilities and the anxiety level and level of skill performance of hand spring on Vault table [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 224-255]
  • Happiness The effect of a sports-recreational program on the feeling of psychological happiness and psychosocial adaptation of the children of orphan care centers in the el Sharkia governorate [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 95-130]
  • Harmonic The impact of the development of some special harmonic capabilities on the performance time of the darts dash for young under-20 competitors [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 142-166]
  • Harmonic capabilities The effectiveness of a training program for harmonic capabilities on approaching speed flying and the digital achievement of the long jump for Down syndrome runner [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 11-33]
  • Harmonic capabilities training The effect of compatibility capabilities training in some biometric variables and the level of transmitter reception skill level of volleyball players [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 15-40]
  • Harmonious The effect of using pair exercises on some harmonious physical abilities and the level of Psychological flow of students of the Faculty of Physical Education,Tanta University [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 25-62]
  • Health The effect of a program based on Hatha Yoga exercises on developing mental alertness, optimism and health status of diabetic swimming teachers [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 96-114]
  • Health The effect of the physical education teacher’s role in spreading the Qawami culture and its relationship to the regular health of intermediate school students in the State of Kuwait [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 366-383]
  • Health The effect of a proposed health program to reduce the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome Among some female students who do not practice sport" [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 214-233]
  • Health Effect of a ( healthy - kinetic ) rehabilitation program on healthy behaviors and electrical activity of genu varum muscles for deaf and dumb soccer players [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 265-333]
  • Health The reality of quality marketing and its role in attracting subscribers to health clubs in Cairo Governorate [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 60-72]
  • Health and its role in attracting subscribers to health clubs in Cairo Governorate [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 92-106]
  • Health Assessment A proposed health strategy to evaluate the health services provided to students of Faculties of Physical Education [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 272-321]
  • Health Awareness Effects Of A Vocational Health Program on the Health Behavior and Vocational Safety For Students Of Technical Secondary Schools In Tanta. [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 31-65]
  • Health Awareness Impact of an educational program using the Six Hats Strategy to raise health awareness towards dealing with (Covid –19) for preschoolers [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 276-301]
  • Health Awareness Employing artificial intelligence applications in the health awareness of sports leadersIn light of the national health standards. [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 172-232]
  • Health Awareness The level of health awareness of primary school students in Fayoum Governorate [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 197-219]
  • Health Behavior Effects Of A Vocational Health Program on the Health Behavior and Vocational Safety For Students Of Technical Secondary Schools In Tanta. [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 31-65]
  • Health Care Measuring the current state of health care for athletes in light of the economic, cultural, economic and cultural dimension [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 108-132]
  • Health Care The level of health awareness of knowledge and health information on first aid among health club trainers " [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 9-27]
  • Health club attendants Social isolation as a predictor of psychological security for health club visitors in light of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Health Clubs The role of a qualified sports coach in achieving safety and security goals in health clubs [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 51-62]
  • Health Clubs Strategic Vigilance as an Entry Point to Support the Brand in Health Clubs [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 178-204]
  • Health culture Healthy culture to take steroids and supplements for sports practitioners [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-39]
  • Health guidance Health implications of an instrumental exercise program for obese children [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 172-191]
  • Health promotion Recreational Physical Activity Program for Health Promotion for Overweight elderly [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 190-222]
  • Health Services A proposed health strategy to evaluate the health services provided to students of Faculties of Physical Education [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 272-321]
  • Health strategy A proposed health strategy to evaluate the health services provided to students of Faculties of Physical Education [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 272-321]
  • Hearing Disabilities Effect of a ( healthy - kinetic ) rehabilitation program on healthy behaviors and electrical activity of genu varum muscles for deaf and dumb soccer players [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 265-333]
  • Heian group ؛ karate The effect of training analysis qualitative and quantitative analysis on the technical performance of some skill salutary techniques in the Heian group for karate players [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 11-33]
  • Helwan University Designing a training environment based on virtual reality technology to develop applied performance and cognitive achievement among female students of the College of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 191-218]
  • Helwan University Building an academic rebellion scale in the light of developments for female college students physical education helwan university [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 126-148]
  • Helwan University "Building a Mental wandering scale for female Students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan Universit" [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 221-235]
  • Hiccups The effect of an educational program using motor safety exercises to reduce anxiety and the level of hiccups for juniors in judo [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 128-155]
  • Higher Education The philosophy of evaluating curricula in the practical departments of the colleges of mathematical education to raise the quality of the product (student) in higher education [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 52-74]
  • Higher Education Internationalization The reality of the internationalization of programs at the Faculty of Physical Education at Helwan University to achieve global competitiveness. [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-48]
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) The effect of Tabata training on developing some of physical and physiological variables for field hockey juniors . [Volume 078, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 34-64]
  • High Jump The effect of functional strength training on core muscle strength and the numeric level for high jump juniors [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 126-142]
  • High Media Efficiency of online learning, using superior media, to learn some of the complex skills involved in judo [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 190-214]
  • His fingerprint Fingerprinting the multiple intelligence of the kickboxing players according to the geographical location [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 176-190]
  • Hologram The effect of an educational program using "HOLOGRAM" on the level of cognitive achievement and the effectiveness of some volleyball skills of students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 257-331]
  • Hologram The effect of individual training exercises on the use of holograms in developing some basic skills for football buds (8-10) years in light of the Corona pandemic [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Hologram The Effect of using virtual applications on Self-Confidence among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 104-145]
  • Holograms The effect of using hologram technology as an electronic educational environment on the level of cognitive and skill achievement in sports performances [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 77-124]
  • Holographic The Effectiveness of Teaching the Sports Physiology Curriculum Using Holographic Technology on Students` Cognitive Achievement Level in the Faculty of Physical Education at Benha University [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 162-186]
  • Home exercises Home exercise program and its effect on Psychological Happiness & Positive Thinking during Covid-19 [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 154-201]
  • Hormones The effect of zumba training on the level of concentration of the hormone adiponectin and some body composition variables for obese females from the ages of 18-25 years [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 166-187]
  • Hospitalization The effect of recovery massage on some physiological and biochemical variables associated with muscle fatigue for new female students at the College of Physical Education [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 144-169]
  • Hot environment (35 ° C) A comparative study of the concentration of attention between a moderate environment (21 ° C) and a hot environment (35 ° C) after running at moderate intensity [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 209-220]
  • Human Talent Management Structural Equation Modeling of the relationship of talent management strategies, the ability to make sports services, and competitive performance in major sports clubs [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Hybrid The effectiveness of using hybrid education on teaching the triple jump competition for first-level students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Hybrid Evaluating the water sports course 2 according to the hybrid education system within the framework of the quality of university education [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 96-165]
  • Hypermedia The effect of using hypermedia on the level of backstroke performance of buds [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 173-194]
  • Hypoxic "Hypoxic exercises using training mask and its effect on some physiological changes and the level of performance on floor exercise" [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-24]


  • Identity Perceptions of experts in physical education towards the possibility of including some kinetic popular folklore in the physical education subject in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 207-239]
  • I have Positive thinking and its relationship to achievement motivation and some offensive tactical performances of football players [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 267-311]
  • Impact drills The effect of theEffect of crash training on muscular power And the digital level for juniors in the pole vault competition [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 195-216]
  • Impact training Effect of collision training on muscular ability development and the simple attack of fencing beginners [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 98-125]
  • Improve the level of performance The effect of using hypermedia on the level of backstroke performance of buds [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 173-194]
  • Indication Suggested rehabilitative exercises in terms of some biomechanical indicators and electrical activity of the pillar muscles Cervical spine to improve the motor range of those with head deflection forward [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 98-118]
  • Indication Legalizing the intensity of some upper and lower extremity explosive strength training with weights in terms of the biomechanical ability of karate players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 184-206]
  • Indicators Characteristic indicators of some components of the swimmers' training status [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 185-208]
  • Indicators Suggested rehabilitative exercises in terms of some biomechanical indicators and electrical activity of the pillar muscles Cervical spine to improve the motor range of those with head deflection forward [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 98-118]
  • Individual and team games coaches Mental alertness and psychological distress in a sample of individual sports and team sports coaches: a comparative study [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 176-225]
  • Individualization Efficiency of online learning, using superior media, to learn some of the complex skills involved in judo [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 190-214]
  • Individualize education The effect of electronically supported learning singularity on learning abduction skills for weightlifting students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 20-32]
  • Infographic The effectiveness of an educational program supported by info graphics on cognitive achievement and the level of skill performance in some field and track competitions for middle school students [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 131-164]
  • Information Digital competencies and their relationship to leadership excellence in directing physical education in the Directorate of Education in Cairo Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 97-113]
  • Information sharing The reality of organizational affiliation among physical education teachers at Al-Azhar institutes [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 174-188]
  • Information Technology Perceived awareness of information technology governance and the requirements for its application among administrative and technical leaderships In some sports clubs [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 418-443]
  • Inguinal hernia Rehabilitation of injury to inguinal hernia for athletes inside and outside the aqueous medium after the endoscopic intervention [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 221-254]
  • Injection Effect of platelet-rich plasma injection and hydrotherapy on some athletes with partial knee meniscus tear. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-171]
  • Innovation The effect of brainstorming method on the creation of aids, innovative training and the skill level of beginners in table tennis [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 26-38]
  • Innovative A qualitative training program using an innovative assistant device and its effect on the level of skill performance on the balance beam device [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 102-134]
  • Innovative thinking The role of electronic learning platforms on developing the capabilities of innovative thinking and the speed of learning and knowledge acquisition in light of the spread In the racquet sports arbitration decision of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19) [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 46-79]
  • Insanity The effect of the exercises of insanity on some motor abilities and the level of Execution performance of the rope in rhythmic gymnastics [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 79-110]
  • Insanity The effect of "Insanity" training on some physical, physiological, and numeric level variables for short-distance swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 40-67]
  • INSANTY The Effect of (The Humanity) Training on Some Special Physical Variables, Delaying the Appearance of Fatigue, and the Level of fast break of Basketball Players [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 189-217]
  • Integrated Neuromuscular Training The effect of Integrated Neuromuscular Training on the development of some physical, morphological and skill variables For junior squash [(Articles in Press)]
  • Integration Effect of a Proposed Training Program for Referees on Mindfulness and their Refereeing Performance in Weightlifting [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 185-204]
  • Intellectually Disabled Effectiveness of a rehabilitation program to improve some biological variables associated with flat back for children with intellectual disability [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Intelligence level The effect of an educational song for ballet skills on the artistic achievement of the first group [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 9-24]
  • Intensive decentralized training The effectiveness of intensive decentralized training on some strength indicators and criteria for evaluating the technical and sports performance of kata players in karate according to international evaluation standards [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 112-139]
  • Interactive Designing an interactive electronic booklet for smart phones and its impact on learning the performance of some attake skills and the extent of cognitive achievement in boxing for students of the Faculty of Physical Education. [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 187-213]
  • Interactive The effect of using the interactive whiteboard on learning some basic skills in handball for students of the second cycle of basic education [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 9-39]
  • Interactive The effect of interactive agility training on some physical and skill variables for kumite players [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 298-318]
  • Interactive The effect of an educational program using an interactive video on improving the level of physical performance and skills for breaststroke crawling for beginners. [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 45-79]
  • Interactive Interactive agility training effectiveness on the triple jump junior's record and some physical variables [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 100-119]
  • Interactive Designing an interactive e-book for the course on methods of teaching team hockeyAnd its impact on the cognitive achievement and teaching performance of studentsCollege of Physical Education in Damietta and their attitudes towards it [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 190-221]
  • Interactive educational platforms Interactive educational platforms (Zoom, Edmodo) and their impact on the level of cognitive attainment of the skill of the hammer throw [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 21-49]
  • Interactive Whiteboard The effect of using the interactive whiteboard on the level of performance of two skills (chest pass and dribbl [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 144-164]
  • Interest towards Academic subject The Effect Of An Educational Program On The Cognitive Achievement, Basic Skills, And Interest Towards Beach Handball. [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 20-52]
  • Internationalization The reality of the internationalization of programs at the Faculty of Physical Education at Helwan University to achieve global competitiveness. [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-48]
  • Internationalization of Programs The reality of the internationalization of programs at the Faculty of Physical Education at Helwan University to achieve global competitiveness. [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-48]
  • International Olympic Committee The Effect of International Variables on The Modern Olympic Movement During the Bipolar International Mode Stage (1945-1988), An Analytical Study [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 20-28]
  • International Technology Association standards Design a model for technological competencies for physical education teacher in view of criteria International Association for Technology in the field of education [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 88-125]
  • Interval training The effect of Modified Sprint Interval Training on developing some physical and physiological variables for juniors squash under 13 years [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 184-213]
  • Interval training The effect of interval training of training pieces according to the group standardization on the level of skill performance of some motor sentences for kata players in karate [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 244-279]
  • Invention The invention of the (Alo T. T. Start) device for measuring and developing a kinetic response (reaction and kinetic speed) to start sitting [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 136-148]
  • Inverted The effect of using the flipped learning strategy on the performance level of the shot put competition for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria. [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Inverted casual and transverse learning The effect of the transverse and transverse learning of the transmission skill in tennis in the transmission skill learning from the top in the volleyball [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 106-113]
  • Inverted learning The effect of using reverse learning supported by networked navigation on cognitive achievement and the trend towards electronic evaluation in exercises for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 105-126]
  • Inverted learning The effect of reverse learning using a smartphone on learning some offensive skills in handball [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 141-161]
  • Irritable bowel syndrome Effect of colon massage and passive stretch exercises on reducing some of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 64-83]
  • Isokinetic Isokinetic assessment of shoulder muscle strength of discus players [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 256-283]
  • Isokintic Designing atraining program using the isokinetic device to improve the pelvic muscle group and the level of achievement for 110m/hurdlers [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 163-187]


  • Javelin Effects of Training program to improve Rotator Cuff Muscles imbalance and injury prevention on Javelin throw velocity [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 57-81]
  • Javelin The effect of ballistic training on muscular capacity in light of the electrical activity of the working muscles at the moment of elimination of javelin players. [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Javelin throw Flipped learning and its effect on some learning outcomes of the javelin throw skill For students of the faculty of Physical Education [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 231-256]
  • Javelin throw Positive Reinforcement and its Effect on the Record level of Javelin Throw [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 159-185]
  • Javelin Throwing competition The reality of students' Attitudes Towards E-learning using synchronized virtual classrooms on Cognitive Achievement Course for the Javelin Throwing competition In light of the Coronavirus Pandemic [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 8-38]
  • Jerk Effect of Stretching Resistance Method with Excess flexibility Indicator on Estimate Positions and Jerk Effectiveness for youth Weightlifters at the National Project of Talented Youth in Damietta [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 303-352]
  • Jigsaw Strategy to Cooperative Integration The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Strategy to Cooperative Integration on Cognitive Achievement and performance degree of Front handspring on Floor exercises [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 9-36]
  • Jixo strategy Jixo strategy supported by mobile learning and its impact on each of the learning outcomes" for some jumping horse skills in gymnastics [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-51]
  • Job Engagement Reality the Cognitive Engagement of Sports Specialists at the Ministry of Youth and Sports [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 189-205]
  • Job Performance Strategies for managing organizational conflict and its relationship to job performance in the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Assiut Governorate [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 294-323]
  • Job power exercises The effect of using functional strength exercises and cross training activities on some capabilities Physical and skill for tennis beginners [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 183-203]
  • Judo Study the effectiveness of specialized offensive techniques for some of the highest playing arts (Nagy Waza) at the 30th World Men's Sport Championship Judo 2015 Astana Kazakhstan [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 203-220]
  • Judo Efficiency of online learning, using superior media, to learn some of the complex skills involved in judo [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 190-214]
  • Judo The effect of using virtual reality glasses on skill Performance level of kata learners (nage no kata) in judo Sports [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 127-157]
  • Judo effect of the(Randori) exercises which Addressed to the less privileged side on the level of skillful performance and the effectiveness of the attack for junior of Judo . [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 398-425]
  • Judo The effect of using( Battle rope) exercises on muscle strength output and performance level of some skills (Tachi Waza) for judo juniors” [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 518-530]
  • Judo "the characteristic curve for the momently of angular change for the free leg effective as a basic to developing specific exercises in the sport of judo [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 187-206]
  • Judo Obstacles that prevent female students from majoring in Judo Faculty of Physical Education Girls, Zagazig University [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 9-43]
  • Judo Requirements for the: application of cost management methods in the Egyptian Judo Federation [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 120-158]
  • Judo Ukemi Effect of a preventive educational program using Judo Ukemi on safe fall learning for soccer juniors [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 163-191]


  • KAATSU training The effect of Kaatsu training on small blood elements, some physical variables & The performance level of the shot put competition. [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 331-373]
  • Kaizen Methodology Analysis of the Quality of Education in the Postgraduate Program at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in the Light of Kaizen Methodology [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 277-390]
  • Karate The effect of the distinguished player style training according to the playing distances on the level of determinants of offensive activity in the game for the "Kumite" player in karate [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 94-113]
  • Karate The effect of center muscle strength training on the level of performance of some attack kicks for juniors kumite [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 16-33]
  • Karate The effect of mixing between individual and vehicle training exercises on some determinants of attack activity for “karate” sport of karate. [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 67-74]
  • Karate The effect of using some specific exercises on the body mass index (BMI), some physiological variables, and the level of kata performance for young people in karate. [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Karate The development of some harmonic capabilities and their relationship to the effectiveness of the anti-karate attack [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 159-230]
  • Karate Effect of counter-training tactics at the level of some determinants of offensive activity for kumite athletes. [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 19-51]
  • Karate The effect of S.A.Q training on the components of structural structure of some kinetic sentences of karate beginners. [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 244-271]
  • Karate The reality of the teaching staff using the joint educational karate course in some education and some physical education [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 218-234]
  • Karate Determination of the discriminatory indicators of "kumite" karate players in light of the analysis of tactical maps of world champions [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 327-342]
  • Karate The effect of oxygen training on cardiovascular fitness and endurance performance of karate players [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 151-177]
  • Karate Legalizing the intensity of some upper and lower extremity explosive strength training with weights in terms of the biomechanical ability of karate players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 184-206]
  • Karate The effect of developing some special motor abilities on increasing the effectiveness of tactical performance in the Atouchi Braku stage of the match for kumite players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 254-287]
  • Karate Dynamics of the Biorhythm course for the functional recovery phase Concerning the match pregnancy of the kinetic sentence (kanku - dai. Kata) with karate. " [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 9-20]
  • Karate The effect of including special rhythmic functional exercises on some physiological and Physical - skill variables of female kata players in karate [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 365-380]
  • Karate The effect of different training surfaces on some physical - skill variables and level of performance of female karate players [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 356-380]
  • Karate The effect of using training loads according to the technique of skill syllables in light of the amendments of the karate sport law on some special physical requirements and the level of motor sentence performance (GoJushiho. So-Kata) [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Karate A comparative study between arbitration of kata with eye vision and remote imaging techniques [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 155-172]
  • Karate The effectiveness of intensive decentralized training on some strength indicators and criteria for evaluating the technical and sports performance of kata players in karate according to international evaluation standards [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 112-139]
  • Karate The kinematic outputs of the side kick by the target areas of karate and taekwondo [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 183-200]
  • Karate The effectiveness of a psychological and skillful program using multi-system relaxation On Stress and performance level of kumite players [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 105-125]
  • Karate Motor symmetry between the dominant and non-dominant legs for some physical and biomechanical variables for karate and taekwondo players [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 232-256]
  • Karate An electronic evaluation program for the decisions of kata referees in karate [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 216-243]
  • Karate Sport A comparative of attention concentration study among kata ٌ Referees in karate sport. [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 24-59]
  • Katame Nokata squat traning effect on lower limb strength and flexibility and Katame Nokata Technical Performance [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 130-158]
  • KATSU Effectiveness of training Method of KATSU (Restricting Blood Flow) on some Physical and Skills Variables in Handball [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 156-176]
  • Keller strategy The effect of electronically supported learning singularity on learning abduction skills for weightlifting students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 20-32]
  • Kettlebell Effect of using Kettlebell exercises to improve some physical variables on the electrical activity of the muscles working for Dollyo Chagi skill in taekwondo [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 272-299]
  • Keywords: Attitudes Attitudes of female university sports science students towards using artificial intelligence and technology applications to raise the level of academic achievement [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 85-113]
  • Key Words: Bio-kinematics The relationship between Arm Length and some Bio-Kinematic Variables in (50 M) Butterfly Swimming for Iraqi National Swimmers. [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 9-35]
  • Keywords : Breakletics The Effect of Breakletics Training on Some Special Physical Abilities and Performance Level in Fencing Sports [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 9-30]
  • Key words: Differential training The effect of using differentiated training to develop special physical skills at digital level by pushing the shot put among students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Al-Aqsa University [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 205-231]
  • Keywords / Electronic blog The effect of using an electronic blog in learning some rope skills in rhythmic artistic exercises among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Tanta University. [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 40-68]
  • Key words:- Functional strength training The effect of functional strength training on strengthening the trunk belt and improving Digital level for junior javelin throwers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Keywords:Health awareness The level of health awareness of knowledge and health information on first aid among health club trainers " [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 9-27]
  • Keywords / Interactive electronic handbook Effectiveness of using an interactive electronic book for smartphones in learning some table tennis skills for the students of the second division at the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 261-294]
  • Keywords: kinesthetic perception Spatial Kinesthetic Perception and Its Relationship with the Accuracy Level of Overhead Serve Skill in Volleyball [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 67-84]
  • Keywords: Knowledge level The knowledge of parents of children aged 8-9 years about injuries and first aid in Riyadh [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 175-195]
  • Keywords: logical thinking "Logical thinking in light of the classification of mental abilities according to the Hermann scale for sports activities trainers at Al-Mustansiriya University" [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 196-214]
  • Keywords: marketing and its role in attracting subscribers to health clubs in Cairo Governorate [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 92-106]
  • Keywords (preventive exercises The effect of use of preventive exercises to reduce the knee joint injury to the effectiveness of 100 m hurdles with the help of some exercises [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 144-161]
  • Keywords: Recreational physical activity program Recreational Physical Activity Program for Health Promotion for Overweight elderly [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 190-222]
  • Keywords: Size of training load The impact of an intensive training program on some physical and biochemical and the digital level of enemy facilities. [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 9-33]
  • Key words: Somatotypes Body mass index percentiles classified by Somatotypes of Saudi children in the city of Al-Ahsa and compared to international references [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 162-189]
  • Keywords / Strategy of the Six Hats Impact of an educational program using the Six Hats Strategy to raise health awareness towards dealing with (Covid –19) for preschoolers [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 276-301]
  • Keywords / SWOM Strategy The effectiveness of using the SWOM strategy in learning the long jump skill among students of the second stage of basic education in Gharbia Governorate [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 332-360]
  • Key words : Trampoline The effect of trampoline exercises on the maximum oxygen consumption and muscle strength of obese from 20 – [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-33]
  • Kick Boxing A training program for three punches according to biomechanical analysis to improve some physical variables for kickboxing players [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 256-270]
  • Kinematic The effect of an educational program using computer graphical modeling according to Kinematic variables on the level of performance of some volleyball skills for deaf and Mute students [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 97-118]
  • Kinematic The effect of using Dramatized Curricula supported by motor modeling on teaching some offensive skills and the achievement of knowledge for beginners in handball [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 65-97]
  • Kinematic : The effect of myotatic exercises in terms of some kinematic indicators on improving long jump racers. [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 73-109]
  • Kinematic Effect of exercises with coordinating capabilities in some kinematic variables and preciseness of tennis Ground Forehand Stroke in beginners [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 24-44]
  • Kinematic Developing the speed of movement response and its effect on speed and accuracy Redemption hits for junior tennis [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 222-266]
  • Kinematic The kinematic outputs of the side kick by the target areas of karate and taekwondo [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 183-200]
  • Kinematics Variables Transfer of Learning Skill Penalty Throw in Team-Handball To Learn the Skill of The Penalty Shot in The Water Polo in Terms of Some Kinematics Variables [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 153-173]
  • Kinesthetic Effects of a Kinesthetic Program on the Technical Performance Level of Counterattack Among Junior Sabre Fencers (less than 15 years) [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 307-336]
  • Kinesthetic Activities an evaluation study of kinesthetic activities at kindergarten stage [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 52-74]
  • Kinesthetic perception The effect of sensory awareness exercises - dynamic and focus attention on mindfulness and correction skills for basketball beginners [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 183-202]
  • Kinetic Education The effectiveness of a kinetic education program on some special movement abilities and teaching some basic skills for field and track competitions [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 207-243]
  • Kinetic Exploratory Activities The Effectiveness of Curriculum Drama as an Accompanying Teaching Approach to the Program of Kinetic Exploratory Activities in the Acquisition of Some Etiquette Behaviors for Primary Students [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 224-250]
  • Kinetic Rehabilitation Effectiveness of a rehabilitation program to improve some biological variables associated with flat back for children with intellectual disability [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Kinetic sentence ؛ kata The effect of the development of special physical attributes on some kinematics variables and the performance of the motor sentence (Jojo Shihu Shu) for karate people [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 205-233]
  • Kinetic sentences Kinetic sentences for the development of the split step and the movements of the feet and their impact on the results of matches for Tennis Juniors [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 296-319]
  • Kinetic variables The impact of special reactive agility exercises on some kinetic requirements and foot movements of Taekwondo juniors [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-92]
  • Kleen and jerk The effect of an educational program using the six-dimensional strategy (PDEODE) and accompanying software in learning the two “snatch-clean and jerk” lifts for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-165]
  • Knee joint The effectiveness of a movement rehabilitation program on the functional efficiency of women with osteoarthritis of the knee [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 100-120]
  • Knowledge The requirements of applying knowledge management and its role in developing the administrative and technical creativity of those in charge of managing sports activities at Al-Azhar University [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 119-139]
  • Knowledge Building a scale of knowledge of physical education teaching methods from the viewpoint of physical education teachers in Damietta Governorate in light of some variables [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 155-196]
  • Knowledge Development The effect of using the Acadox technology in teaching the learning technology course on developing knowledge achievement and electronic communication skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 270-307]
  • Knowledge Management Developing knowledge management processes in light of the performance publication model at the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 142-168]
  • Knowledge scale Building a scale of knowledge of physical education teaching methods from the viewpoint of physical education teachers in Damietta Governorate in light of some variables [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 155-196]
  • KORYO The effect of the use of parallel training in the development of special physical abilities and the performance of the dynamic sentence Koryo Pomza for taekwondo players [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 143-181]
  • Kumite Players The effect of developing some special motor abilities on increasing the effectiveness of tactical performance in the Atouchi Braku stage of the match for kumite players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 254-287]
  • Kumite Players Effectiveness of strenght central muscle exercises on some physical variables and performance of Mawashi- Geri for Kumite players in North Sinai. [Volume 012, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 85-110]
  • Kuwait The Trends of Women's towards sport for all in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Kuwait(Comparative Study) [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 119-140]
  • Kuwait The requirements for the application of privatization in some clubs [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 224-253]
  • KWLH strategy The effect of the combination of KWLH strategy and mastery of learning on some physical and skill variables and the trend towards tennis among 14-year-old tennis school subscribers [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 15-47]


  • Laceration تاثير برنامج تأهيلى علي ترکيز عامل النمو الليفي الأساسي وبعض المتغيرات البيوکيميائية المصاحبة لتمزق عضلات الفخذ الخلفية للاعبى کرة القدم [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 56-79]
  • Ladder training The effect of using agility ladder training on the level of physical and skill performance for footballers [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 34-53]
  • La development "The relative contribution of some visual vision capabilities to the accuracy of the stabbing skill in Epee" [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 145-166]
  • Last And Penultimate Technical Act Technical analysis of the finishing phase of the scoring opportunities according to the types of attack in The European Football Championship 2020 and its impact on the results of matches [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 222-265]
  • Lateral The effect of a proposed program to rehabilitate the lateral meniscus rupture of the knee joint [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 72-87]
  • Laws The role of sports laws and regulations in achieving job control for workers in sports clubs [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 182-220]
  • Learn Employing electronic services in acquiring some arbitration skills in the sport of bow and arrow for the third year students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 9-34]
  • Learn The effect of using TOP SPORT cards on learning the snatch lift for students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Benha University [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 86-104]
  • Learn Effect of using figure (V) maps on learn shot put throwing for middle school girls [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 28-51]
  • Learning The effect of a strategy based on the combination of the E’S 7 course and concept maps on learning some of the life-saving skills of swimming [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 100-122]
  • Learning Efficiency of online learning, using superior media, to learn some of the complex skills involved in judo [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 190-214]
  • Learning Effectiveness of using introductory games in learning some basic skills in field hockey for deaf mute students [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 174-190]
  • Learning The effect of the transverse and transverse learning of the transmission skill in tennis in the transmission skill learning from the top in the volleyball [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 106-113]
  • Learning The effectiveness of a suggestive learning program to improve some handball skills And some psychological variables for troubled students at the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 174-193]
  • Learning The effect of an educational program using the educational platform on the skillful learning outcomes in volleyball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 237-257]
  • Learning The impact of the use of mobile learning supported by smart tablets On the level of performance of some of the rescue skills in swimming [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 176-199]
  • Learning The effectiveness of using the 5E's course on the level of performance of some handball skills among physical education students [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 182-229]
  • Learning The effect of using blended learning on cognitive achievement, reducing test anxiety and learning some fundamental skills in volleyball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 50-86]
  • Learning The effect of using generative learning strategy on the level of cognitive achievement and learning some basic skills in table tennis for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Damietta [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 93-127]
  • Learning The effectiveness of an educational program based on self-regulated learning strategies using some mobile learning applications on cognitive achievement and motivation for fourth year student with a boxing specialty in the faculty of physical education- banha university [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 186-224]
  • Learning The effect of an educational program using differentiated teaching method on learning the snatch lift in weightlifting for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Zagazig [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 36-60]
  • Learning The effectiveness of using the Five-Year Learning Course (5E's) supported by the virtual reality model on the level of performance of some basketball skills [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 43-84]
  • Learning Using the educational platform (Google classroom) and its impact on cognitive achievement in gymnastics [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 45-88]
  • Learning The effect of using the Marzano model for learning dimensions to teach the course of educational guidance and supervision in improving mindfulness and cognitive achievement among students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Learning The effect of using the flipped learning strategy on the performance level of the shot put competition for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria. [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Learning The impact of an educational program using participatory e-learning on a level Performing some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Learning Attitudes of female students of the College of Education towards distance learning using the Black Board system And its relationship to test anxiety [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 355-385]
  • Learning The five-stage learning cycle (5E's) according to the constructive learning theory and its effect on some harmonic abilities and the level of motor sentence performance in rhythmic exercises [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 55-78]
  • Learning A comparative study of the effect of the use of two competitive learning styles (comparative - group) on On the motivation of achievement and the level of performance of the motor sentence in sports performances [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 129-152]
  • Learning The effect of a virtual educational program using an adaptive learning strategy according to educational methods and preferences on developing the educational performance of students, physical education teachers [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 75-135]
  • Learning program to develop the cognitive achievement of the teaching technology course using active learning based on self-learning programmed by students of the Faculty of Sports Education [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 221-262]
  • Learning The effectiveness of using participatory learning through the Microsoft Teams platform on cognitive achievement, teaching skills and student attitudes in the course on methods of teaching physical education in light of the Egypt Vision 2030. [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 455-494]
  • Learning : Impact of the use of virtual reality technology on learning some offensive skills in basketball [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 78-109]
  • Learning The effect of using the cooperative learning strategy on developing the cognitive achievement of gifted students with learning difficulties in football [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 35-78]
  • Learning Outcomes E-learning environment based on flipped learning and its impact on developing some learning outcomes for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - University of El Arish [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 160-185]
  • Learning Outcomes The effect of an educational program using the flipped learning strategy on learning outcomes in boxing and the academic self-efficacy of school students at the Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 159-193]
  • Learning Outcomes The effect of using participatory e-learning on some ‎learning outcomes for backstroke swimming [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 135-179]
  • Learning Outcomes The effect of using infographics on improving learning outcomes and teaching some ground movement skills [(Articles in Press)]
  • Learning strategy The effectiveness of using the seven-stage constructivist learning strategy on the level of learning some skills [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 323-353]
  • Leeches The effect of using leeches and rehabilitative exercises on improving the efficiency of the knee joint affected by inflammation in the elderly [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 67-94]
  • Left-Handed Player Kinematic performance of the Disengagement of the right-handed and the left-handed player of the foil (a comparative study) [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 203-218]
  • Leisure Time A survey study of recreational activities carried out by university youth during the period of study interruption due to the emerging corona virus [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 30-56]
  • Leisure Time Recreational Awareness in Using Social Networking Sites during Leisure Time for Female Students at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 273-306]
  • Level of awareness The level of awareness of body components among physical education teachers in public and private schools [(Articles in Press)]
  • Life Skills)) The use of a program based on the dramatic entrance and its effect on achievement and the development of some life skills for primary school students [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 53-100]
  • Ligament A suggested rehabilitation program to improve the efficiency of the knee joint After surgery to replace the posterior cruciate ligament for athletes [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 24-44]
  • Logistical activities Evaluating the quality of logistics service in the Onaizah colleges [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 272-307]
  • Logistics management Evaluating the quality of logistics service in the Onaizah colleges [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 272-307]
  • Long Jump Skill The effectiveness of using the SWOM strategy in learning the long jump skill among students of the second stage of basic education in Gharbia Governorate [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 332-360]
  • Long Range Slow Attack Technical analysis of the finishing phase of the scoring opportunities according to the types of attack in The European Football Championship 2020 and its impact on the results of matches [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 222-265]


  • Mada The extent of interest of public school principals in the share of sports education and sports activity in Jenin Governorate from the point of view of teachers of sports education [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 89-115]
  • Malaysia The effect of a training program; the use of biometric training; the development of the muscular strength of the muscles of the legs; volleyball players; Malaysia [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 227-249]
  • Management Management of the volunteer committee for the African Nations Cup in Egypt 2019. " An analytical study [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 52-104]
  • Management The requirements of applying knowledge management and its role in developing the administrative and technical creativity of those in charge of managing sports activities at Al-Azhar University [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 119-139]
  • Management The impact of participation in cellular recreation activities on the development of some skills Time management for Alexandria University students [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Management The effect of using a project management strategy on knowledge achievement and the digital level For some field and track competitions for students of the Education Division [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Management "Electronic administration as a tool to improve the administrative communication systems between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and its institutions" [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 176-209]
  • Management Requirements for the: application of cost management methods in the Egyptian Judo Federation [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 120-158]
  • Management Evaluating the competencies of planning sports performances for graduates of the sports administration major [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 108-119]
  • Management Human resources management strategies and their relationship to organizational immunity at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 222-250]
  • Management with transparency Management with transparency and its relationship to administrative performance in Assiut sports clubs [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 83-111]
  • Managing A proposed plan for managing sports crises in the Egyptian General Sports Federation for All in light of (COVID-19 crisis management) [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 143-175]
  • Manufacturing Designing and manufacturing of a competitive multi- therapeutic bed for physical rehabilitation using cervical, lumbar vertebrate and knee joint traction [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 375-388]
  • MAPs The effect of maps of digital concepts on the level of performance of some basic skills in basketball among students in the second cycle of basic education [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 151-183]
  • MAPs The effectiveness of electronic maps on cognitive achievement and skill performance in basketball for students of the Education Division at the Faculty of Physical Education in Alexandria [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 174-217]
  • MAPs The effect of using electronic mental maps on the motivation of learning And the level of technical and digital performance in the discus throwing competition [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 135-159]
  • MAPs Electronic mind maps and their effect on the skill level, cognitive achievement, and emotional impressions towards track and field competitions curriculum for third year [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 10-43]
  • MAPs The effect of using programmed concept maps on learning the skill of snatching in weightlifting [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 246-276]
  • Marital exercises The effect of marital exercises with rhythm using the Swedish seat on improving the level of some physical characteristics and practical achievement for students of the Faculty of Athletic Education [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 54-71]
  • Marketing communications The Impact of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Strategies on the Purchase Intention for Consumers of Health Club Services in the Arab Republic of Egypt. [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 357-392]
  • Marketing deception Marketing deception and its effect on the attitude of consumers of sporting goods in Dakahlia Governorate [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 106-135]
  • Marketing Intelligence The role of marketing intelligence in maintaining the image of the trademark during the marketing crises "from the viewpoint of employees of some companies sponsoring Egyptian sports" [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 256-273]
  • Marketing Intelligence The role of marketing intelligence in developing the quality of health club service [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 30-79]
  • Marketing performance Technological innovation and its role in improving the marketing performance of sports clubs in the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 72-109]
  • Market share The Relative Contribution of Product Innovation to Predicting Fitness Centers Market Share [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 332-366]
  • Marzano The effect of using the embedding method on the learning dimensions of Marzano and learn some Basketball skills for middle school [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 132-164]
  • Marzano's The effect of using the Marzano model for learning dimensions to teach the course of educational guidance and supervision in improving mindfulness and cognitive achievement among students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Massage The effect of recovery massage on some physiological and biochemical variables associated with muscle fatigue for new female students at the College of Physical Education [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 144-169]
  • Master theses Analysis of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Departments’ Approved Master Theses at Sultan Qaboos University from 2015 to 2017 [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 184-201]
  • Matches The effectiveness of a program in educational matches in improving skill performance and attribution of legal errors to Volleyball Beginners [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 249-272]
  • Matches The effect of mental capacity level on match results for basketball players under 17 years old [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 128-144]
  • Mathematical Education Faculties The philosophy of evaluating curricula in the practical departments of the colleges of mathematical education to raise the quality of the product (student) in higher education [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 52-74]
  • Mathematically Gifted The effect of using S. A. Q training on some physical and skill variables for female volleyball girls in gifted athletic schools [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 207-223]
  • Maximum effort The effectiveness of maximum physical effort of some physiological variables and blood rare salts concentration of swimmers [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 186-205]
  • Maximum inspiratory endurance Manufacture and standardization of an inhalation respiratory tolerance device [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 116-127]
  • Maximum oxygen consumption Relationship of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) to the body mass index for blind male students (15-18 years) [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 141-148]
  • Maximum oxygen consumption The effect of trampoline exercises on the maximum oxygen consumption and muscle strength of obese from 20 – [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-33]
  • Maximum oxygen consumption The effect of cross training on the maximum oxygen consumption and the motor performance of aerobic gymnastics [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 76-103]
  • Maximum oxygen consumption The effect of a training program on the maximum oxygen consumption and some elements of physical fitness for female preparatory school students [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 104-123]
  • Maximum oxygen consumption The effect of breathing exercises inside the water on the maximum oxygen consumption of swimming students recovering from Corona. ​ [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 191-221]
  • Maximum oxygen consumption The Effect Of Using Cross Fit Training And Aquatic Exercises To Improve Some Physiological Variables Among Female Students Majoring In Swimming [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 113-135]
  • Measurement of inspiratory breath capacity tolerance Manufacture and standardization of an inhalation respiratory tolerance device [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 116-127]
  • Measuring device Manufacture and standardization of an inhalation respiratory tolerance device [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 116-127]
  • Mechanical Properties A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]
  • Media Evaluation of sports facilities for the General Authority of Cairo Sports Stadium [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 97-113]
  • Media Industry Chamber Strategic agility and its role in advancing the media industry room   In specialized sports channels [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 195-219]
  • Medical The effect of using leeches and rehabilitative exercises on improving the efficiency of the knee joint affected by inflammation in the elderly [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 67-94]
  • Members The extent to which members of the judo faculty possess educational technological competencies And Practicing them in colleges of physical education [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 177-212]
  • Menopause The effect of adjusted trampoline training on disordered body image and psychological happiness of women . [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 156-173]
  • Mental The effect of the electronic mental mapping strategy on achievement motivation and the level of correction performance from jumping high in handball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education Menoufia University [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 77-100]
  • Mental The effect of a program based on Hatha Yoga exercises on developing mental alertness, optimism and health status of diabetic swimming teachers [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 96-114]
  • Mental The effect of using electronic mental maps on the motivation of learning And the level of technical and digital performance in the discus throwing competition [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 135-159]
  • Mental The effect of mental capacity level on match results for basketball players under 17 years old [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 128-144]
  • Mental Social phobia and mental alertness among female practitioners And non-practices for sport [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 169-197]
  • Mental Energy Building a Scale of mental energy regulation for Scuba Divers [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 80-171]
  • Mental Image The mental image of governmental and private sports channels and their role in shaping the attitudes of individuals "a comparative study" [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 348-387]
  • Mental Imagery The impact of mental training program using some psychological skills on the accuracy of some basic skills for Tennis junior [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Mentally Handicapped The agmeinted reality for learning some of the basic movements in modern dance for children with intellectual disabilities. [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-174]
  • Mental stimulants he effect of mental stimulants on the performance of some of the collar skills with the rhythmic gymnastics of the students [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 47-58]
  • Mental Toughness Mental Toughness and its relationship to the determinants of the performance strategy of football players at Taif University [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 11-38]
  • Mental Toughness Mental toughness as a predictor of tournament results for aerobic gymnasts Dance in the Arab Republic of Egypt " [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Mental Wandering "Building a Mental wandering scale for female Students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan Universit" [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 221-235]
  • Metacognition Effect of using metacognition strategies on developing innovative design skills for motor expression shows [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 221-230]
  • Metered doses The effect of taking metered doses of fluids and salts in hot weather on aldosterone and angiotensin II and some health variables for athletes [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 108-129]
  • Method French Contrast “The effect of Method French Contrast on some special physical and biochemical variables and the effectiveness of the skill performance of judo players.” [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 80-116]
  • Methods Requirements for the: application of cost management methods in the Egyptian Judo Federation [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 120-158]
  • Microsoft Hybrid Learning supported by Microsoft Teams platform and its effect on the performance of some offensive skills in badminton [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 192-221]
  • Microsoft The effectiveness of using participatory learning through the Microsoft Teams platform on cognitive achievement, teaching skills and student attitudes in the course on methods of teaching physical education in light of the Egypt Vision 2030. [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 455-494]
  • Microsoft Teams platform Flipped learning and its effect on some learning outcomes of the javelin throw skill For students of the faculty of Physical Education [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 231-256]
  • Middle school pupils The effect of a rehabilitation program on horse humping among middle school students in Qena Governorate [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 242-260]
  • Mind Electronic mind maps and their effect on the skill level, cognitive achievement, and emotional impressions towards track and field competitions curriculum for third year [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 10-43]
  • Mindfulness The effect of sensory awareness exercises - dynamic and focus attention on mindfulness and correction skills for basketball beginners [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 183-202]
  • Mindfulness The effect of using the Marzano model for learning dimensions to teach the course of educational guidance and supervision in improving mindfulness and cognitive achievement among students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Mindfulness Mindfulness and its relation to Practical Test Anxiety , Routine level performance for students of Rythmic Exercise specialization [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 44-78]
  • Mindfulness Social phobia and mental alertness among female practitioners And non-practices for sport [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 169-197]
  • Mindfulness Effect of a Proposed Training Program for Referees on Mindfulness and their Refereeing Performance in Weightlifting [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 185-204]
  • Ministry of education Administrative creativity and its relationship to some demographic variables among employees of the General Administration of Physical Education at the Ministry of Education [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ministry of Youth Organizational agility of Ministry of Youth and Sports sportspersons [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 267-282]
  • Miscellaneous exercises The effect of various exercises on the fitness and health-related elements of women who do not practice sports [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 37-57]
  • Mobile Learning Jixo strategy supported by mobile learning and its impact on each of the learning outcomes" for some jumping horse skills in gymnastics [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-51]
  • Moderate Cognitive Impairment (MCI) The effectiveness Of Aerobic program On some bio variables As A indicator to reduce Of Alzheimer Disease Progression [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 266-310]
  • Moderate environment (21 ° C) A comparative study of the concentration of attention between a moderate environment (21 ° C) and a hot environment (35 ° C) after running at moderate intensity [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 209-220]
  • Modern pentathlon A mental training program using hypnosis and its effect on the level of swimming competition performance for a modern pentathlon athlete in Guatemala (case study) [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 267-187]
  • Modern pentathlon The effect of swimming rules amendment on the performance level of pentathletes [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 243-266]
  • Modified seven-year learning cycle The effect of using the modified 7´ES learning course supported by educational platforms on learning some defensive skills and cognitive achievement in handball [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 166-220]
  • Module The effectiveness of using the educational module on the level of skill performance and the digital level of the athletics course for female students of the second year at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Zagazig University [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 166-202]
  • Moodle Cloud Use Moodle Cloud system to manage the educational content and its impact on teaching performance, cognitive level and trends to teach handball skills. [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 174-202]
  • Moodle Program The Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacherThe Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacher [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 170-202]
  • Mood Styles " Study the Effect of Psychological Stress on Mood Styles and Emotional Equilibrium for Divers" [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 124-349]
  • Motor abilities The effect of developing some special motor abilities on increasing the effectiveness of tactical performance in the Atouchi Braku stage of the match for kumite players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 254-287]
  • Motor abilities effect of proposed educational program for taebo water exercises on some motor abilities and improving the level of skill performance in rtythmic swimming [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 104-128]
  • Motor abilities The effectiveness of a kinetic education program on some special movement abilities and teaching some basic skills for field and track competitions [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 207-243]
  • Motor control A tracing of the time indicators during design motor program for kicks in Taekwondo [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 127-158]
  • Motor Creativity The effect of the modified seven-year learning cycle strategy (E'S7) on learning some basic basketball skills and developing the kinetic creativity of middle school students [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 237-265]
  • Motor Education The effect of a motor activities program on developing social communication skills and some basic motor skills among children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-179]
  • Motor Education The effect of a movement education program on the development of some basic skills and social interaction for third-year primary school students [(Articles in Press)]
  • Motor expectation The effect of neuro training on some physiological and physical variables and the motor expectation of judo players. [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 146-191]
  • Motor expression The effect of motor expression on some physiological and psychological variables as indicators of health quality for females (20-30) years old [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 111-149]
  • Motor expression Skill self-esteem and its relationship to technic performance in motor expression of students at Faculty of Education, Department of Childhood - Alexandria University [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 150-171]
  • Motor expression "The effect of a motor expression program and popular games on stubbornness and defiance disorder in children with ODD" [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 119-136]
  • Motor games The effect of employing motor games in developing some basic motor skills and distinguishing between letters that are similar in different forms of pronunciation among students of the School of Intellectual Education [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 25-55]
  • Motor learning theories Designing an applied model based on the theory of motor schema to improve learning the performance of some Sports skills among primary school students. [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 206-240]
  • Motor program A tracing of the time indicators during design motor program for kicks in Taekwondo [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 127-158]
  • Motor rehabilitation Kinetic rehabilitation program outside and inside the aqueous medium to restore some functional abilities of players with shoulder joint tendonitis in table tennis [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 89-99]
  • Motor Rhythm The effect of using trx exercises on motor rhythm and some basic skills for junior soccer goalkeepers [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 257-285]
  • Motor safety The effect of an educational program using motor safety exercises to reduce anxiety and the level of hiccups for juniors in judo [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 128-155]
  • Movements The effect of developing some tactical Performance on the time of movements and the attack effectiveness of the karate player [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 34-53]
  • Multimedia The effectiveness of a professional development program to improve teaching performance and reduce injury complications by using multimedia in the artistic gymnastics lesson for physical education teachers [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 122-162]
  • Multiple sclerosis The effect of a rehabilitation program and virtual reality games on the physical variables of patients with multiple sclerosis" [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 170-195]
  • Muscle power The effect of using rubber cords on muscle power of legs and arms for field hockey juniors [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 62-79]
  • Muscles The Effect of a Hydrotherapy Program to Strengthen the Back Muscles of a Herniated Disc [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 279-310]
  • Muscle strength Effect of blood flow restriction training on muscle strength and some body composition for elderly people [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-25]
  • Muscle strength The effect of trampoline exercises on the maximum oxygen consumption and muscle strength of obese from 20 – [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-33]
  • Muscle strength The effect of a rehabilitation program to improve the muscle strength of cerebral palsy patients [(Articles in Press)]
  • Muscle Symmetry Muscle Symmetry as A Function of A Training Program to Improve Aerial Cartwheel Skill on The Balance Beam [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 264-386]
  • Muscular ability of the legs The effect of using learning hearts on the skill of shooting peacefully in a physical education lesson in the preparatory stage [(Articles in Press)]
  • Muscular Balance Effects of Training program to improve Rotator Cuff Muscles imbalance and injury prevention on Javelin throw velocity [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 57-81]
  • Muscular dystrophy The effect of resistance exercises and protein supplements to rehabilitate muscular atrophy partial anterior after anterior cruciate ligament surgeries. [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 192-219]
  • Muscular Endurance Absolute standard score for modified tensile testing [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 41-52]
  • Muscular Endurance The Effect of Using Specific Exercises of Muscular Endurance to Improve Some Basic Handball Skills. [Volume 033, Issue 033, 2020, Pages 360-404]
  • Muscular strength The effect of 3/7 training on developing some special physical qualities and drop shot accuracy for juniors squash under 15 years [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 113-142]
  • Muscular strength The effect of variable resistance exercises using the Vertimax device on muscular strength and transmission accuracy for squash girl players [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 191-213]
  • Muscular strength The Effect of Contrast Training on Improving Relative Muscular Strength and Skill Performance on Uneven Bars [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 233-251]
  • Muscular strength The effect of Breakletics exercises on muscular strength and the level of skill performance of the floor Movements in modern dance [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 220-241]
  • Musculoskeletal pain The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on musculoskeletal pain in pregnant women. [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 203-224]
  • Myotatic : The effect of myotatic exercises in terms of some kinematic indicators on improving long jump racers. [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 73-109]


  • NA-K The effect of using cluster training supplemented by taking doses of water on some biochemical variables (NA-K) and the level of skill performance of volleyball players [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 211-238]
  • Nanotechnology Evaluation of coaches' attitudes towards the use of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence applications in basketball [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 186-210]
  • Nearpod platform Effect of an educational program using the Nearpod platform on the performance level of the shot put competition for middle school students [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 60-107]
  • Neck Range of Motion "The effect of a rehabilitation program using a medicine ball to correct neck deviation for middle school students" [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 50-65]
  • Needham Abstract of the research in Arabic The effect of the Needham constructive model in learning some ballet skills and developing high-order thinking for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minia University [(Articles in Press)]
  • Networks The effectiveness of social media networks in developing awareness of sustainable development issues among physical education teachers in light of Egypt's 2030 [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 59-89]
  • Neuro training The effect of neuro training on some physiological and physical variables and the motor expectation of judo players. [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 146-191]
  • New Tourist Pattern The Role of Adventure Tourism as a New Tourist Pattern in Developing the Tourist Attraction of the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 65-90]
  • NLP A recreational program using NLP to develop verbal and social communication for children with hearing impairment [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 219-244]
  • Note Strategic Effectiveness (Predict - Note - Explain) associated with competitive learning style in achievement motivation and skill level of some squash skills for beginners [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 48-75]


  • Obese Children Health implications of an instrumental exercise program for obese children [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 172-191]
  • Obesity The effectiveness of the rehabilitation programme and its impact on girls' obesity [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 234-251]
  • Obstacles Building a strategy for obstacles to the spread of athletics practice in private clubs in Egypt. [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 9-35]
  • Obstacles Obstacles to the practice of sports recreational activities for the students of the faculty of physical Education Al - Azhar University [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 72-104]
  • Obstacles Obstacles that prevent female students from majoring in Judo Faculty of Physical Education Girls, Zagazig University [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 9-43]
  • Obstacles Obstacles to accessing the quality of teaching performance from the viewpoint of physical education teachers. [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 46-74]
  • Obstacles Analytical study of the constraints that limit the spread Wrestling sport in Upper Egypt  [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 120-150]
  • Occupational Safety Effects Of A Vocational Health Program on the Health Behavior and Vocational Safety For Students Of Technical Secondary Schools In Tanta. [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 31-65]
  • Oman Omanis' Tendencies towards Hosting Sporting Events in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 90-122]
  • Oman Vision Perceptions of experts in physical education towards the possibility of including some kinetic popular folklore in the physical education subject in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 207-239]
  • Online teaching and learning modes The effect of distance education on some injuries of the skeletal system of the teaching staff [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 209-236]
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder "The effect of a motor expression program and popular games on stubbornness and defiance disorder in children with ODD" [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 119-136]
  • Optical tracking The effect of using visual exercises on the level of "shot out" performance of field hockey players [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 344-362]
  • Order The effect of the use of parallel training in the development of special physical abilities and the performance of the dynamic sentence Koryo Pomza for taekwondo players [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 143-181]
  • Order Adults Recreational walking and its effect on the state of Psychological flow in the elderly covied19. [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Organizational The role of the administrative Leadership in developing the organizational culture to sports activity managers in some Egyptian sports clubs [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 298-329]
  • Organizational agility Organizational agility of Ministry of Youth and Sports sportspersons [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 267-282]
  • Organizational Performance Knowledge sharing and its relationship to organizational performance in sports clubs in Dakahlia Governorate [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 214-228]
  • Organizational Resilience Transcendent leadership as an input to enhance the organizational resilience in the Directorate of Youth and Sports [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 133-180]
  • Organizational Symmetry The Reality Of Organizational Symmetry As An Introduction To The Development Of Sports Clubs [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 81-96]
  • Oxygen The effect of oxygen training on cardiovascular fitness and endurance performance of karate players [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 151-177]


  • Pain The Effect of a Hydrotherapy Program to Strengthen the Back Muscles of a Herniated Disc [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 279-310]
  • Para-Badminton Muscles Activity Ratios of Forehand Smash As A Training Loads Indicator for Wheelchair Para-Badminton Players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 330-348]
  • Para-Badminton Three-dimensional motion analysis of biomechanical variables and their relationships with the forehand-clear skill performance of wheelchair para-badminton players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 349-386]
  • Parallel The effect of the use of parallel training in the development of special physical abilities and the performance of the dynamic sentence Koryo Pomza for taekwondo players [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 143-181]
  • Parameters "Establishing Special Physical Parameters Battery For Gymnastics Players at 10 years stage " [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 9-44]
  • Participation The role of sport in promoting social participation among youth A Comparative Study on a Sample of Benha University Students [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 87-123]
  • Participation Knowledge sharing and its relationship to organizational performance in sports clubs in Dakahlia Governorate [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 214-228]
  • Participatory The effectiveness of using participatory learning through the Microsoft Teams platform on cognitive achievement, teaching skills and student attitudes in the course on methods of teaching physical education in light of the Egypt Vision 2030. [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 455-494]
  • Participatory The effect of the e-participatory education strategy using the Zoom technique on the performance level of some basic skills and cognitive achievement in boxing for first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 266-293]
  • Passive stretch exercises Effect of colon massage and passive stretch exercises on reducing some of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 64-83]
  • Patterns The impact of a training program in improving motor abilities and the performance of the skill of the kick-ass (Yup Chagi) for taekwondo players in light of different brain control patterns [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 218-253]
  • PE Perceptions of experts in physical education towards the possibility of including some kinetic popular folklore in the physical education subject in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 207-239]
  • Penalty Throw Transfer of Learning Skill Penalty Throw in Team-Handball To Learn the Skill of The Penalty Shot in The Water Polo in Terms of Some Kinematics Variables [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 153-173]
  • People with special needs f57 The effect of a training program using the cable cross device on improving the performance of the F57 Discus throwing [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 253-277]
  • Perceived Perceived Driving Climate and its Relationship to Anxiety of Sports competition and the level of skill performance of handball players [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 273-295]
  • Perceived academic Perceived academic self-efficacy and its relationship to psychological resilience among students of the College of Physical Education [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 144-182]
  • Perceptions Misconceptions in older adults about physical activity. [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 96-124]
  • Performance Development The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in enhancing employee creativity and performance in Sports Clubs in the kingdom of Bahrain [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 148-190]
  • Performance Level A training program to improve muscle balance and its impact on the level of performance of some defense skills in volleyball [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 145-161]
  • Performance Level The effect of center muscle strength training on the level of performance of some attack kicks for juniors kumite [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 16-33]
  • Performance Level The effect of critical evaluation of field training students on enhancing concurrent feedback and the level of performance of teaching skills for rhythmic technical exercises [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 123-147]
  • Performance Level The effect of motor skill exercises on the level of performance of the compulsory sentence for young trampolines under 10 years [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 179-189]
  • Performance Level The effectiveness of a proposed TRX training program on improving some of the physical variables and level of performance in modern dance. [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 112-133]
  • Performance Level Effect of functional strength exercises on developing the performance level of the whole throat horse system for young people under 11 years old [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 231-271]
  • Performance Level The effect of a program that uses the rhythm of music on motor satisfaction and some physical and skill variables for students of weak level in taekwondo [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 161-182]
  • Performance Level The effect of a training program using the Slider device on the development of some special physical characteristics and the level of the motor system performance on the ground movements device [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 428-454]
  • Performance Level Effect of an educational program using the Nearpod platform on the performance level of the shot put competition for middle school students [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 60-107]
  • Performance Level The Effect of a 3D Educational Program on the Physical, Skill, and Cognitive Performance in Fencing [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 210-243]
  • Performances The effect of using the combined skill performance training method on improving some skillful performances of basketball players under 17 years old in the State of Kuwait [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 240-257]
  • Performances The effect of a training program to improve the effectiveness of the skill performance of correction for basketball youth under 17 years old in the State of Kuwait [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 8-24]
  • Performances An analytical study of some offensive tactical performances of the front and back teams of Darwa Kuwaiti soccer League [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 169-188]
  • Performances A comparative study of the effect of the use of two competitive learning styles (comparative - group) on On the motivation of achievement and the level of performance of the motor sentence in sports performances [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 129-152]
  • Performances The effectiveness of using the artful method of teaching on some harmonic abilities, kinetic satisfaction and the level of performance of the students of the sports performances team [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 240-273]
  • Personal Personality traits and their relationship with psychological endurance and achievement motivation for excellent football players (B) [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 203-236]
  • Personal Personal problems for rowing coaches [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 86-111]
  • Physical and Physiological Variables The effect of very short pace training exercises on some physical and physiological variables and the digital level of 100-meter freestyle swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 279-302]
  • Physical components Some of the physical components and physical capabilities and their relationship to biochemical variables to perform the helly skill on the parallel system for men [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 120-130]
  • Physical components A proposed program to use Pilates exercises on some components of body composition and some biochemical variables for 400m [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 267-394]
  • Physical education lesson The effect of using the fixed and variable method on the level of learning of some basic skills in handball by studying physical education [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 91-112]
  • Physical education lesson The effectiveness of the cube strategy in developing cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some basic skills in a physical education lesson [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-34]
  • Physical education teacher Design a model for technological competencies for physical education teacher in view of criteria International Association for Technology in the field of education [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 88-125]
  • Physical Education Teachers The reality of organizational affiliation among physical education teachers at Al-Azhar institutes [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 174-188]
  • Physical Education Teachers The reality of Distinguished leadership among physical education teachers at Al-Azhar institutes [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 124-138]
  • Physical Education Teachers Self-evaluation of the level of performance of teaching competencies For Physical Education Teachers in the United Arab Emirates [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 126-155]
  • Physical Education Teachers The effect of using artificial intelligence to prevent sports injuries among physical education teachers in primary schools [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 62-99]
  • Physical Education Teachers The level of awareness of body components among physical education teachers in public and private schools [(Articles in Press)]
  • Physical fitness A comparative study of physical fitness elements for students (8-9 years old) according to the parents' age variable [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 58-70]
  • Physical fitness The relationship of smash hit to some physiological and physical fitness variables for sitting volleyball players [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 129-148]
  • Physical recovery Effect of Qigong training on some Physical recovery and technical performance measurement poomsae in Taekwondo [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 123-141]
  • Physical rehabilitation traction Designing and manufacturing of a competitive multi- therapeutic bed for physical rehabilitation using cervical, lumbar vertebrate and knee joint traction [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 375-388]
  • Physical variations The effect of the use of Vartlek trainings on some physical variables, section times and the race of 800 m / run [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 58-73]
  • Physical variations The effect of Cross Fit training on some physical variables of javelin throwers [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 205-221]
  • Physiological competence The Effect Of Using Cross Fit Training And Aquatic Exercises To Improve Some Physiological Variables Among Female Students Majoring In Swimming [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 113-135]
  • Pilates Improving the imbalances of the dynamic force and its effect on the kinematic performance and digital level of butterfly swimmers [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 141-173]
  • Pilates The effectiveness of eliminating some of the skills of (Osekomy – Waza) by using Pilates exercises for judokas [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 21-42]
  • Pilates A proposed program to use Pilates exercises on some components of body composition and some biochemical variables for 400m [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 267-394]
  • Pilates The use of Pilates training to improve some physical variables and their effect on the follow-up (defensive - offensive) of junior basketball [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 181-205]
  • Pilates exercise ؛ race walking Effectiveness of Pilates exercise on physical abilities and Digital level for race walking player [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 495-517]
  • Pilates exercises Effect of using Pilates exercises on learning swimming skills in first educational stage for beginner women aged (30-40) years [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 191-210]
  • Planning Sports facilities development strategy in Gharbia Governorate [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 84-110]
  • Planning Planning the rates of running training during the preparation period according to the models for analyzing the matches of the Premier League football 2019-2020 [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 328-353]
  • Platform The effect of an educational program using the educational platform on the skillful learning outcomes in volleyball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 237-257]
  • Platform "The effect of using the educational platform on improving the level of performance of some ground tennis skills for students of the fourth year at the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University" [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 85-109]
  • Platform Using the educational platform (Google classroom) and its impact on cognitive achievement in gymnastics [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 45-88]
  • Platform The effectiveness of using participatory learning through the Microsoft Teams platform on cognitive achievement, teaching skills and student attitudes in the course on methods of teaching physical education in light of the Egypt Vision 2030. [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 455-494]
  • Platform The effectiveness of an educational program based on the electronic educational platform and its impact on learning to swim crawl on the back for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 172-207]
  • Platforms A comparative study of the use of Electronic platforms between Middle Eastern and OECD countries and their effect on the academic achievement rate for basic education students during pandamice covid 19 [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 265-305]
  • Platforms "Educational uses of educational platforms and their relationship to professional preparation For physical education teachers and teachers in the shadow of the Krone pandemic" [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 225-258]
  • Plymetric exercises The effect of the plymatic training using oblique surfaces on developing the muscular capacity of the muscles of the lower end of volleyball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 45-57]
  • Plyometric training A comparative study between the effect of ballistic training and plyometric training on the strength, speed and individual attacking skills of football players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-335]
  • Plyometric training The effect of a mixed training program on some physical variables and the level of skill performance Circular pronation for handstand on the parallel device for gymnasts [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 142-172]
  • PNF techniques Efficacy of stretching exercises using some PNF methods to improve elasticity on electrical activity (EMG) for leg muscles and the digital level in long jump [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 215-237]
  • Pocket The effect of using a comprehensive video-supported teaching method on the cognitive achievement and skill of the long jump for secondary education students [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Podium The effectiveness of an educational program using the Edmodo educational platform in developing cognitive achievement and basic football skills for middle school students in Sohag Governorate [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Pointe "The effect of some tools and devices on the flexibility of the foot joint and skill performance in ballet using (pointe)" [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 280-295]
  • POLE VAULT The effect of theEffect of crash training on muscular power And the digital level for juniors in the pole vault competition [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 195-216]
  • POLE VAULT design a proposed training device on developing the muscular ability of the arms and the level of technical performance for the stages of pulling , pushing, rotation, crossing the crossbar, and the level record of the pole vault [(Articles in Press)]
  • Polymia Polymia and its relationship to the body's components in both sexes [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 261-282]
  • Positional play philosophy mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Positive reinforcement Positive Reinforcement and its Effect on the Record level of Javelin Throw [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 159-185]
  • Posterior A suggested rehabilitation program to improve the efficiency of the knee joint After surgery to replace the posterior cruciate ligament for athletes [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 24-44]
  • Postgraduate Analysis of the Quality of Education in the Postgraduate Program at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in the Light of Kaizen Methodology [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 277-390]
  • Postural Deviations The effect of an educational program to prevent postural deviations in primary school students [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 240-263]
  • Postural stability The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on the sensory-motor system and postural stability in autistic patients [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 125-150]
  • Posture The effect of the physical education teacher’s role in spreading the Qawami culture and its relationship to the regular health of intermediate school students in the State of Kuwait [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 366-383]
  • Posture Effect of a ( healthy - kinetic ) rehabilitation program on healthy behaviors and electrical activity of genu varum muscles for deaf and dumb soccer players [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 265-333]
  • Power – Endurance The effect of Endurance pairing with ability training on the development of some special physical abilities and the level record of the 3000m steeplechase [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 74-99]
  • Power Point Presentation Program The effectiveness of using the Edmode platform based on electronic projects in imparting the technical presentations unit skills to students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Practical Sections The philosophy of evaluating curricula in the practical departments of the colleges of mathematical education to raise the quality of the product (student) in higher education [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 52-74]
  • Practice Obstacles to the practice of sports recreational activities for the students of the faculty of physical Education Al - Azhar University [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 72-104]
  • Practice Psychological disorders and their relationship to the quality of life of practices and non-practices of sports activity in menopause [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 133-171]
  • Practices The effect of a training program using "Microsoft Teams" virtual classroom technology on the perceived self-efficacy and effectiveness of the performance of some teaching practices of physical education teachers [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Predictive function Predictive function of the relationship of some biomechanical variables to the numerical achievement of pushing the shot by the method of crawling for young people under 18 years of age. [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 222-242]
  • Pregnant women The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on musculoskeletal pain in pregnant women. [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 203-224]
  • Preparation Temporal analysis of Tennis strokes as a base for volume of load size in skill preparation [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 235-252]
  • Preparation "Educational uses of educational platforms and their relationship to professional preparation For physical education teachers and teachers in the shadow of the Krone pandemic" [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 225-258]
  • Preparation The reality of the professional preparation for a stadium injury specialist in Kuwaiti clubs [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 66-82]
  • Preparation The effect of symmetrical training with unilateral muscle work on cerebral control, some physical variables, and the level of punching from the traditional and opposite ready stance [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 139-190]
  • Preschool A suggested recreational program using the Schamper theory to develop creative thinking for pre-school children in Madinah [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 238-257]
  • Preservation The role of marketing intelligence in maintaining the image of the trademark during the marketing crises "from the viewpoint of employees of some companies sponsoring Egyptian sports" [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 256-273]
  • Preventive program The effect of flexibility training as a preventive measure to reduce lower extremity injuries in female gymnasts [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 9-20]
  • Preventive training program The effect of a proposed training program for the prevention of foot joint injuries during the performance of the motor sentence in ballet. [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 173-203]
  • Primary Physical Education Teachers An interactive and applied electronic guide developed for sustainable professional development for physical education teachers for the primary stage [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 133-172]
  • Private Clubs Building a strategy for obstacles to the spread of athletics practice in private clubs in Egypt. [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 9-35]
  • Privatization The requirements for the application of privatization in some clubs [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 224-253]
  • Problems The problems of women working in the sports training profession [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 20-52]
  • Problems Personal problems for rowing coaches [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 86-111]
  • Processing and handling skills The effect of developing central processing and handling skills on the performance of the skill (passing - receiving - shooting) and the some special characteristics of handball buddies aged (6-9) years [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 178-209]
  • Product The role of the tourism recreational product in the manufacture of the recreational tourism movement which coming to the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 101-155]
  • Product creativity The Relative Contribution of Product Innovation to Predicting Fitness Centers Market Share [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 332-366]
  • Productivity of Ability The Effect of Complex Training on the Productivity of Ability during the Take-Off in Long Jump Event [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 285-303]
  • Product Quality (Student) The philosophy of evaluating curricula in the practical departments of the colleges of mathematical education to raise the quality of the product (student) in higher education [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 52-74]
  • Professional Development The effectiveness of a professional development program to improve teaching performance and reduce injury complications by using multimedia in the artistic gymnastics lesson for physical education teachers [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 122-162]
  • Professionalism Evaluating the professional competence of physical education teachers using educational platforms in the basic Education stage in Port Said Governorate [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 163-187]
  • Program A suggested recreational program using the Schamper theory to develop creative thinking for pre-school children in Madinah [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 238-257]
  • Program A suggested recreational program for achieving intellectual security for secondary school students in Alexandria Governorate [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 258-277]
  • Program A training curriculum according to a factory device to reduce the force of attraction and its impact on some mechanical variables and achievement of the running efficiency of 1500 m [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 173-184]
  • Program The effect of a proposed training program for the development of some physical variables on improving the level of skill performance and the time composition of some gymnastic skills. [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 121-138]
  • Program Designing a specific training program for the skill of the two rounds in front of the motor term on the parallel machine in terms of some mechanical indicators . [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 212-230]
  • Program The effectiveness of a program based on play activities in reducing the level of attention deficit accompanied by increased activity in children [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 53-73]
  • Program Impact of training program on some selected Biomechanical, Physical, and skillful Indicators about Backhand volley drop shot for squash players [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 55-78]
  • Program The effectiveness of a suggestive learning program to improve some handball skills And some psychological variables for troubled students at the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 174-193]
  • Program Theeffecofaneducationalprogramusingclasstheatertoteachsomehandballskillsandimprovethekinestheticperceptionofstudentsinthefirstcycleofbasiceducation [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 76-119]
  • Program The effect of an educational program using alternative tools on learning some basic basketball skills for deaf and dumb students [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 164-183]
  • Program A scouting program to develop some social skills for the visually impaired in Alexandria Governorate [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 11-47]
  • Program Using a proposed water program to improve the skill level of the triathlon player [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 289-302]
  • Program The effect of a rehabilitation program inside and outside the aqueous milieu on improving respiratory cardiovascular fitness and some biochemical variables and quality of life for smokers [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 125-150]
  • Program A proposed program to use Pilates exercises on some components of body composition and some biochemical variables for 400m [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 267-394]
  • Program The effect of an educational program by using presentation applications on a level Technical performance in butterfly swimming for novice children [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Program The effect of a psychological counseling program in terms of emotional intelligence on reducing anxiety among karate referees [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 27-53]
  • Program The effectiveness of a program of relaxation exercises on the level of psychological pressures resulting from digital learning For physical education teachers in the time of the Corona pandemic [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 126-165]
  • Program An educational program using the constructive learning model and its effect on some aspects of learning in track competitions for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 8-45]
  • Program The effect of a self-educational program using an electronic platform Balet lessons at home on learning some ballet skills in light of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 166-186]
  • Program Dance program to reduce Disruptive Behavior and its effect on physical abilities of primary school students. [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 246-271]
  • Program تاثير برنامج تأهيلى علي ترکيز عامل النمو الليفي الأساسي وبعض المتغيرات البيوکيميائية المصاحبة لتمزق عضلات الفخذ الخلفية للاعبى کرة القدم [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 56-79]
  • Program program of some recreational activities to alleviate Severity of anxiety in the elderly [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 57-74]
  • Program An Educational Program In Terms Of Electromyographic Analysis Of Muscles And Its Impact On Some Physical Abilities And Performance Level Of Back Rolling Skill Handstand In Artistic Gymnastics [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 83-126]
  • Program The effect of an educational program using interactive video on improving the level of physical fitness of second year middle school students [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 108-128]
  • Program The effect of a proposed program Aquatic and functional exercises to rehabilitate the rotator muscle rupture of the shoulder joint for athletes [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 251-265]
  • Program The effectiveness of an educational program based on the theory of brain-based learning to improve mental alertness and the level of achievement (cognitive - skill) in the Balinese [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 198-255]
  • Program The effectiveness of a floor exercise program using the occasional method on improving some Physical abilities and digital level of rescue swimming [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 235-266]
  • Program The effect of a rehabilitation program and health education to reduceknee osteoarthritis pain [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 180-206]
  • Program The effect of Educational program using virtual reality glasses to improve some ballet skills [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 87-113]
  • Program The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on the sensory-motor system and postural stability in autistic patients [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 125-150]
  • Programe The effect of an educational program using the differentiated teaching method on the performance of the forward somersault on hands on vault table for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Zagazig [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 123-147]
  • Program effect The effect of an exercise program with tools on weight loss and blood fat for overweight people from 9 to 12 years [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 95-111]
  • Programmed program to develop the cognitive achievement of the teaching technology course using active learning based on self-learning programmed by students of the Faculty of Sports Education [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 221-262]
  • Programmed The effect of using programmed concept maps on learning the skill of snatching in weightlifting [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 246-276]
  • Program of specific exercises The effect of a specific exercise program in light of some mechanical variables on improving the skill level of the straight back air cycle [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 61-92]
  • Project The effect of using a project management strategy on knowledge achievement and the digital level For some field and track competitions for students of the Education Division [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Proposed Crisis strategy for investment strategy recreational activities in the gaps In the sports area, Minya Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 53-85]
  • Proprioception Exercise The effect of Proprioception Exercise on some physical variables and the Numerical level for Long Jump Athletes with Mental Retardation [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 196-232]
  • Psychic flow Psychological flow and its relationship to quality of life for a student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Personality traits and their relationship with psychological endurance and achievement motivation for excellent football players (B) [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 203-236]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Positive self-talk and its relationship to the psychological flow and the level of ambition of the players of some national sports teams at Suez Canal University. [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 31-58]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Stress and it`s relationship to psychological comptability and decision making byyouth care specialists at Al-Azhar University [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 54-95]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Psychological fitness and its relationship to the creative behavior of trainers [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 324-364]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL A comparative study of psychological rebellion of normal And people of determination. [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Psychological Resilience and Its Relationship to Self-concept and Life Satisfaction among Football Coaches [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 131-150]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL effect of using Bosu ball & Battle rope exercises on static and Dynamic balance and some functional and psychological variables and the effectiveness of offensive performance of Taekwondo beginners [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 131-150]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL The effect of a psychological counseling program in terms of emotional intelligence on reducing anxiety among karate referees [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 27-53]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL The relative contribution of some indicators of psychological competence to the digital level of the short distance contestants [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 39-66]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL The relationship of psychological fluency, motivation to sport achievement and competitive behavior among Taekwondo players [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 288-308]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Construction scale of Psychological Flow for Distinguished students in sports in The Faculty of Physical Education Helwan University [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL The relationship of psychological flow levels with psychological exhaustion among young people in some self-defense sports [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 106-140]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL The effectiveness of integrative psychological therapy in improving the psychological and social adjustment of children with Down syndrome who are able to learn [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 114-141]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Building a measure of psychological empowerment among the arts activities players, zagazig university [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 34-71]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Gliding Workouts Effectiveness on the Psychological Energy, Some Physical Fitness Elements and Performance Skill Level in Exercises Rhythmic [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 313-356]
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL Evaluation of the psychological state of players in the light of some contemporary societal changes in the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 223-259]
  • Psychological Compatibility The effect of different forms of mathematical shows on the psychological compatibility of secondary school students [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 269-276]
  • Psychological differentiation Psychological differentiation and its relationship to cognitive achievement and the trend towards e-learning for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Alexandria University [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 313-356]
  • Psychological flexibility Psychological flexibility and its relationship to the accuracy of performing some basic skills for disabled soccer players [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 258-266]
  • Psychological ، Hesitation The Relationship of Psychological Hesitation to Emotional Response and Superstitious Thinking among female Students of faculty of physical education , Al- AZHAR University [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Psychological Rehabilitation The relationship of psychological rehabilitation to the level of skill of crawling on the abdomen for the students of the first division of the Faculty of Physical Education University Tanta [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 9-45]
  • Psychological skills The impact of mental training program using some psychological skills on the accuracy of some basic skills for Tennis junior [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Psychological skills Psychological skills and their relationship to digital achievement among long jump players Under 18 years [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 221-251]
  • Pulse rate On pulse rate, vital capacity and digital level for budding swimmers. [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 151-170]
  • Pulse rate The Effect Of Using Cross Fit Training And Aquatic Exercises To Improve Some Physiological Variables Among Female Students Majoring In Swimming [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 113-135]
  • PUT Determining the biomechanical characteristics of the shot put for first-class runners in the Arab Republic of Egypt as a basis for developing qualitative training for the performance stages. [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 133-170]
  • PUT The effect of a training program using Cross Fit exercises and the Total Body Resistance to develop special physical abilities at the Numerical level of shut put event [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-177]
  • Pylometric "The effect of plyometric exercises with resistance and assistance in the direction of movement on the development of explosive power and the level of performance of the kumite players" [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 258-290]


  • Qena Governorate The effect of a rehabilitation program on horse humping among middle school students in Qena Governorate [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 242-260]
  • Qigong The effect of Circuit Training and Qigong Exercises on improving some Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and Force of basic Strokes in Tennis [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 171-204]
  • Qigong training Effect of Qigong training on some Physical recovery and technical performance measurement poomsae in Taekwondo [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 123-141]
  • QR Code An educational booklet "QR-Code" as an entry point for an educational program accompanied by electronic tests supported by an informational return on knowledge achievement of some international law of weightlifting [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 105-154]
  • QR Code A suggested cognitive achievement test using the QR code in the educational technology course for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 9-31]
  • QR Code The effect of a proposed booklet using a quick response code on self-efficacy and some squash skills among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University. [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 260-296]
  • Quadriceps A Program For Improving Strength Of Quadriceps and Hamstrings As An Indicator For Muscle Balance in gymnastics [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 151-171]
  • Qualitative A qualitative training program using an innovative assistant device and its effect on the level of skill performance on the balance beam device [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 102-134]
  • Qualitative training A program for skillful qualitative training in the light of biomechanical determinants and its impact on improving the Round Off on the balance beam. [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 262-286]
  • Quality am of specific exercises with tools on some physical characteristics - functional responses and time level of performance for beginners drowners [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 229-264]
  • Quality A proposed research plan for Department of Physical Education in Bahrain through an analytical study of problems associated with educational process in light of academic standards of total quality [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 316-348]
  • Quality Evaluating the water sports course 2 according to the hybrid education system within the framework of the quality of university education [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 96-165]
  • Quality Obstacles to accessing the quality of teaching performance from the viewpoint of physical education teachers. [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 46-74]
  • Quality The level of quality of recreational services in health clubs in Cairo governorate [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 201-224]
  • Quality Psychological disorders and their relationship to the quality of life of practices and non-practices of sports activity in menopause [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 133-171]
  • Quality The reality of service quality in some health clubs [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 311-323]
  • Quality exercises Effect of Sissons skill qualitative training program for first grade girls in faculty of physical education - Gezira [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 181-197]
  • Quality of logistics service Evaluating the quality of logistics service in the Onaizah colleges [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 272-307]
  • Quality Standards Development of a Specialized Applications Course in Kinetic Expression for the Fourth Division (Education Division) in light of the quality standards and in accordance with the market requirements [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 1-229]
  • Quickness Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Quickness " S.A.Q Training and it's effect on the development of the performance time of the movements of the Footwork and the simple attack for fencers under 17 years ". [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 191-210]


  • Race The effect of running exercises according to the level of lactic production on some physiological responses and digital development of 200-meter race runners [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 52-76]
  • Random practice The effect of Contextual interference of practice on learning some fundamental movements for children aged from 6 – 7 years [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 306-327]
  • Randori effect of the(Randori) exercises which Addressed to the less privileged side on the level of skillful performance and the effectiveness of the attack for junior of Judo . [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 398-425]
  • Rare-Salts The effectiveness of maximum physical effort of some physiological variables and blood rare salts concentration of swimmers [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 186-205]
  • Rationing Legalizing the intensity of some upper and lower extremity explosive strength training with weights in terms of the biomechanical ability of karate players [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 184-206]
  • Ratios "The relative contribution of some biomechanical variables of the short circular kick." Kizami - mawashi geri [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 102-142]
  • Reactive Strength Effect of Accentuated Eccentric Training to Improve Reactive Strength Index, Vertical Stiffness of Some of Muscles Involved in the Turn of Breast Swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 117-173]
  • Reasons for female students to refrain from athletic activity at the Euphrates Technical University Reasons for female students to refrain from athletic activity at the Euphrates Technical University [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 92-105]
  • Rebellion A comparative study of psychological rebellion of normal And people of determination. [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Record Level Positive Reinforcement and its Effect on the Record level of Javelin Throw [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 159-185]
  • Record Level Effect of cross fit training on physical abilities and record level for 100 m butterfly swimmers [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 79-104]
  • Recreational A suggested recreational program using the Schamper theory to develop creative thinking for pre-school children in Madinah [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 238-257]
  • Recreational A suggested recreational program for achieving intellectual security for secondary school students in Alexandria Governorate [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 258-277]
  • Recreational The economic effects of transnational tourism companies on the recreational tourism movement in Egypt (applying to the recreational tourism sector in the Red Sea and South Sinai) [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 213-259]
  • Recreational The role of the tourism recreational product in the manufacture of the recreational tourism movement which coming to the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 101-155]
  • Recreational Developing the foundations of the plans for developing recreational tourism in the Red Sea and South Sinai sector in light of modern international changes [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 27-68]
  • Recreational The role of recreational camps in instilling citizenship values among university students [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 9-42]
  • Recreational Classification of recreational activities for the elderly in Egyptian society [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 125-148]
  • Recreational Obstacles to the practice of sports recreational activities for the students of the faculty of physical Education Al - Azhar University [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 72-104]
  • Recreational Evaluation of the plan of recreational activity of Kafr El Sheikh Sports Club in Kafr Al-Sheikh Governorate [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 9-26]
  • Recreational program of some recreational activities to alleviate Severity of anxiety in the elderly [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 57-74]
  • Recreational The effect of a sports recreation program on improving the level of achievement of my skills (jumping and hoping) for children in athletics competitions [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-138]
  • Recreational Crisis strategy for investment strategy recreational activities in the gaps In the sports area, Minya Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 53-85]
  • Recreational fishing effect Motives for Participation recreational fishing its impact on subjective happiness in spending of the elderly Persons [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 27-51]
  • Recreational Games A program of recreational games to develop the psychological resilience of intensive care nurses [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Recreational Games The Effect of a Recreational Games Program on Performance Level of Star Three in Artistic Swimming [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 32-51]
  • Recreational Games The effect of a program of recreational games in the outdoors on the development of social interaction and spatial ability of children on the autism spectrum [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 31-69]
  • Recreational interests Recreational interests of Kafr El Sheikh University students during the home quarantine period of the Coronavirus pandemic as a basis for setting up a recreational program [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Recreational Preliminary Games The Effect Of Recreational Preliminary Games On Some Basic Handball Defensive Skills And Quality Of Life For The Hearing Impaired [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 138-169]
  • Recreation program Recreational interests of Kafr El Sheikh University students during the home quarantine period of the Coronavirus pandemic as a basis for setting up a recreational program [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Recreation program The effect of a recreational program using small games to provide some basic skills for fencing and psychological well-being for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr El Sheikh University [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 245-272]
  • Recreation Walking Recreational walking and its effect on the state of Psychological flow in the elderly covied19. [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Reduce anxiety The effect of an educational program using motor safety exercises to reduce anxiety and the level of hiccups for juniors in judo [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 128-155]
  • Refereeing Performance Effect of a Proposed Training Program for Referees on Mindfulness and their Refereeing Performance in Weightlifting [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 185-204]
  • Reflexology A proposed educational program with use of reflexology and its effect on some functional variables and the level of skill performance Swimming breaststroke [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 211-230]
  • Reflexology exercises The effect of rebounding exercises using the rhythmic mini trampoline on some physical and physiological variables of the 1500m race [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 252-282]
  • Regulation The role of sports laws and regulations in achieving job control for workers in sports clubs [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 182-220]
  • Regulation Building a Scale of mental energy regulation for Scuba Divers [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 80-171]
  • Regulations The role of sports laws and regulations in achieving job control for workers in sports clubs [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 182-220]
  • Rehabilitation he effect of exercise programs with tools inside and outside the water on qualifying the excess tidal deviation of the vehicle for swimming beginners [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 29-73]
  • Rehabilitation Rehabilitation of injury to inguinal hernia for athletes inside and outside the aqueous medium after the endoscopic intervention [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 221-254]
  • Rehabilitation A dietary supplement combined with a rehabilitative training program for the stiff shoulder joint and its effect on the functional aptitude and performance level of straight and curved punches for boxers [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 207-231]
  • Rehabilitation تاثير برنامج تأهيلى علي ترکيز عامل النمو الليفي الأساسي وبعض المتغيرات البيوکيميائية المصاحبة لتمزق عضلات الفخذ الخلفية للاعبى کرة القدم [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 56-79]
  • Rehabilitation The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on the level of functional competence and indications of inflammation for handball players with shoulder impact syndrome [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 305-328]
  • Rehabilitation Effect of platelet-rich plasma injection and hydrotherapy on some athletes with partial knee meniscus tear. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-171]
  • Rehabilitation The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program on musculoskeletal pain in pregnant women. [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 203-224]
  • Rehabilitation The effect of a rehabilitation program and health education to reduceknee osteoarthritis pain [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 180-206]
  • Rehabilitation Effect of a ( healthy - kinetic ) rehabilitation program on healthy behaviors and electrical activity of genu varum muscles for deaf and dumb soccer players [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 265-333]
  • Rehabilitation Effect of Rehabilitation Program for Improved Muscle Strength and Balance of Working Muscles on The Knee Joint of cruciate Ligament of Volleyball Player [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 55-75]
  • Rehabilitation exercises "The effect of a rehabilitation program using a medicine ball to correct neck deviation for middle school students" [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 50-65]
  • Rehabilitation Program The effect of a rehabilitation program and virtual reality games on the physical variables of patients with multiple sclerosis" [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 170-195]
  • Rehabilition The effectiveness of the rehabilitation programme and its impact on girls' obesity [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 234-251]
  • Relationships relationship marketing and its relationship to achieving the competitive advantage of some Egyptian Premier League clubs [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 101-132]
  • Relative contribution "The relative contribution of some visual vision capabilities to the accuracy of the stabbing skill in Epee" [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 145-166]
  • Reliability Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of some Spatial-kinesthetic Perception Tests In terms of Vienna Test System [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 305-321]
  • Renderings The effect of a training program to improve collective planning performances cut for basketball players under 15 years old in Kuwait [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 132-147]
  • Repetitive speed The effect of repetitive speed training on the development of some special physical abilities and the accuracy of the straight stroke of squash juniors [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 229-261]
  • Reproductive culture Reproductive culture female students of the Faculty of Physical Education "a comparative study" [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-87]
  • Reproductive health Reproductive culture female students of the Faculty of Physical Education "a comparative study" [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-87]
  • Research Summary The effect of a social sports program on social competence and some Behavioral deviations among children of residential institutions in Zagazig [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 105-136]
  • Resilience Psychological Resilience and Its Relationship to Self-concept and Life Satisfaction among Football Coaches [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 131-150]
  • Resource Requirements for restructuring and planning human resources, necessary for foreign direct investment as an entry to achieve the sustainable development of the sports tourism sector in the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 29-49]
  • Resources Human resources management strategies and their relationship to organizational immunity at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 222-250]
  • Response The Relationship of Psychological Hesitation to Emotional Response and Superstitious Thinking among female Students of faculty of physical education , Al- AZHAR University [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Response Developing the speed of movement response and its effect on speed and accuracy Redemption hits for junior tennis [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 222-266]
  • Restriction of blood flow Effect of blood flow restriction training on muscle strength and some body composition for elderly people [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-25]
  • Rham Constructing a measure of attitudes toward using the Internet [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 81-107]
  • Rheumatoid The effect of a rehabilitation program to get rid of wrist joint pain in rheumatoid patients [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 265-278]
  • Rhythm The effectiveness of rhythm on some kinematic and physiological variables of gymnasts in Kuwait [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Rhythmic The Effect of Proprioceptive Exercises on the Ring with Hands Balance Skill Performance in Rhythmic Gymnastics [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 44-66]
  • Rhythmic The effect of including special rhythmic functional exercises on some physiological and Physical - skill variables of female kata players in karate [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 365-380]
  • Rhythmic The effect of trampoline training on some special physical variables and the skill level of jumps in rhythmic artistic exercises among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports at Al-Aqsa University [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 52-77]
  • Rhythmic The effect of a suggested training program on the performance level of the Back Split With Help skill for rhythmic gymnasts [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 112-131]
  • Rhythmic Exercises The effect of a rhythmic exercise program supported by popular games on Balance and psychological reassurance for the hearing impaired [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 100-122]
  • Rhythmic Exercises The effects of using rubber cords ( bungee) on performance variables in rhythmic exercises [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 218-248]
  • Rhythmic Gymnastics junior Developing Physical & Technical performance For Rhythmic Gymnastic Juniors By Using Modern Exercise Training [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 301-326]
  • Rights A proposed vision for distributing the revenues of TV broadcasting rights in the Egyptian football competitions [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 209-231]
  • Rondo drills Group offensive performance mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Rope The effect of A Training Program using a Combination of” Battle Rope “ and “Bosu ball “ exercises on the Physical and skill Performane of Young Female Athletes in Fencing [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 160-189]
  • Ropes The effect of using elastic rope exercises on improving some physiological variables, physical abilities, and the level of performance of the straight attack skill of fencing players in the New Valley [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 320-355]
  • Rotació؛ n laboral La realidad de la rotación laboral de los especialistas deportivos en la Dirección de Juventud y Deportes de la gobernación de Giza [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 221-232]
  • Rotator Cuff Effects of Training program to improve Rotator Cuff Muscles imbalance and injury prevention on Javelin throw velocity [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 57-81]
  • Round off and Emergents gymnastics A program for skillful qualitative training in the light of biomechanical determinants and its impact on improving the Round Off on the balance beam. [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 262-286]
  • Rowing The effect of a regulated physical load on the level of some biochemical changes in serum of the boxing and rowing players [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 93-115]
  • Rowing coaches Personal problems for rowing coaches [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 86-111]
  • RSI . footwork The effect of cluster training on developing reactive strength index for juniors squash under 15 years [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 194-224]
  • Rubber cords The effect of using rubber cords on muscle power of legs and arms for field hockey juniors [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 62-79]
  • Running at medium intensity A comparative study of the concentration of attention between a moderate environment (21 ° C) and a hot environment (35 ° C) after running at moderate intensity [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 209-220]
  • Rythmic Exercise Mindfulness and its relation to Practical Test Anxiety , Routine level performance for students of Rythmic Exercise specialization [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 44-78]


  • Sake training (S.A.Q) The effect of saku training (S.A.Q) on the level of some special physical abilities and the combined skill performances of the Egyptian kumite team juniors [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 273-312]
  • Sakio The effect of a training program using A.S.Q training exercises on improving some physical abilities and the level of skill performance of dueling players in the New Valley [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 175-212]
  • Sakio The effectiveness of using Sakio S.A.Q training on beta-endorphin and intramuscular troponin And Creatine kinase and the level of offensive skill of handball players [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 110-133]
  • Sakyu The effect of Sakio training on fitness elements The 100m race is the enemy of the first division [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 101-150]
  • Sanda The Effect of Using the Fit light Training on Offensive Skills of Kung fu players [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 303-331]
  • S.A.Q Effect of (S.A.Q) training on the special coordination abilities and technical performance level for freestyle junior wrestlers [Volume 061, Issue 061, 2021, Pages 244-278]
  • S.A.Q training The effect of S.A.Q training on some special physical abilities And the level of skill performance of the tennis sport [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 213-242]
  • S.A.Q. training The effect of S.A.Q training on 200m under-18 runners' time [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • S. A. Q Training The effect of using S. A. Q training on some physical and skill variables for female volleyball girls in gifted athletic schools [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 207-223]
  • SAQ training meaning " S.A.Q Training and it's effect on the development of the performance time of the movements of the Footwork and the simple attack for fencers under 17 years ". [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 191-210]
  • Saudi children from 6-15 years Body mass index percentiles classified by Somatotypes of Saudi children in the city of Al-Ahsa and compared to international references [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 162-189]
  • Scale Building a Scale of Positive Thinking Patterns for Scuba Divers [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 83-158]
  • Scale Construction scale of Psychological Flow for Distinguished students in sports in The Faculty of Physical Education Helwan University [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Schematic maps mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Scholigit The effect of an educational program via Scholigit on the basic skills (partridge - jumping - running) for first graders [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 31-44]
  • Scoring Chances Technical analysis of the finishing phase of the scoring opportunities according to the types of attack in The European Football Championship 2020 and its impact on the results of matches [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 222-265]
  • SCORM standards The components of E-learning complementary to traditional education in light of the international SCORM standards [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 180-221]
  • Sculling The Effectiveness of Using Some Artistic Swimming Sculling on Crawl Stroke Performance [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 9-31]
  • Secondary Stage The role of the Social media in investing leisure time and its relationship to social isolation for high school students [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 188-220]
  • Second Stage of Basic Education The effectiveness of using the SWOM strategy in learning the long jump skill among students of the second stage of basic education in Gharbia Governorate [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 332-360]
  • Second Star The impact of a recreation training program on some physical and skill variables among the junior players of the Second Star [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 56-83]
  • Second year middle school students The effect of using the interactive whiteboard on the level of performance of two skills (chest pass and dribbl [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 144-164]
  • Sections and race times of 800 m / run The effect of the use of Vartlek trainings on some physical variables, section times and the race of 800 m / run [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 58-73]
  • Self program to develop the cognitive achievement of the teaching technology course using active learning based on self-learning programmed by students of the Faculty of Sports Education [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 221-262]
  • Self The impact of the (Think - Pair - Share) strategy on self-confidence, cognitive achievement and performance level in crawl swimming [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 76-104]
  • Self Concept The effectiveness of ballet Fit program on some psychological and physical aspects in females age (18-25) years [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 198-231]
  • Self-Efficacy Perceived academic self-efficacy and its relationship to psychological resilience among students of the College of Physical Education [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 144-182]
  • Self-Efficacy The effect of a proposed booklet using a quick response code on self-efficacy and some squash skills among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University. [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 260-296]
  • Self-schedule The Effect of The (K. W. L) Strategy on The Cognitive Achievement of The Philosophy of Physical Education Course for Students ofThe Faculty of Physical Education - Menoufia University [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 202-236]
  • Self Schedule Strategy (K.W.L) The effectiveness of teaching with the Self-Schedule (KWL) strategy on cognitive achievement and the trend towards a comparative physical education course for students of the third year of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Alexandria University. [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 82-121]
  • Sensory perception - kinesthetic The effect of small games on some kinesthetic perceptions and the digital level for beginner weightlifters (10-12 years) [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 178-193]
  • Sensory Program Effect of a stereoscopic sensory program and Braille on learning the long jump competition for the blind [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 386-417]
  • Services The level of quality of recreational services in health clubs in Cairo governorate [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 201-224]
  • Seven-year learning course The effect of the modified seven-year learning cycle strategy (E'S7) on learning some basic basketball skills and developing the kinetic creativity of middle school students [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 237-265]
  • Shooting Speed Effectiveness of training Method of KATSU (Restricting Blood Flow) on some Physical and Skills Variables in Handball [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 156-176]
  • Short Distance A comparative study in the Nutrition knowledge of short distance swimmers [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 226-272]
  • Short Distance Races The Effect of Using “Tabata” Exercises on Physical, Biochemical Abilities and Record Level of Short Distance Races [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 87-112]
  • Shot The effect of using the flipped learning strategy on the performance level of the shot put competition for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria. [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Shot Determining the biomechanical characteristics of the shot put for first-class runners in the Arab Republic of Egypt as a basis for developing qualitative training for the performance stages. [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 133-170]
  • Shot The effect of a training program using Cross Fit exercises and the Total Body Resistance to develop special physical abilities at the Numerical level of shut put event [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-177]
  • Shot Put The effect of blended "hybrid" learning using the "Google Classroom" platform on some learning outcomes for shot put skill [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 79-103]
  • Shot Put The effect of using differentiated training to develop special physical skills at digital level by pushing the shot put among students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Al-Aqsa University [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 205-231]
  • Shot Put The effect of different training methods on the ability of the arms and legs and the digital level of shot put players [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 9-29]
  • Shuttle Time program The Effectiveness of “Shuttle Time” Program in Improving the Performance Level of Certain Skills of Badminton Coaches in the Kingdom of Bahrain [(Articles in Press)]
  • Simulation The effect of combination training simulating the "Fitlight" technique on the response speed and attention of the defending player in beach volleyball [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 149-164]
  • Sisson Effect of Sissons skill qualitative training program for first grade girls in faculty of physical education - Gezira [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 181-197]
  • Sitting problems Exercise ball chair design and some compensatory exercises to improve working conditions: Ergonomic and Biomechanical considerations [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 228-266]
  • Situation The individual offensive Basketball 3x3 skill performances according to game condition [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 8-29]
  • Six-Dimensional Strategy The effect of an educational program using the six-dimensional strategy (PDEODE) and accompanying software in learning the two “snatch-clean and jerk” lifts for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-165]
  • Six Sigma The application of the Six Sigma method as a tool to achieve competitive advantage in national sports clubs [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Skillful Performance The impact of the belt of bond on the skillful performance and the digital level of the pole vault competition Using gymnastics devices [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 227-253]
  • Skillful variables The effect of special endurance training on some physiological and physical variables The skill of field hockey players [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 207-230]
  • Skill Performance Level The effect of Battle Ropes Exercises on Special Physical Abilities and skill performance level For Gymnastic juniors [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 169-188]
  • Skills تأثیر استخدام تمرینات نوعیة بالأدوات علی تنمیة بعض المهارات الأساسیة لناشئی الکرة الطائرة [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 272-305]
  • Skills The effectiveness of using the " Gagne educational model" in cognitive achievement and learning of some volleyball skills in physical education studying for middle school pupils [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 336-356]
  • Skills A scouting program to develop some social skills for the visually impaired in Alexandria Governorate [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 11-47]
  • Skills The effect of a training program using a qualitative exercise on developing the skill and physical level of the tennis sport beginner [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 48-97]
  • Skills The effect of training in the sandy environment on the level of some complex skills among football beginners [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 325-341]
  • Skills The effect of using self-evaluation on teaching skills and teaching anxiety among students of internal field training at the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 115-134]
  • Skills The impact of an educational program using participatory e-learning on a level Performing some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Skills he use of educational electronic simulation games and their effect on some skill and cognitive variables In handball for elementary school students [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 35-89]
  • Skills "The effect of motor skills for the elementary grades of the primary stage on the development of some educational values" [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 40-78]
  • Skills The effect of taking "glutamine" as an amino acid during the skillful numbers period on ability Functional and performance level for Taekwondo players [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 8-28]
  • Skills The predictive ability of the kinematic response to some attack renewal skills as a function of some mental skills (Omsat-3) among fencers for juniors under 20 years old [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 29-55]
  • Skills The effectiveness of using the seven-stage constructivist learning strategy on the level of learning some skills [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 323-353]
  • Skills The effect of using the interactive whiteboard on learning some basic skills in handball for students of the second cycle of basic education [Volume 072, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 9-39]
  • Skills The effect of using educational dramatic stories on reducing hyperactivity and developing communication skills and social competence for pre-school children [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 32-52]
  • Skills The effect of using visual exercises on the development of some mental abilities And the level of performance of some offensive skills in handball [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 132-162]
  • Skills The effect of a proposed booklet using a quick response code on self-efficacy and some squash skills among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University. [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 260-296]
  • Skill self-esteem Skill self-esteem and its relationship to technic performance in motor expression of students at Faculty of Education, Department of Childhood - Alexandria University [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 150-171]
  • Skills Time The impact of participation in cellular recreation activities on the development of some skills Time management for Alexandria University students [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • Skill variables The impact of special reactive agility exercises on some kinetic requirements and foot movements of Taekwondo juniors [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-92]
  • Skill variables The impact of synchronized Training on some skill variables of taekwondo players [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 165-184]
  • Slider discs The effect of a training program using the Slider device on the development of some special physical characteristics and the level of the motor system performance on the ground movements device [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 428-454]
  • SMART The effect of using smart basketball on the performance level of some offensive skills for Young women basketball 94fifty [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 203-224]
  • Smartphones Effectiveness of using an interactive electronic book for smartphones in learning some table tennis skills for the students of the second division at the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 261-294]
  • SMART PHONES Designing an interactive electronic booklet for smart phones and its impact on learning the performance of some attake skills and the extent of cognitive achievement in boxing for students of the Faculty of Physical Education. [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 187-213]
  • Smart watches Training program using modern techniques effect on physical and personal record level for 800 meters running competition [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Snatch The Effect of a suggested Strategy for indirect mental trainingof some kinesthetic perceptions and the digital level of kidnapping lift for beginners lifters [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 225-244]
  • Snatch Effect of S.A.Q Exercises on Some Physical Abilities and the Effectiveness of Snatch for Youth Girls Weightlifters [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 11-44]
  • Snatch The strategy of cooperative educational pillars as an entrance to an educational program supported by electronic chat rooms in learning the two lessons of “snatch– clean and jerk” for students of the Faculty of Physical Education. [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 108-162]
  • Snatch The effect of an educational program using the six-dimensional strategy (PDEODE) and accompanying software in learning the two “snatch-clean and jerk” lifts for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-165]
  • Snatch "The effect of using modeling on differentiated teaching method on learning to skill the snatch in weight lifting ''. [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 226-249]
  • Social A scouting program to develop some social skills for the visually impaired in Alexandria Governorate [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 11-47]
  • Social The effectiveness of social media networks in developing awareness of sustainable development issues among physical education teachers in light of Egypt's 2030 [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 59-89]
  • Social The role of sport in promoting social participation among youth A Comparative Study on a Sample of Benha University Students [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 87-123]
  • Social Social phobia and mental alertness among female practitioners And non-practices for sport [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 169-197]
  • Social interaction Study the level of social interaction and its relationship to aggressive behavior on the field for some youth teams [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 59-67]
  • Social interaction The effect of a motor activities program on developing social communication skills and some basic motor skills among children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-179]
  • Social interaction The effect of a program of recreational games in the outdoors on the development of social interaction and spatial ability of children on the autism spectrum [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 31-69]
  • Social interaction The effect of a movement education program on the development of some basic skills and social interaction for third-year primary school students [(Articles in Press)]
  • Social isolation Social isolation as a predictor of psychological security for health club visitors in light of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • Social isolation The role of the Social media in investing leisure time and its relationship to social isolation for high school students [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 188-220]
  • Social network service The role of the Social media in investing leisure time and its relationship to social isolation for high school students [Volume 062, Issue 062, 2021, Pages 188-220]
  • Sohag the effect of a program of extracurricular sports activities on some physiological variables for middle school students [(Articles in Press)]
  • Solo classification An educational program using smart devices according to the SOLO classification on the knowledge obtained of Karate youth [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 197-228]
  • Spatial ability The effect of a program of recreational games in the outdoors on the development of social interaction and spatial ability of children on the autism spectrum [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 31-69]
  • Spatial Kinesthetic Perception Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of some Spatial-kinesthetic Perception Tests In terms of Vienna Test System [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 305-321]
  • Spear حفظ الترجمة The effect of using bungee exercises on the muscular ability of the hands and feet and the level of digital achievement for junior javelin throwers [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 271-297]
  • Specialist Study the effectiveness of specialized offensive techniques for some of the highest playing arts (Nagy Waza) at the 30th World Men's Sport Championship Judo 2015 Astana Kazakhstan [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 203-220]
  • Specialist An analytical study of sports players ’attitudes in Dakahlia Governorate towards the role of a sports psychologist [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 20-54]
  • Specialist The reality of the professional preparation for a stadium injury specialist in Kuwaiti clubs [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 66-82]
  • Special kinetic capabilities The development of some special kinetic capabilities of a counterattack affected the quantum effectiveness of offensive activity of the Sunda players in kung fu. [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 79-99]
  • Special physical abilities The effect of saku training (S.A.Q) on the level of some special physical abilities and the combined skill performances of the Egyptian kumite team juniors [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 273-312]
  • Special physical abilities The effect of using different surfaces on the level of physical abilities of the skillful performance of shooting in basketball [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 210-241]
  • Special physical abilities The effect of using the flipped learning on the level of performance of the bar sentence in ballet and the special physical abilities of first-level female students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Port Said. [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 48-86]
  • Special physical abilities The effect of repetitive speed training on the development of some special physical abilities and the accuracy of the straight stroke of squash juniors [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 229-261]
  • Special training The impact of the use of special training to develop rapid counterattack in accordance with the spatial strategies of Karate rug on the effectiveness of the offensive activity of the kumite player [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 56-73]
  • Special training Effect of counter-training tactics at the level of some determinants of offensive activity for kumite athletes. [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 19-51]
  • Speed Design and technique of compound testing, benchmarking and prediction of target accuracy in terms of speed, speed and height of the ball for basketball players on wheelchairs [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 21-40]
  • Speed The effect of Sakio training on fitness elements The 100m race is the enemy of the first division [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 101-150]
  • Speed Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Speed Speed Control Strategy (5000 m – 10000 m) Race was Conducted for the 2019 World Athletics Championship [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 139-173]
  • Speed The predictive ability of forms of speed in the complex attacking skills of young football [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 426-470]
  • Speed " S.A.Q Training and it's effect on the development of the performance time of the movements of the Footwork and the simple attack for fencers under 17 years ". [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 191-210]
  • Speed Developing the speed of movement response and its effect on speed and accuracy Redemption hits for junior tennis [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 222-266]
  • Speed The effect of a training program on the maximum oxygen consumption and some elements of physical fitness for female preparatory school students [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 104-123]
  • Speed Dynamics of prostaglandin (PGE-2), creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) during high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as an indicator to guide the training load of speed swimmers [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 9-61]
  • Speed “Effects of high-quality training on improving immunity powers.” Some skillful exercises for football matters [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 135-159]
  • Speedball The effect of symmetric exercises in terms of brain control patterns on the digital level for speedball juniors [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 98-127]
  • Speed of response The Effect of Breakletics Training on Some Special Physical Abilities and Performance Level in Fencing Sports [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 9-30]
  • Spinal Deviations Effectiveness of a rehabilitation program to improve some biological variables associated with flat back for children with intellectual disability [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Split Leap with 1/1 turn A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]
  • Sport Sport and Future Prospects in the Third World Countries [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 323-322]
  • Sporting goods Marketing deception and its effect on the attitude of consumers of sporting goods in Dakahlia Governorate [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 106-135]
  • Sport Integrity The reality of sports integrity and the requirements for its application in Egyptian sports clubs [Volume 033, Issue 033, 2020, Pages 157-200]
  • Sports The Trends of Women's towards sport for all in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Kuwait(Comparative Study) [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 119-140]
  • Sports The effect of an educational program using my style (constant and variable) on learning some of the skills of racquet sports for first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 357-374]
  • Sports A proposed plan for managing sports crises in the Egyptian General Sports Federation for All in light of (COVID-19 crisis management) [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 143-175]
  • Sports "Educational uses of educational platforms and their relationship to professional preparation For physical education teachers and teachers in the shadow of the Krone pandemic" [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 225-258]
  • Sports A comparative study of the effect of the use of two competitive learning styles (comparative - group) on On the motivation of achievement and the level of performance of the motor sentence in sports performances [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 129-152]
  • Sports The effect of a virtual educational program using an adaptive learning strategy according to educational methods and preferences on developing the educational performance of students, physical education teachers [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 75-135]
  • Sports The role of sports laws and regulations in achieving job control for workers in sports clubs [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 182-220]
  • Sports The effectiveness of using the artful method of teaching on some harmonic abilities, kinetic satisfaction and the level of performance of the students of the sports performances team [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 240-273]
  • Sports Economic contributions and administrative policies for sports activities for all in the youth sports cities [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 231-245]
  • Sports Building a measure of psychological empowerment among the arts activities players, zagazig university [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 34-71]
  • Sports Psychological disorders and their relationship to the quality of life of practices and non-practices of sports activity in menopause [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 133-171]
  • Sports Evaluating the competencies of planning sports performances for graduates of the sports administration major [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 108-119]
  • Sports Activities The reality of marketing sports activities in some [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 62-75]
  • Sports consumer trends Marketing deception and its effect on the attitude of consumers of sporting goods in Dakahlia Governorate [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 106-135]
  • Sports culture The role of sports media in disseminating the sports culture from the viewpoint of the students of physical education faculties at the Jordanian universities. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 52-72]
  • Sports Development The effect of total quality management on the development of sport in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq [Volume 014, Issue 014, 2017, Pages 74-86]
  • Sports Economics A future vision to face the repercussions of the corona crisis on the Egyptian sport economics" [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 54-92]
  • Sports events Omanis' Tendencies towards Hosting Sporting Events in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 90-122]
  • Sports Federations The reality of applying administrative transparency in the Egyptian weightlifting fedration [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 87-101]
  • Sports Federations The degree of availability of requirements for implementing cybersecurity in sports federations in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 156-179]
  • Sports health Lifestyle and relationship to the level of vitamin D and calcium and the health status of the elderly [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 208-234]
  • Sports Marketing Universities Sport Activates Marketing Reality From the opinion Student Affairs Employees in the Kingdom of Bahrain [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-146]
  • Sports Media Strategic agility and its role in advancing the media industry room   In specialized sports channels [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 195-219]
  • Sports Media The role of sports media in disseminating the sports culture from the viewpoint of the students of physical education faculties at the Jordanian universities. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 52-72]
  • Sports mega-events Omanis' Tendencies towards Hosting Sporting Events in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 90-122]
  • Sports Physiology The Effectiveness of Teaching the Sports Physiology Curriculum Using Holographic Technology on Students` Cognitive Achievement Level in the Faculty of Physical Education at Benha University [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 162-186]
  • Sports Recreation The effect of recreational educational games on the knowledge achievement of some English terms in sports education lesson [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 175-194]
  • Sports Services Industry Structural Equation Modeling of the relationship of talent management strategies, the ability to make sports services, and competitive performance in major sports clubs [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Sports sportspersons Organizational agility of Ministry of Youth and Sports sportspersons [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 267-282]
  • Sports stimulants Sports stimulants and the extent of criminal responsibility under domestic laws and international law. [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 124-129]
  • Sports Tourism The Reality of Commercial Sponsorship to Promote Sports Tourism in Luxor [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 103-116]
  • Sports training The effect of S.A.Q training on some special physical abilities And the level of skill performance of the tennis sport [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 213-242]
  • Sports training The Effect of Flexi Bar Exercise On Muscle Strength And Skill Level For Back Crawl Swimming [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 232-271]
  • Sports training Spatial Kinesthetic Perception and Its Relationship with the Accuracy Level of Overhead Serve Skill in Volleyball [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 67-84]
  • Spread Analytical study of the constraints that limit the spread Wrestling sport in Upper Egypt  [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 120-150]
  • Squat squat traning effect on lower limb strength and flexibility and Katame Nokata Technical Performance [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 130-158]
  • Stadiums The reality of the professional preparation for a stadium injury specialist in Kuwaiti clubs [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 66-82]
  • Stage children A suggested recreational program using the Schamper theory to develop creative thinking for pre-school children in Madinah [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 238-257]
  • Standard levels Setting standard levels for some morphological measurements as indicators for selecting students to practice swimming [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 149-188]
  • Standards Excellence management standards As an entrance for developing youth welfare management at Alexandria University [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 266-283]
  • Star Three The Effect of a Recreational Games Program on Performance Level of Star Three in Artistic Swimming [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 32-51]
  • Static balance The influence of different training programs with multiple environments for developing static and dynamic balance in Aquathlon (underwater wrestling) players: comparative study [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 41-143]
  • Statistical method The foundations of choosing the statistical method in physical education research [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 258-271]
  • Stepans The effect of using the "Stepans" model on reflective thinking and cognitive achievement on the History of Physical Education and Sport's course. [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 206-293]
  • Strategic Effectiveness (Predict Strategic Effectiveness (Predict - Note - Explain) associated with competitive learning style in achievement motivation and skill level of some squash skills for beginners [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 48-75]
  • Strategic Fitness Strategic agility and its role in advancing the media industry room   In specialized sports channels [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 195-219]
  • Strategic vigilance Strategic Vigilance as an Entry Point to Support the Brand in Health Clubs [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 178-204]
  • Strategic Vision for higher Education A proposed strategic vision to develop the research plan in the Curriculum and Teaching Department in light of the strategic vision of higher education 2030 [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 208-237]
  • Strategy The effect of a strategy based on the combination of the E’S 7 course and concept maps on learning some of the life-saving skills of swimming [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 100-122]
  • Strategy The effectiveness of a program of movement activities based on the sense of humor strategy In improving the motor intelligence of a kindergarten child [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 75-96]
  • Strategy Sports facilities development strategy in Gharbia Governorate [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 84-110]
  • Strategy The effect of electronically supported learning singularity on learning abduction skills for weightlifting students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 20-32]
  • Strategy Speed Control Strategy (5000 m – 10000 m) Race was Conducted for the 2019 World Athletics Championship [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 139-173]
  • Strategy The effect of the electronic mental mapping strategy on achievement motivation and the level of correction performance from jumping high in handball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education Menoufia University [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 77-100]
  • Strategy Building a strategy for obstacles to the spread of athletics practice in private clubs in Egypt. [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 9-35]
  • Strategy The effect of using a project management strategy on knowledge achievement and the digital level For some field and track competitions for students of the Education Division [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Strategy The effect of using the flipped learning strategy on the performance level of the shot put competition for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria. [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Strategy The impact of the use of the educational scaffolding strategy in some aspects of the learning of the basketball course for the students of the 4th Division at the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Strategy The effectiveness of the Five Ys (5 E, s) strategy on the level of skill performance and cognitive achievement in basketball for middle school students [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 134-161]
  • Strategy Crisis strategy for investment strategy recreational activities in the gaps In the sports area, Minya Governorate [Volume 073, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 53-85]
  • Strategy The effectiveness of the electronic circular house strategy on some learning outcomes in basketball [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 46-75]
  • Strategy The effect of an educational program using the (Think - Pair - Share) strategy based on active learning and its impact on learning some artistic gymnastics skills [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 173-208]
  • Strength The impact of cluster training groups on regression strength output development and the digital record for long jump juniors [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 128-154]
  • Strength The predictive value of muscle strength in terms of some anthropometric measurements as an indicator of injury prevention [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 24-43]
  • Strength A Program For Improving Strength Of Quadriceps and Hamstrings As An Indicator For Muscle Balance in gymnastics [Volume 076, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 151-171]
  • Stress Stress and it`s relationship to psychological comptability and decision making byyouth care specialists at Al-Azhar University [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 54-95]
  • Stress The effectiveness of a program of relaxation exercises on the level of psychological pressures resulting from digital learning For physical education teachers in the time of the Corona pandemic [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 126-165]
  • Stretching Resistance Method Effect of Stretching Resistance Method with Excess flexibility Indicator on Estimate Positions and Jerk Effectiveness for youth Weightlifters at the National Project of Talented Youth in Damietta [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 303-352]
  • Struggle Analytical study of the constraints that limit the spread Wrestling sport in Upper Egypt  [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 120-150]
  • Student the role of physical education curriculum content ant its teachers in imparting the principles of citizenships as one of the contemporary educational trends for primary school students [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 90-131]
  • Student The effectiveness of employing educational digital platforms in promoting participation towards virtual student activities as alternative recreation means from the viewpoint of staff members during the Coronavirus pandemic [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 8-54]
  • Students The effect of an educational program using alternative tools on learning some basic basketball skills for deaf and dumb students [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 164-183]
  • Students The role of recreational camps in instilling citizenship values among university students [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 9-42]
  • Students Obstacles that prevent female students from majoring in Judo Faculty of Physical Education Girls, Zagazig University [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 9-43]
  • Students Skill self-esteem and its relationship to technic performance in motor expression of students at Faculty of Education, Department of Childhood - Alexandria University [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 150-171]
  • Students The effectiveness of the cube strategy in developing cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some basic skills in a physical education lesson [Volume 070, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-34]
  • Students Reproductive culture female students of the Faculty of Physical Education "a comparative study" [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-87]
  • Students Construction scale of Psychological Flow for Distinguished students in sports in The Faculty of Physical Education Helwan University [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Students the effect of a program of extracurricular sports activities on some physiological variables for middle school students [(Articles in Press)]
  • Student Teacher The Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacherThe Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacher [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 170-202]
  • Student Teacher Psychological flow and its relationship to quality of life for a student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Student Teacher Building a measure of educational, creative, social, physical and psychological determinants of student teachers in early childhood stage [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 229-256]
  • Student Teacher The effectiveness of the use of augmented reality technology in the teaching skills of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tanta [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 8-39]
  • Student Teacher The effect of brain control patterns on some teaching competencies of the student-teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education in Alexandria." [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 284-300]
  • Style The effect of brainstorming method on the creation of aids, innovative training and the skill level of beginners in table tennis [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 26-38]
  • Style The effect of using high-tech educational mission analysis method On the level of shooting aim from basketball [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 55-75]
  • Style The effect of using a comprehensive video-supported teaching method on the cognitive achievement and skill of the long jump for secondary education students [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Style The effect of an educational program using the collective method on the skill level and swimming performance time for female students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Boys - Girls, Port Said University [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 66-85]
  • Subjective Happiness effect Motives for Participation recreational fishing its impact on subjective happiness in spending of the elderly Persons [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 27-51]
  • Successions Management delegation and its role in succession planning to secure the needs of leaders in sports institutions [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 44-74]
  • Suggested booklet The effect of a proposed booklet using a quick response code on self-efficacy and some squash skills among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University. [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 260-296]
  • Suggested learning exercises Suggested educational exercises to address errors in the technical performance of the kidnapping in light of the qualitative analysis [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 211-237]
  • Suggested training program The effect of a suggested training program on some biochemical variables and the digital level of 400 meter sprinters [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 214-228]
  • Sultanate of Oman The degree of availability of requirements for implementing cybersecurity in sports federations in the Sultanate of Oman [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 156-179]
  • Sultan Qaboos University Analysis of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Departments’ Approved Master Theses at Sultan Qaboos University from 2015 to 2017 [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 184-201]
  • Supply Chain Evaluating the quality of logistics service in the Onaizah colleges [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 272-307]
  • Supported Jixo strategy supported by mobile learning and its impact on each of the learning outcomes" for some jumping horse skills in gymnastics [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-51]
  • Supported mobile learning The effect of mobile learning supported by the code reader on the achievement of knowledge and some basic skills in volleyball [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 102-122]
  • Sustainable Development Measuring the current state of health care for athletes in light of the economic, cultural, economic and cultural dimension [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 108-132]
  • Swedish seat rhythm The effect of marital exercises with rhythm using the Swedish seat on improving the level of some physical characteristics and practical achievement for students of the Faculty of Athletic Education [Volume 006, Issue 006, 2018, Pages 54-71]
  • Swimmers A comparative study in the Nutrition knowledge of short distance swimmers [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 226-272]
  • Swimmers The effect of using restraining devices (rubber bands) in water on a digital scale for speed swimmers. [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 106-129]
  • Swimmers On pulse rate, vital capacity and digital level for budding swimmers. [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 151-170]
  • Swimmers The effect of "Insanity" training on some physical, physiological, and numeric level variables for short-distance swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 40-67]
  • Swimming academies The perceived value of the brand and its relationship to the spoken word of the swimming academies in the youth sports cities. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 246-262]
  • Swimming breaststroke A proposed educational program with use of reflexology and its effect on some functional variables and the level of skill performance Swimming breaststroke [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 211-230]
  • Symmetry Motor symmetry between the dominant and non-dominant legs for some physical and biomechanical variables for karate and taekwondo players [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 232-256]
  • Synchronized Training The impact of synchronized Training on some skill variables of taekwondo players [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 165-184]
  • Synthetic A proposed program of synthetic knowledge for mathematics teachers [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 130-152]


  • Tabata The effect of using Tabata exercises on the physical efficiency and biological indicators of military pentathlon players. [Volume 068, Issue 068, 2021, Pages 30-65]
  • Tabata Tabata Exercises and their Impact on some Special Physical Abilities and the Digital Level of the 800 Meter Race [Volume 071, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 77-95]
  • Tabata "The Effect of training using the tabata method on Muscular Ability handball for female students of the faculty of physical education " [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 49-68]
  • Tabata The Effect of Using “Tabata” Exercises on Physical, Biochemical Abilities and Record Level of Short Distance Races [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 87-112]
  • Tabata Training The effect of Tabata training on developing some of physical and physiological variables for field hockey juniors . [Volume 078, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 34-64]
  • Table The effect of using generative learning strategy on the level of cognitive achievement and learning some basic skills in table tennis for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Damietta [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 93-127]
  • Table The impact of an educational program using participatory e-learning on a level Performing some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Tactical The effect of developing some tactical Performance on the time of movements and the attack effectiveness of the karate player [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 34-53]
  • Tactical An analytical study of some offensive tactical performances of the front and back teams of Darwa Kuwaiti soccer League [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 169-188]
  • Tactical maps Determination of the discriminatory indicators of "kumite" karate players in light of the analysis of tactical maps of world champions [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 327-342]
  • Taekwondo. Weakness The effect of a taekwondo educational program with the merging and isolation system on some physical variables, skills, and withdrawal behavior of children with hearing impairment [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 54-96]
  • Taif University The Kingdom's " A Strategic Plan to Benefit from Sports Facilities at Taif University in Light of The Kingdom's 2030 Vision " [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 400-423]
  • Take-Off The Effect of Complex Training on the Productivity of Ability during the Take-Off in Long Jump Event [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 285-303]
  • Talent Examine the relationship between some of the skill performances most closely related to talent for soccer [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 39-59]
  • Talent Management The reality of talent management strategies at the Ministry of Youth and Sports [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 250-272]
  • Tasks The effect of using the Eisenkraft Inquiry model on achievement and Formulating educational goals and tasks among students of the College of Physical Education [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Taste "Étiquette" The Effectiveness of Curriculum Drama as an Accompanying Teaching Approach to the Program of Kinetic Exploratory Activities in the Acquisition of Some Etiquette Behaviors for Primary Students [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 224-250]
  • T - Bar Row Workouts The effect of T - Bar Row training on some physical variables and the digital level I have a 400m sprinter [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 233-265]
  • Teaching Efficiency Emotional Creativity and Its Relationship To The Teaching Efficiency and Optimism of the Student Teacher Faculty of Sports Education for Men - Alexandria University [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Teaching Methods The effect of motor exploration on reducing hyperactivity and developing social competence for kindergarten children [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 45-64]
  • Teaching Methods The effect of using the fixed and variable method on the level of learning of some basic skills in handball by studying physical education [Volume 025, Issue 025, 2020, Pages 91-112]
  • Teaching Methods Course The effect of using both online-based and blended learning on the learning outcomes of the Teaching Methods course for the students of the College of Education for Basic Education in Kuwait [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 74-107]
  • Teaching Methods: Shot Shot Skill The effect of using some teaching methods on learning the skill of paying the shot for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 57-78]
  • Teaching practices Creative Teaching Practices and their Role in Managing (Covid-19) Crisis in the Department of Physical Education at the University of Bahrain [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 88-132]
  • Teaching Program Evaluating the experience of digital transformation of the curricula of the teaching program from the viewpoint of the student teachers at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria. [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 135-180]
  • Teaching Qualifications The Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacherThe Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacher [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 170-202]
  • Teaching Qualifications The effectiveness of the use of augmented reality technology in the teaching skills of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tanta [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 8-39]
  • Teaching Skills The effect of critical evaluation of field training students on enhancing concurrent feedback and the level of performance of teaching skills for rhythmic technical exercises [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 123-147]
  • Teaching Skills Applying the active classroom strategy to improve teaching skills and their relationship to the level of ambition of female students of the Higher Diploma in Physical Education [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 230-260]
  • Team The effect of group competitive learning on teaching relay competition 4 x 100 for deaf pupils [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 337-354]
  • Team-Handball Transfer of Learning Skill Penalty Throw in Team-Handball To Learn the Skill of The Penalty Shot in The Water Polo in Terms of Some Kinematics Variables [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 153-173]
  • Teams Hybrid Learning supported by Microsoft Teams platform and its effect on the performance of some offensive skills in badminton [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 192-221]
  • Teams The effectiveness of using participatory learning through the Microsoft Teams platform on cognitive achievement, teaching skills and student attitudes in the course on methods of teaching physical education in light of the Egypt Vision 2030. [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 455-494]
  • Technical Education Effects Of A Vocational Health Program on the Health Behavior and Vocational Safety For Students Of Technical Secondary Schools In Tanta. [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 31-65]
  • Technical handicaps Technical and administrative obstacles to the Egyptian national team for wrestling [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 74-111]
  • Technic effectiveness: offensive Study the effectiveness of specialized offensive techniques for some of the highest playing arts (Nagy Waza) at the 30th World Men's Sport Championship Judo 2015 Astana Kazakhstan [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 203-220]
  • Technique The effect of combination training simulating the "Fitlight" technique on the response speed and attention of the defending player in beach volleyball [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 149-164]
  • Technological Competencies Design a model for technological competencies for physical education teacher in view of criteria International Association for Technology in the field of education [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 88-125]
  • Technology Education The effect of electronically supported learning singularity on learning abduction skills for weightlifting students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 20-32]
  • Technology (Tech) Attitudes of female university sports science students towards using artificial intelligence and technology applications to raise the level of academic achievement [Volume 078, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 85-113]
  • Tech Toc tool The effect of spin body movement training using the Tech Toc tool on improving the digital level of the crawl surfaces on the abdomen and back [Volume 007, Issue 007, 2019, Pages 123-144]
  • Temperature The effect of performing the PWC170 physical aptitude test at different temperatures on some functional variables for basketball players under 20 years old in the State of Kuwait [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 272-290]
  • Temporal Temporal analysis of Tennis strokes as a base for volume of load size in skill preparation [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 235-252]
  • Tennis Differences and similarities in the tactical variants of the technique of attacking multiple surfaces of tennis courts [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 44-72]
  • Tennis Electromyography Muscles activation of Upper Extremity on body in Top Spin Serve Skill on the two Side of Serve in Tennis (A Comparative Study) [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 85-123]
  • Tennis The effect of a training program using a qualitative exercise on developing the skill and physical level of the tennis sport beginner [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 48-97]
  • Tennis Temporal analysis of Tennis strokes as a base for volume of load size in skill preparation [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 235-252]
  • Tennis The effect of using generative learning strategy on the level of cognitive achievement and learning some basic skills in table tennis for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Damietta [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 93-127]
  • Tennis The effect of S.A.Q training on some special physical abilities And the level of skill performance of the tennis sport [Volume 031, Issue 031, 2020, Pages 213-242]
  • Tennis Effect of exercises with coordinating capabilities in some kinematic variables and preciseness of tennis Ground Forehand Stroke in beginners [Volume 044, Issue 044, 2020, Pages 24-44]
  • Tennis The impact of an educational program using participatory e-learning on a level Performing some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 047, Issue 047, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Tennis Differentiated education strategy and its effect on psychological flow and level Performing some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 267-299]
  • Tennis The effect of Circuit Training and Qigong Exercises on improving some Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and Force of basic Strokes in Tennis [Volume 067, Issue 067, 2021, Pages 171-204]
  • Tennis The effect of using flipped learning on some tennis skills and mental flexibility for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 136-165]
  • Tertiary The effect of some kinematic variables on the level of skill performance For high jump effectiveness [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 382-399]
  • Testing Building a test the kinematics of the hitting arm in a straight forward hitting skill for table tennis women [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 15-25]
  • Theater Theeffecofaneducationalprogramusingclasstheatertoteachsomehandballskillsandimprovethekinestheticperceptionofstudentsinthefirstcycleofbasiceducation [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 76-119]
  • The Blind Effect of a stereoscopic sensory program and Braille on learning the long jump competition for the blind [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 386-417]
  • The Boycott The Effect of International Variables on The Modern Olympic Movement During the Bipolar International Mode Stage (1945-1988), An Analytical Study [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 20-28]
  • The brand A proposed model for brand management in Onaizah colleges [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 46-71]
  • The brand relationship The perceived value of the brand and its relationship to the spoken word of the swimming academies in the youth sports cities. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 246-262]
  • The concept of physical self The concept of physical and physical self and its relationship to the attitudes towards physical education among middle school students [Volume 001, Issue 001, 2017, Pages 77-99]
  • The cool-down period The effect of the two methods (gradual and regular) of the cool-down period on some biological variables during the overcompensation phase and the level of skill and tactical performance of judo juniors [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 185-217]
  • The Corona Pandemic The Effect of The Corona Pandemic And The Suspension of Sports Activity on Some Physical And Physiological Variables Among Female Students of Sports Sciences at Taif University [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 9-20]
  • The development of a device to break the speed barrier and its impact on the maximum speed and the distinctive speed of the speed and some bio-mechanical variables for the step for the runners of 100 m men The development of a device to break the speed barrier and its impact on the maximum speed and the distinctive speed of the speed and some bio-mechanical variables for the step for the runners of 100 m men [Volume 003, Issue 003, 2017, Pages 149-172]
  • The digital media Digital media and its role in building a value system for Egyptian sports fans. [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 9-23]
  • The Effect The effect of reverse learning using a smartphone on learning some offensive skills in handball [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 141-161]
  • The Effect The effect of strength training exercises using weightlifting jacket to develop some types of speed and skill level for squash players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 228-250]
  • The Effect "The effect of using the educational platform on improving the level of performance of some ground tennis skills for students of the fourth year at the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University" [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 85-109]
  • The Effect The effect of simultaneous training on some physical variables and the level of performance of some offensive kicks for taekwondo juniors. [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 214-237]
  • The Effectiveness The effectiveness of an educational program using the Wheatley model for constructive learning on some basic skills and cognitive achievement in tennis for students of the Faculty of Sports Education for Boys - Zagazig University [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 97-140]
  • The Effectiveness The effectiveness of the Bulgarian bag drills on some physical variables and the level of skill and digital performance of the Hammer Throwing competitions [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 60-77]
  • The Effectiveness The effectiveness of educational program based on the electronic educational platform and effect on learning the skill of serve in volleyball for students of the Faculty Physical Education [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 42-71]
  • The effectiveness of e learning The effectiveness of e learning on some educational technology knowledge for physical education teachers in the United Arab Emirates [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 9-43]
  • The effectiveness of skill performance تأثير تدريبات الساکيو (S.A.Q) على فعالية الأداء المهارى لمهارة الغطس والاختراق للاعبى المصارعة [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 275-297]
  • The effectiveness of using some training methods to develop strength tolerance of the clench skill of Roman wrestling players The effectiveness of using some training methods to develop strength tolerance of the clench skill of Roman wrestling players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 35-71]
  • The effect of The effect of using constructive learning strategy on the performance level of some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 72-96]
  • The effect of a proposed program on the performance effectiveness limitations of 50m freestyle swimmers he effect of a proposed program on improving some performance effectiveness limitations for 50m freestyle swimmers [Volume 001, Issue 001, 2017, Pages 126-149]
  • The effect of a rehabilitative program supported by taking Neo cell collagen & Vitamin C. On the physiology of healing the muscular tear of the shoulder joint of handball players The effect of a rehabilitative program supported by taking Neo cell collagen & Vitamin C. On the physiology of healing the muscular tear of the shoulder joint of handball players. [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 219-234]
  • The effect of a social sports program The effect of a social sports program on social competence and some Behavioral deviations among children of residential institutions in Zagazig [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 105-136]
  • The effect of a training program The effect of a training program; the use of biometric training; the development of the muscular strength of the muscles of the legs; volleyball players; Malaysia [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 227-249]
  • The effect of a training program to endure the ability to some physical variables and follow The effect of a training program to endure the ability to some physical variables and follow-up defensive basketball players [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 261-286]
  • The effect of ballistic training A comparative study between the effect of ballistic training and plyometric training on the strength, speed and individual attacking skills of football players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-335]
  • The effect of educational units The effect of educational units using some types of education technology on the targeted behavioral outputs in volleyball for students of the Department of Physical Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a comparative study) [Volume 001, Issue 001, 2017, Pages 19-52]
  • The effect of reducing the load in a linear method prior to the competition on some functional biochemistry indicators in blood and the digital level for junior weightlifters The effect of reducing the load in a linear method prior to the competition on some functional biochemistry indicators in blood and the digital level for junior weightlifters. [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 309-328]
  • The effect of some structural exercises using the functional ball on some special physical elements and skill level (technical The effect of some structural exercises using the functional ball on some special physical elements and skill level (technical - digital) [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 165-183]
  • The effect of trainings The effect of biometric training on transmission speed and the development of physical performance in tennis [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 185-211]
  • The effect of two training and mentoring programs The effect of two training and counseling programs, based on perceived self-efficacy and optimism, on regulating enzymes to counter muscle fatigue [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 26-44]
  • The effect of using models for the movements of the feet according to the playing areas The effect of using models for the movements of the feet according to the playing areas on improving the level of motor transmission and increasing the effectiveness of the tactical performance of kumite juniors [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 222-248]
  • The effect of using the method of cross The effect of using the method of cross-training during the transitional period on some of the physical abilities of the basketball junior in Port Said Sports Club [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 243-260]
  • The effect of very short pace training exercises The effect of very short pace training exercises on some physical and physiological variables and the digital level of 100-meter freestyle swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 279-302]
  • The Hearing Impaired The Effect Of Recreational Preliminary Games On Some Basic Handball Defensive Skills And Quality Of Life For The Hearing Impaired [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 138-169]
  • The Hearing Impaired The effect of a rhythmic exercise program supported by popular games on Balance and psychological reassurance for the hearing impaired [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 100-122]
  • The ideological conflict The Effect of International Variables on The Modern Olympic Movement During the Bipolar International Mode Stage (1945-1988), An Analytical Study [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 20-28]
  • The impact of an educational program The effect of an educational program using the intensive teaching method on improving some basic skills in football for prep students [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 160-178]
  • TheMengers in Youth and Sports Fact practice of empewerment AT The Mengers in youth and sports directorate in Menoufia [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 342-356]
  • Theoretical treatment Theoretical treatment of the standard for the Al-Ashara competition score [Volume 010, Issue 010, 2019, Pages 128-144]
  • The perceived value The perceived value of the brand and its relationship to the spoken word of the swimming academies in the youth sports cities. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 246-262]
  • The program Suggested rehabilitative exercise program for flat back deflection associated with lower back pain [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 251-269]
  • Therapeutic Exercises Effect of therapeutic exercises and simple games in physical education lesson on improvement of physical fitness components and postural deviations for pupils from (9 – 12) years. [Volume 059, Issue 059, 2021, Pages 159-176]
  • Therapy The effectiveness of integrative psychological therapy in improving the psychological and social adjustment of children with Down syndrome who are able to learn [Volume 073, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 114-141]
  • The role of sports and educational institutions The role of sports and educational institutions in spreading the culture of fair play and sportsmanship among athletes and the masses in the United Arab Emirates [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 82-110]
  • The role of teachers The role of sports education teachers in achieving educational Amis [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 286-301]
  • The S.A.Q exercises Effect of S.A.Q Exercises on Some Physical Abilities and the Effectiveness of Snatch for Youth Girls Weightlifters [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 11-44]
  • The social media The function of social media platforms in facilitating the supervision process and obstacles to field training for students of the College of Physical Education. [Volume 064, Issue 064, 2021, Pages 62-101]
  • The spoken word The perceived value of the brand and its relationship to the spoken word of the swimming academies in the youth sports cities. [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 246-262]
  • The strategy of cooperative educational pillars as an entrance The strategy of cooperative educational pillars as an entrance to an educational program supported by electronic chat rooms in learning the two lessons of “snatch– clean and jerk” for students of the Faculty of Physical Education. [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 108-162]
  • The use of contrasting surfaces The effect of using different surfaces on the level of physical abilities of the skillful performance of shooting in basketball [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 210-241]
  • The use of the B.O.O.T system in sports investment projects The use of the B.O.O.T system in sports investment projects [Volume 009, Issue 009, 2019, Pages 74-93]
  • The value system Digital media and its role in building a value system for Egyptian sports fans. [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 9-23]
  • Think The impact of the (Think - Pair - Share) strategy on self-confidence, cognitive achievement and performance level in crawl swimming [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 76-104]
  • Thinking Patterns Building a Scale of Positive Thinking Patterns for Scuba Divers [Volume 048, Issue 048, 2021, Pages 83-158]
  • Third World Countries Sport and Future Prospects in the Third World Countries [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 323-322]
  • Time Structure A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]
  • Tool Building a tool to measure environmental awareness of the climate variables of kindergarten teachers [Volume 076, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 73-86]
  • Topological concepts The impact of using Small Games on learning some topological concepts for children [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 9-28]
  • Top Spin Serve Electromyography Muscles activation of Upper Extremity on body in Top Spin Serve Skill on the two Side of Serve in Tennis (A Comparative Study) [Volume 022, Issue 022, 2020, Pages 85-123]
  • Torque strength The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program using the isokinetic device and static and moving exercises in rehabilitating soccer players with an anterior cruciate ligament severing after surgical intervention [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 30-73]
  • Tota The effect of Total body Resistance Training on some of the physical ,skill, and digital levels of the disc Throwing contestants [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Total Body Resistance Exercise The effect of a training program using Cross Fit exercises and the Total Body Resistance to develop special physical abilities at the Numerical level of shut put event [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-177]
  • Total Quality Management Development of administrative work in the clubs of the handicapped in the United Arab Emirates in light of Total Quality Management [Volume 0043, Issue 043, 2021, Pages 78-95]
  • Tourist The role of the tourism recreational product in the manufacture of the recreational tourism movement which coming to the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 101-155]
  • Trademark Image The role of marketing intelligence in maintaining the image of the trademark during the marketing crises "from the viewpoint of employees of some companies sponsoring Egyptian sports" [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 256-273]
  • Training The effect of adjusted trampoline training on disordered body image and psychological happiness of women . [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 156-173]
  • Training The components of the aerobic gymnastics degree and its impact on the final results of the 15th world championship competitions in Portugal 2018 [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 314-335]
  • Training The impact of cluster training groups on regression strength output development and the digital record for long jump juniors [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 128-154]
  • Training The effect of training in the sandy environment on the level of some complex skills among football beginners [Volume 028, Issue 028, 2020, Pages 325-341]
  • Training Effect of Physiological strengh Training on Some Biomechanical Indicators and the effectiveness of skill performance Of Back Throwing With Facing The Back Skill For Wrestler [Volume 039, Issue 039, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Training The effect of Total body Resistance Training on some of the physical ,skill, and digital levels of the disc Throwing contestants [Volume 041, Issue 041, 2020, Pages 31-50]
  • Training Auxiliary exercises by the station training method on the degree of performance of some aerobic movements for junior aerobic gymnastics for the 6-8 year old age. [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Training A dietary supplement combined with a rehabilitative training program for the stiff shoulder joint and its effect on the functional aptitude and performance level of straight and curved punches for boxers [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 207-231]
  • Training The effect of the exercises of insanity on some motor abilities and the level of Execution performance of the rope in rhythmic gymnastics [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 79-110]
  • Training A training program to develop the static and moving balance and its effect on the effectiveness of shooting from different positions in basketball [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 115-137]
  • Training The effect of S.A.Q training in cluster groups on the level of group performance Punching and effectiveness of the skill performance of boxing players [Volume 060, Issue 060, 2021, Pages 138-162]
  • Training The effect of using Sakyo S.A.Q exercises on some physical and skill variables of abdominal crawling swimmers [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 214-245]
  • Training The effect of simultaneous training on some physical variables and the level of performance of some offensive kicks for taekwondo juniors. [Volume 071, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 214-237]
  • Training The effect of cardio training on some physiological indicators and level of skill performance of aerobic Gymnastics [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-250]
  • Training The effect of a training program using the (Bosu Ball) on the level of physical and numerical variables for the 100m freestyle young women swimmers. [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 185-205]
  • Training The effect of symmetrical training with unilateral muscle work on cerebral control, some physical variables, and the level of punching from the traditional and opposite ready stance [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 139-190]
  • Training The effect of "Insanity" training on some physical, physiological, and numeric level variables for short-distance swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 40-67]
  • Training Interactive agility training effectiveness on the triple jump junior's record and some physical variables [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 100-119]
  • Training The impact of a virtual reality program on some physical and skill variables of Kung Fu players. [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 151-186]
  • Training A Proposed program to develop the performance level of basic skills in speedball using integrative neuromuscular training (INT) [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 107-134]
  • Training age The training age of Kuwaiti women players is from 14 to 16 years and its relationship to the level of performance in volleyball [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 11-26]
  • Training load Manipulation The Training Load According to The Critical Speed and its Impact on Some Physical Fitness variables and the Record Level of the 400 m freestyle in Young Swimmers [Volume 071, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 172-206]
  • Training load Dynamics of prostaglandin (PGE-2), creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) during high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as an indicator to guide the training load of speed swimmers [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 9-61]
  • Training mask The Impact of using a training mask on some physical abilities and cardiac, Respiratory fitness and Record for players of 800m running [Volume 056, Issue 056, 2021, Pages 204-227]
  • Training mask "Hypoxic exercises using training mask and its effect on some physiological changes and the level of performance on floor exercise" [Volume 074, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 9-24]
  • Training program The effect of developing some Coordination abilities on the level of skilful performance [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 120-152]
  • Training program The effect of a proposed training program on the level of skill performance and some physical attributes of artistic gymnastics juniors under 7 years in light of the Compulsory wholesale requirements [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 82-141]
  • Training program The effect of a training program using the cable cross device on improving the performance of the F57 Discus throwing [Volume 037, Issue 037, 2020, Pages 253-277]
  • Training program The effect of a training program using some coordination exercises on some offensive skill variables in handball [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 124-150]
  • Training program Training program in according to of the muscle contribution ratio for during the performance to athlete club throw F52. [Volume 074, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 309-341]
  • Training program The effect of a skill-specific exercise program on improving the switch leap skill on the floor exercises apparatus for woman's artistic gymnasts [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-26]
  • Training program The impact of a recreation training program on some physical and skill variables among the junior players of the Second Star [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 56-83]
  • Trainings The effect of a training program using A.S.Q training exercises on improving some physical abilities and the level of skill performance of dueling players in the New Valley [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 175-212]
  • Training surfaces The effect of different training surfaces on some physical - skill variables and level of performance of female karate players [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 356-380]
  • Training tracks The effect of interval training of training pieces according to the group standardization on the level of skill performance of some motor sentences for kata players in karate [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 244-279]
  • Training Various The Training Various in two methods Isometric and Isotonic Contraction on respiratory efficiency and some variables of muscle strength and their effect on static exercises in the mandates of the Junior Gymnastics Second Republic Championship to Artistic gymnastics for men under 7 years [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 229-252]
  • Trampoline The effect of motor skill exercises on the level of performance of the compulsory sentence for young trampolines under 10 years [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 179-189]
  • Trampoline The effect of a specific exercise program in light of some mechanical variables on improving the skill level of the straight back air cycle [Volume 08, Issue 08, 2021, Pages 61-92]
  • Trampoline The effect of trampoline training on some special physical variables and the skill level of jumps in rhythmic artistic exercises among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports at Al-Aqsa University [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 52-77]
  • Trampoline "The Effect of using Longa Belt on Improving the One and Half Somersault with a Full Twist for Divers” [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-29]
  • Transcendent leadership Transcendent leadership as an input to enhance the organizational resilience in the Directorate of Youth and Sports [Volume 073, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 133-180]
  • Transfer Learning Transfer of Learning Skill Penalty Throw in Team-Handball To Learn the Skill of The Penalty Shot in The Water Polo in Terms of Some Kinematics Variables [Volume 024, Issue 024, 2020, Pages 153-173]
  • Trend The effectiveness of teaching with the Self-Schedule (KWL) strategy on cognitive achievement and the trend towards a comparative physical education course for students of the third year of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Alexandria University. [Volume 063, Issue 063, 2021, Pages 82-121]
  • Trends The concept of physical and physical self and its relationship to the attitudes towards physical education among middle school students [Volume 001, Issue 001, 2017, Pages 77-99]
  • Trends The Trends of Women's towards sport for all in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Kuwait(Comparative Study) [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 119-140]
  • Trends An analytical study of sports players ’attitudes in Dakahlia Governorate towards the role of a sports psychologist [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 20-54]
  • Trends Constructing the academic self-efficacy scale for female students at the College of Physical Education, Helwan University [Volume 077, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 84-100]
  • Triple Jump Studying the kinematic variables of the best player in egypt for triple jump [Volume 072, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 40-65]
  • TRX The effect of combination between coordination ‏Exercises and TRX by tools on improving BMI and thier relationship to some of physical variables and the digital level of young dolphin swimmers [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 183-219]
  • TRX ،digital level, The effect of using the attachment tool (TRX) exercises on some physical variables And the digital level for 100m butterfly swimmers [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 206-225]
  • TRX pending training The effectiveness of a proposed TRX training program on improving some of the physical variables and level of performance in modern dance. [Volume 012, Issue 012, 2019, Pages 112-133]
  • TRX resistance ropes exercises The use of TRX resistance ropes exercises to improve the strength and speed of some kicks and its effect on the level of physical and skill performance of kumite beginners in karate [Volume 057, Issue 057, 2021, Pages 8-29]
  • T.R.X tool Effectiveness of using the T.R.X tool on the muscle ability of discus throw competitors [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 34-88]
  • TV A proposed vision for distributing the revenues of TV broadcasting rights in the Egyptian football competitions [Volume 072, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 209-231]


  • Unaizah Colleges A proposed model for brand management in Onaizah colleges [Volume 053, Issue 053, 2021, Pages 46-71]
  • Under 18 years old The effect of S.A.Q training on 200m under-18 runners' time [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 151-170]
  • Uneven Bars The Effect of Contrast Training on Improving Relative Muscular Strength and Skill Performance on Uneven Bars [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 233-251]
  • Unilateral The effect of symmetrical training with unilateral muscle work on cerebral control, some physical variables, and the level of punching from the traditional and opposite ready stance [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 139-190]
  • University Sport Activities Marketing Universities Sport Activates Marketing Reality From the opinion Student Affairs Employees in the Kingdom of Bahrain [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-146]
  • University Sports Activities Universities Sport Activates Marketing Reality From the opinion Student Affairs Employees in the Kingdom of Bahrain [Volume 076, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-146]
  • Use The effect of using variable resistance training on developing the muscular balance and the digital level of disc ejaculation [Volume 004, Issue 004, 2018, Pages 37-55]
  • Use Using functional strength exercises to develop skillful performance and activate some of the neuromuscular variables among football players [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 277-285]
  • Use of the Bio-Tox Pro The effect of using the (Bio-Tox Pro) device on some endurance indicators for female students of the first stage in the College of Sports Education for Girls [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 68-81]
  • Use of the Skipper theory A suggested recreational program using the Schamper theory to develop creative thinking for pre-school children in Madinah [Volume 008, Issue 008, 2019, Pages 238-257]
  • Using motor skills (basketball) The effect of using the interactive whiteboard on the level of performance of two skills (chest pass and dribbl [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 144-164]
  • Usjood Schlatter The effect of the stabilization and relaxation method with rehabilitative exercises in reducing knee joint pain for players with OSGOOD SCHLATTER [Volume 018, Issue 018, 2020, Pages 79-92]


  • Validity Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of some Spatial-kinesthetic Perception Tests In terms of Vienna Test System [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 305-321]
  • Values of mechanical variables Analyzing the values of some chemical variables after changing the direction by rolling and aiming from the right side and its relationship to the accuracy of football players in the halls. [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 200-214]
  • VARIABLE RESISTANCE EXERSICE The effect of variable resistance training on the dynamic balance and men's skills of the Egyptian kumite team players [Volume 042, Issue 042, 2020, Pages 288-323]
  • Variants "The relative contribution of some biomechanical variables of the short circular kick." Kizami - mawashi geri [Volume 036, Issue 036, 2020, Pages 102-142]
  • Varied forms of sports shows The effect of different forms of mathematical shows on the psychological compatibility of secondary school students [Volume 002, Issue 002, 2017, Pages 269-276]
  • Vault The effect of an educational program using the differentiated teaching method on the performance of the forward somersault on hands on vault table for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Zagazig [Volume 070, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 123-147]
  • Verbal and social communication A recreational program using NLP to develop verbal and social communication for children with hearing impairment [Volume 026, Issue 026, 2020, Pages 219-244]
  • Vertical jump Percentage distribution of GRF and EMG variables for some specific exercises to perform Counter movement jump with arm swing jump in volleyball [Volume 035, Issue 035, 2020, Pages 85-95]
  • Vertical Stiffness Effect of Accentuated Eccentric Training to Improve Reactive Strength Index, Vertical Stiffness of Some of Muscles Involved in the Turn of Breast Swimmers [Volume 075, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 117-173]
  • Video The effect of using a comprehensive video-supported teaching method on the cognitive achievement and skill of the long jump for secondary education students [Volume 040, Issue 040, 2020, Pages 71-90]
  • Video The effect of an educational program using an interactive video on improving the level of physical performance and skills for breaststroke crawling for beginners. [Volume 074, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 45-79]
  • Vienna Test System Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of some Spatial-kinesthetic Perception Tests In terms of Vienna Test System [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 305-321]
  • Virtual The effectiveness of using the Five-Year Learning Course (5E's) supported by the virtual reality model on the level of performance of some basketball skills [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 43-84]
  • Virtual The effectiveness of employing educational digital platforms in promoting participation towards virtual student activities as alternative recreation means from the viewpoint of staff members during the Coronavirus pandemic [Volume 054, Issue 054, 2021, Pages 8-54]
  • Virtual Learning Environment The Effect of E-Collaborative Learning in the Virtual Learning Environment on Cognitive Achievement (Immediate - Referral) and Motivation towards the Motor Learning Course among Students of the College Of Education – Hail University [Volume 066, Issue 066, 2021, Pages 29-61]
  • Virtual reality The effect of using virtual reality glasses on skill Performance level of kata learners (nage no kata) in judo Sports [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 127-157]
  • Virtual reality The Effect of using virtual applications on Self-Confidence among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 074, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 104-145]
  • Virtual reality The Effectiveness Of Virtual Reality Technology Supported By VR BOX 3D Glasses On Learning Some Gymnastics Skills [Volume 076, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 21-50]
  • Virtual reality The impact of a virtual reality program on some physical and skill variables of Kung Fu players. [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 151-186]
  • Visual abilities The effect of proposed visual vision training on some of the basic visual skills and skills of young woman volley ball [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 194-220]
  • Visual Skill educational program to develop visual skills for beginners with special olympic and its impact on levels of performance some skills Basic in volleyball [Volume 021, Issue 021, 2020, Pages 20-44]
  • Visual Vision Abilities "The relative contribution of some visual vision capabilities to the accuracy of the stabbing skill in Epee" [Volume 065, Issue 065, 2021, Pages 145-166]
  • Visual vision exercises The effect of visual vision exercises to develop the tactical performance of young basketball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 71-82]
  • Visual vision exercises The effectiveness of visual vision exercises in improving psychological flexibility and level Shooting performance from falling forward for beginners handball [Volume 058, Issue 058, 2021, Pages 217-245]
  • VO2 Max Development of some physical and physiological variables through the effect of interval adjusted speed training for 1500-meter runners [Volume 055, Issue 055, 2021, Pages 8-43]
  • Volunteer Management of the volunteer committee for the African Nations Cup in Egypt 2019. " An analytical study [Volume 019, Issue 019, 2020, Pages 52-104]


  • Wall The effect of using the padlet digital wall on academic integration and the level of cognitive achievement in the Curriculum Fundamentals course for students Faculty of Physical Education in Qena [Volume 074, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 9-45]
  • Water exercises The effect of a rehabilitation program using neurological facilities (PNF) and water exercises for first-degree adductors muscle rupture injured [Volume 073, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 286-312]
  • Weightlifters The Effect of Activation of Reflexology on the final part on Record level for Weightlifters [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 287-304]
  • Weightlifters Effect of S.A.Q Exercises on Some Physical Abilities and the Effectiveness of Snatch for Youth Girls Weightlifters [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 11-44]
  • Weightlifters The anthropometric variables as a performance level predictors of the weightlifters under age 17 [Volume 046, Issue 046, 2020, Pages 11-30]
  • Weightlifters The effect of maximum strength with leucine intake on some biochemical, physical, and skill variables among weightlifters. [Volume 076, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 114-143]
  • Weight lifting The effect of small games on some kinesthetic perceptions and the digital level for beginner weightlifters (10-12 years) [Volume 072, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 178-193]
  • Weight lifting Effect of Educational program for feedback (immediate and delayed) supported by results of kinetic motion analysis on the level of performance in weightlifting. [Volume 075, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 75-99]
  • Weightlifting Federation The reality of applying administrative transparency in the Egyptian weightlifting fedration [Volume 075, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 87-101]
  • Weights Improving the imbalances of the dynamic force and its effect on the kinematic performance and digital level of butterfly swimmers [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 141-173]
  • Weights The effect of compound weightlifting on physical requirements and the level of the front midfield lift skill and then thrown behind the curves of Wrestlers [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 203-226]
  • Wheatley The effect of using the problem-centered Wheatley model on learning some racket games skills for first-year students in the Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University [Volume 071, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 45-73]
  • Wheatley Model The effect of an educational program using the wheatley model on the level of technical and digital performance in Shot put for first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education Girls Zagazig University [Volume 069, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 161-185]
  • Wheatley Model " The effect of using the "Wheatley model" on the level of some skill and physical variables for female students in fencing" [Volume 075, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 237-264]
  • Wheatley's The effect of using Wheatley's model in learning some gymnastics skills on floor exercise for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys - Zagazig University - [Volume 074, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 148-173]
  • Woman The effect of using smart basketball on the performance level of some offensive skills for Young women basketball 94fifty [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 203-224]
  • Women The effect of adjusted trampoline training on disordered body image and psychological happiness of women . [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 156-173]
  • Women The Trends of Women's towards sport for all in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Kuwait(Comparative Study) [Volume 017, Issue 017, 2020, Pages 119-140]
  • Women Sport and Future Prospects in the Third World Countries [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 323-322]
  • Women The problems of women working in the sports training profession [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 20-52]
  • Women's Gymnastics The Effect of Contrast Training on Improving Relative Muscular Strength and Skill Performance on Uneven Bars [Volume 075, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 233-251]
  • Women's health Reproductive culture female students of the Faculty of Physical Education "a comparative study" [Volume 070, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-87]
  • Work Job bullying behaviors and their relationship to the career path of faculty members and supporting staff Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University [(Articles in Press)]
  • Workers The problems of women working in the sports training profession [Volume 020, Issue 020, 2020, Pages 20-52]
  • World An Analytical Study of the 2019 World Championship for the Most Used and Effective Skills for "Sanda" Players [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • World Analytical study of goal scoring variables in the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 [Volume 049, Issue 049, 2021, Pages 25-41]
  • World Games The impact of a proposed training program to improve the physical variables and the digital level of 100m sprint athletics classified as II1 for intellectual disabilities to participate in the World Games in Egypt 2027 [Volume 077, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 66-83]
  • Wrestlers The effectiveness of using the hemispheric device at the level of the anti-skill attack against the two legs of the wrestlers [Volume 005, Issue 005, 2018, Pages 64-86]
  • Wrestlers The effect of a training program on the balance-development dynamic to improve the physical-skilled performance level for wrestlers [Volume 013, Issue 013, 2020, Pages 274-296]
  • Wrestlers eveloping a dynamic balance on the effectiveness of the fall skill on one leg of wrestlers [Volume 023, Issue 023, 2020, Pages 134-161]
  • Wrestlers The effect of compound weightlifting on physical requirements and the level of the front midfield lift skill and then thrown behind the curves of Wrestlers [Volume 034, Issue 034, 2020, Pages 203-226]


  • Youth Study the level of social interaction and its relationship to aggressive behavior on the field for some youth teams [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 59-67]
  • Youth The role of sport in promoting social participation among youth A Comparative Study on a Sample of Benha University Students [Volume 030, Issue 030, 2020, Pages 87-123]
  • Youth care Excellence management standards As an entrance for developing youth welfare management at Alexandria University [Volume 038, Issue 038, 2020, Pages 266-283]


  • Zagazig University The effectiveness of using the educational module on the level of skill performance and the digital level of the athletics course for female students of the second year at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Zagazig University [Volume 072, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 166-202]
  • Zoom Interactive educational platforms (Zoom, Edmodo) and their impact on the level of cognitive attainment of the skill of the hammer throw [Volume 052, Issue 052, 2021, Pages 21-49]
  • Zoom The effect of the e-participatory education strategy using the Zoom technique on the performance level of some basic skills and cognitive achievement in boxing for first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University [Volume 070, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 266-293]
  • Zumba The effect of zumba training on the level of concentration of the hormone adiponectin and some body composition variables for obese females from the ages of 18-25 years [Volume 051, Issue 051, 2021, Pages 166-187]