Keyword Index


  • Basketball The effect of visual vision exercises to develop the tactical performance of young basketball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 71-82]


  • Computer program Designing a computer program for the cognitive achievement tests of handball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 83-91]


  • Development The effect of visual vision exercises to develop the tactical performance of young basketball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 71-82]


  • Enzymes The effect of two training and counseling programs, based on perceived self-efficacy and optimism, on regulating enzymes to counter muscle fatigue [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 26-44]


  • Handball Designing a computer program for the cognitive achievement tests of handball for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 83-91]


  • Inverted casual and transverse learning The effect of the transverse and transverse learning of the transmission skill in tennis in the transmission skill learning from the top in the volleyball [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 106-113]


  • Learning The effect of the transverse and transverse learning of the transmission skill in tennis in the transmission skill learning from the top in the volleyball [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 106-113]


  • Physical fitness A comparative study of physical fitness elements for students (8-9 years old) according to the parents' age variable [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 58-70]
  • Plymetric exercises The effect of the plymatic training using oblique surfaces on developing the muscular capacity of the muscles of the lower end of volleyball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 45-57]



  • Sports stimulants Sports stimulants and the extent of criminal responsibility under domestic laws and international law. [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 124-129]



  • Visual vision exercises The effect of visual vision exercises to develop the tactical performance of young basketball players [Volume 015, Issue 015, 2017, Pages 71-82]