Keyword Index


  • Attitudes: Algerian women Attitudes of Algerian women towards exercising sports and its relationship to physical self-affirmation [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 26-46]


  • Body Mass Index Relationship of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) to the body mass index for blind male students (15-18 years) [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 141-148]


  • Maximum oxygen consumption Relationship of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) to the body mass index for blind male students (15-18 years) [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 141-148]
  • Mental stimulants he effect of mental stimulants on the performance of some of the collar skills with the rhythmic gymnastics of the students [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 47-58]


  • Social interaction Study the level of social interaction and its relationship to aggressive behavior on the field for some youth teams [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 59-67]


  • The role of sports and educational institutions The role of sports and educational institutions in spreading the culture of fair play and sportsmanship among athletes and the masses in the United Arab Emirates [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 82-110]


  • Use of the Bio-Tox Pro The effect of using the (Bio-Tox Pro) device on some endurance indicators for female students of the first stage in the College of Sports Education for Girls [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 68-81]


  • Youth Study the level of social interaction and its relationship to aggressive behavior on the field for some youth teams [Volume 016, Issue 016, 2017, Pages 59-67]