Kinematic performance of the Disengagement of the right-handed and the left-handed player of the foil (a comparative study)

Document Type : Original Article


Sports Training and Movement Science Department, Faculty of Physical Education for (Men – Girls) in Port-Said, Port-Said University, A.R.E


The study aims to compare the kinematic performance of the shifting attack of the right player and the left-handed player of the shisha weapon in order to identify the differences and the cause of those differences and use them in developing the performance of the competitors, the sample included the Egyptian fencing players and the sample number was four (8) players, by the number of (4) (Right player, and number (4) left-handed player. Conditions for selecting a sample:
The individuals of the sample are registered with the Egyptian Fencing Federation.
- The individuals of the sample are registered in the Egyptian fencing team.
The respondents were classified internationally and locally.
The comparative method was used, as the researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 20) program to process data statistically using the appropriate statistical factors for the study, and the most important results were the presence of differences between the two research groups and the identification of the kinematic characteristics of the performance of the invasive attack For the left hand and the right player in terms of time, speed and wheel
Among the most important recommendations:
While learning the skill of a different attack, it must be emphasized that there is a left-handed competitor, and you should focus on the presence of a right competitor. And if the attack was performed differently through the three stages left-handed player. The selection process focuses on the left-handed player due to the difficulty of overcoming it.


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