A recreational program using NLP to develop verbal and social communication for children with hearing impairment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, University of Kafr El-Sheikh

2 Faculty of Sports Education, Girls University of Alexandria


The current study aimed to identify the effect of a recreational program using NLP to develop verbal and social communication among children with hearing impairment, and to achieve this goal the researchers used the descriptive (survey) approach to build and prepare a scale for NLP and verbal and social communication for children with hearing impairment, and the experimental approach to a sample Consists of (40 children and hearing impaired girls), they were divided into a pilot group consisting of (24) children, and an exploratory group of (16) children. They were harmonized in time, height, weight, axes of NLP, verbal and social communication, and the researchers used data collection tools represented in the verbal and social communication scale for children with hearing impairment.NLP scale, and the recreational program using NLP, the results of the study found: There are significant statistically significant differences between the mean scores (pre, inter, and post) of the sample members of children with hearing impairment on the verbal and social communication scale and the NLP scale. Thus, it is clear that the recreational program using NLP in the current study has an effective effect in developing verbal and social communication in children with hearing impairment.


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