am of specific exercises with tools on some physical characteristics - functional responses and time level of performance for beginners drowners

Document Type : Original Article



2 faculty of Physical Education for Boys Abu Qir


am of specific exercises with tools on some physical characteristics - functional responses and time level of performance for beginners drowners
 Research objectives:
Identify the effectiveness of a program for specific exercises with tools to improve some physical characteristics - functional responses and time-level performance for beginners rescuers.
Research Methodology:
The experimental method used two pre- and post-measurements for two groups, one experimental and one control.
 Conclusions:
In light of the research objectives and the assumptions and results of statistical treatments, the following conclusions have been reached:
The program of specific exercises with tools has a positive effect in improving some of the physical abilities of the beginners of the sport of rescue.
The Specific Exercises Program with Tools has a positive effect in improving some of the functional responses of the salvage beginners.
- The Specific Exercises Program with Tools has a positive effect in improving the skill performance time for the salvage beginners.
 Recommendations:
In light of the findings of this study, the researchers recommend the following:
- Applying the qualitative exercises program with tools to the fourth graders, specializing in physical education colleges.
Carrying out more studies to identify some of the variables associated with the sport of rescue activity.
- Using the qualitative exercises program with tools for all rescue sport coaches in the Egyptian and International Federation, because of its positive impact on some physical capabilities, job responses and the time of skill performance.


Main Subjects