A comparative study of the use of Electronic platforms between Middle Eastern and OECD countries and their effect on the academic achievement rate for basic education students during pandamice covid 19

Document Type : Original Article


Benha University, Faculty of Physical Education for male, Department of Theories and Applications of Water Sports


The research aims to make a comparative study of the use of electronic platforms and their effect on the academic achievement rate for basic education pupils between Middle Eastern and OECD countries during pandamice covid 19
Research Methodology
The researcher used the survey method to suit the approach to the nature of the research.
Research Society and Sample:
The research community was chosen from government schools for basic education in the Middle East and OECD countries
Data collection methods and tools
- The reference survey of books and the international information network through the following sites: -
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
- The World Bank
- World Health Organization
Educational sites
The statistical method used in the study:
- percentage .
First: the conclusions
Through the results of the research, the researcher managed to reach a set of conclusions, which are: -
1- OECD countries surpassed the countries of the Middle East and North Africa in the rates of distance education in terms of capabilities and the educational climate and in the six research goals, but the type of excellence was closely related to a set of variables that a part was made available to the countries of the Middle East but they lacked methods and mechanisms Apply that.
Second: Recommendations
Through the results of the research and its conclusions, the researcher was able to develop a set of


Main Subjects