Effect of Qualitative Exercises On Some Kinematical variables and Shooting Precision in female basketball players

Document Type : Original Article


tanta ، cairo


The research aims to identify the effect of qualitative exercises on kinematical variables and accuracy of the shooting skill of jumping in basketball. The research sample was chosen intentionally by female students of basketball, at the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University, and there are (10) students, (7) students to perform the basic experiment and (3) students to conduct exploratory experiments. The most important results were
1 - Increasing the vertical distance from the horizontal distance of the arm aiming for significant differences in favor of dimensional measurement.
2- - Decrease in the center of gravity of the body, beginning with touching the ground in the post measurement, compared to the pre-measurement with significant differences.
3-- An increase in the vertical flight distance of the player with significant differences in favor of dimensional measurement.
4- - Reduced performance time for both the performance time of the target arm, and the total time to aim, the time the players fly with significant differences for the benefit of dimensional measurement.
5-- Increasing the starting angle of the ball with significant differences in favor of dimensional measurement.
6-- Increasing both the horizontal velocity of the aiming arm, the vertical velocity of the aiming arm, the angular velocity of the aiming arm, the vertical velocity of the player, the starting speed of the ball with significant differences for the benefit of dimensional measurement.
7- There are significant differences in the accuracy of correction from jumping in favor of post-measurement.


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