A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of sports training and movement sciences, faculty of physical education for girls, Alexandria university

2 Curriculum and Methods of Physical Education Department - Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria Univeristy


This research aims to compare two types of starting (front, side) to perform the split leap with 1/1 turn 360 ° in the time structure and some mechanical properties on the floor exercise, put a ballet training program for her, and identifying the effect of the proposed program on special physical capabilities and level of performance. The descriptive and experimental approaches were used. The comparative study sample was chosen as one female athlete of the first degree in the Sporting Club, while the experimental study sample was one of the artistic gymnastic players of the Sporting Club under 12 years old and they number (7 players). he most important results of the research were: the difference in the values of the temporal structure and some mechanical properties of the skill under consideration, when performing with the side start (arabesque side glide) from the forward start (front glide stand) in favor of the side start, The ballet-specific exercises program proposed from the side start has a positive effect on the special physical capabilities and skill performance of the skill under consideration. Among the most important recommendations of the players' performance is the skill of the split leap with 1/1 turn 360 ° preceded by a side start on the floor exercise because it achieves better performance for it, which facilitates the process of learning, training and developing it. And the use of the proposed quality ballet training program in improving the performance of this skill.


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