The effect of using augmented reality program on focusing attention and learning some basic volleyball skills

Document Type : Original Article


Sadat City University


The research aims to identify the effect of using a program based on augmented reality technology to focus attention and learn some basic skills in volleyball. The researcher used the experimental approach for his suitability of the nature of the research. The researcher selected a random sample of (30) students with a percentage of (75%) of The total of the research community was divided into two equal and equal groups. The strength of each group reached (15) students. The first group is the experimental group and the augmented reality technique is applied in learning some basic skills in volleyball and the second group is the control group and the The traditional method of learning some basic skills in volleyball and the most important results were that the augmented reality technology has a positive effect on improving the focus of attention and in learning some basic skills under research for students. The experimental group, and the experimental group that used the augmented reality technique over the control group that used The traditional method of learning some basic skills under investigation and focusing attention, the improvement rate for the experimental group was better than the improvement rate for the control group in learning some basic skills under research and focusing attention


Main Subjects