Speed Control Strategy (5000 m – 10000 m) Race was Conducted for the 2019 World Athletics Championship

Document Type : Original Article


FACULTY of physical education - mansoura university -egypt


The aim of the study was to identify the strategy of speed control for the three best runners the (5000 m – 10000 m) races at the 2019 World Championship. The descriptive analytical method was used, and the sample of the study included the contestants participating in the final of the two races where the final 5000 meters was included 14 racers, and the race of 10,000 meters included (18 racers), and the most important results in the 5000 meters was that maintaining the high speed in the last 400 meters which is considered an important factor to win and also the last 1000 meters in 10,000-meter race and that was due to the elite racers have nearby record levels. The study also showed that the strategy of organizing speed in the 5000m run depends on a variable strategy while the 10,000-meter race was based on a fixed strategy in the first half of the race and then a negative strategy (speed increase) at the end of the race and the most important recommendations were that the 5000m and 10,000 m runners must be trained in their speed control strategy to conform to their actual abilities. The focus should be on the lactic endurance and speed endurance training so that they can maintain their speed, especially in the last 400 meters for the 5,000 m race and the last 1000 meters for the 10,000 m run race, Besides aerobic power training.


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