Temporal analysis of Tennis strokes as a base for volume of load size in skill preparation

Document Type : Original Article


کلیة التربیة الریاضیة جامعة المنیا


This research aims to standardize the volume of skill training for strokes in tennis within the training units in the special part of the skill preparation through a temporal analysis of the 7 best tennis players in terms of the world ranking approved by the Professional Tennis Association (WTA) for the classification and arrangement of the players 2019 / 2020, using the descriptive approach , and the temporal analysis was applied through the (Motion Track) program for kinematic analysis, and the important were that The largest time average for the overall performance of the serving stroke skill was 1.13 s, at 0.20% of the total time of the strokes for the sample under investigation, and the smallest time average for the overall performance of the half-jet and high balls was 0.48 s and 0.08% of the total time of the strokes for the sample in question. the temporal analysis was given the basic indicator on which the training unit was built through averages and percentages of contribution, total skill time and standardized training volume For the skill part of the strikes under study, which made it easy for the researcher to form the loads (average, less than the maximum and maximum) of the skill size in the special skill preparation, and among the most important recommendations to activate researchers and those interested in the field of training in tennis for the proposed program for the current study on junior clubs in order to reach the highest rankings


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