Habits of mind and its relationship to academic procrastination and academic achievement for students of the school sport major

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education for men


Habits of mind and its relationship to academic procrastination and academic achievement for students of the school sport major

The study aimed to identify the level of habits of the mind and the level of academic procrastination and its prevalence and the extent of the relationship between them as well as their relationship to the academic achievement of students of the school sport major. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher prepared the measurement tools, which were represented in (a form for measuring the habits of the mind, a form for measuring academic procrastination). The researcher used the descriptive survey method, and a sample of 102 students from the fourth year, specializing in school sports, was selected. And by applying the research tools to the study sample, the results of the study reached the following:

1- Students' levels of variation in the Habits of Mind Scale.
2- The prevalence of academic procrastination is high among the research sample.
3- The existence of a negative relationship between the habits of reason and academic procrastination in the research sample.
4- There is a positive relationship between the habits of the mind and the academic achievement of the research sample.
5- There is a negative relationship between academic procrastination and academic achievement in the research sample.


Main Subjects