Applying the active classroom strategy to improve teaching skills and their relationship to the level of ambition of female students of the Higher Diploma in Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula, Teaching Methods, Training, and Kinetics Sports - Faculty of Physical Education - Sadat City University


Applying the active classroom strategy to improve teaching skills and their relationship to the level of ambition of female students of the Higher Diploma in Physical Education
Dr. Suzan Badran Mohammed
Key words: (active class strategy - teaching skills - level of ambition)
The study aimed to apply the active class strategy to improve teaching skills and its relationship to the level of ambition among students of the Higher Diploma in Physical Education. The researcher used the experimental approach with one experimental group due to the convenience of this The research and the research community included female students of the Higher Diploma in Physical Education at the College of Education, Jazan University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during the academic year (2019 AD / 2020 AD) and their number is (37) students. (20) female students for the basic sample, (16) female students to conduct scientific transactions for the variables under discussion, and one irregular student was excluded and did not complete the study). The researcher used an observation form prepared by the researcher and measured the level of ambition and the most important results indicated that the use of the active class strategy A positive impact on improving the level of teaching skills and the level of ambition of the sample under study, and there is a strong relationship and correlation between improving the level of skills Teaching and improving the level of ambition of the sample in question


Main Subjects