Effectiveness of using an interactive electronic book for smartphones in learning some table tennis skills for the students of the second division at the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education


This research aims to identify the effectiveness of using an interactive electronic book for smartphones in learning some table tennis skills(The Forehand and Backhand Drive ,The forehand basic serve) for the students of the second division in the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at The University of Alexandria, the researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability for the nature of the research, and the researcher used one of the experimental designs which is the experimental design of one experimental group applied tribal and dimensional measurements of the group because of the nature of the research, and the sample of study was chosen in the random way and reached (100) students of the second division in the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls, and applied the test researcher Cognitive preparation of the researcher in addition to the questionnaire opinions and emotional impressions on the experimental group in order to know their opinions and impressions towards an interactive electronic book for smartphones in learning some skills of table tennis, and the most important results were There are statistically significant differences between the average tribal and dimensional standards of the experimental group in cognitive achievement and learn some table tennis skills in favor of dimensional measurement in addition to the existence of statistically significant differences between the opinions and impressions of the students of the experimental group (approved and disapproved) towards the use of an interactive book for smartphones in learning Some table tennis skills towards approvals.


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