Brain Dominance patterns and their relationship to thinking strategies to the football players

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Department of Sports Psychology – Faculty of Physical Education – Damietta University – Egypt.


The current study aims at determining the Brain Dominance Patterns, and identifying the correlation between the thinking strategies for the Football players under study. In this regard, the research was applied on ten (10) players from Damietta Football Sports Club, at the age of 18 – 20; thus, the researcher used the 'Descriptive Approach' (a Case Study- survey method) due to its appropriateness to attain the objectives of this research. The researcher variables were determined in the following factors: Brain Dominance; as well as the Digital Electroencephalograph (EEG), in order to determine the Brain Dominance Patterns through the frequency of the brain's electrical activity waves.The most important result of the research was represented in the diversity of the Brain Dominance Patterns for the Football player, in terms of the frequency of the brain's electrical activity waves: "Delta (∆), Theta (θ), Alpha (α) and Beta (β)"; and that is for the four cerebral lobes (frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital) at both sides of the brain. Thus, the highest thinking strategies for the Football player was the thinking strategy of skillful duty, while the lowest thinking strategy is the mental visualization strategy.


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