The role of electronic learning platforms on developing the capabilities of innovative thinking and the speed of learning and knowledge acquisition in light of the spread In the racquet sports arbitration decision of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19)

Document Type : Original Article


1 College of Physical Education / Damietta University

2 College of Physical Education for Boys, Zagazig University


to develop a proposed educational program using electronic learning platforms and know its impact on innovative thinking and knowledge acquisition of the arbitration of racquet sports.
The researcher used:
the experimental method on a sample of (24) students in the third year at the Faculty of Physical Education Boys in Zagazig. They were divided into two groups, one is experimental and the other is a strength of each of (12) students.
Among the research tools:
the high intelligence test - the educational program using electronic learning platforms.
Statistical treatments used:
mean, standard deviation, median, torsional coefficient, T-test, simple correlation coefficient, improvement ratios,%.
Among the most important results:
1- The use of electronic learning platforms that contribute statistically to improving innovative thinking and the level of knowledge achievement of the tennis sports arbitration course.
2- Using the traditional method contributes statistically to improving the level of cognitive achievement of the tennis sports arbitration course.
Among the most important recommendations:
1- The necessity of applying electronic learning platforms in teaching racket sports arbitration course for third year students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Zagazig.
2- Holding training courses for faculty members and their assistants in the college’s sports department so that they are trained on how to implement learning by using electronic learning platforms.


Main Subjects