The effect of generative learning on 110 meter/hurdles skill

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, sadat City University


The current research aimed to identify the effect of generative learning on the level of skill performance and knowledge achievement of the 110 meter / hurdles Skill for students of the second year at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University.

To achieve the research goal, the researcher used the experimental approach through experimental design that depends on the pre and post measurements of two groups, one is experimental and the other is a control, and the research sample consisted of students of the second group "boys" at the Faculty of Physical Education Sadat City University 2018/2019 AD, and the number (434) students And the research sample was chosen in an intentional way, and they are (150) students. They were divided into three groups: an exploratory group, an experimental group, and a control group consisting of (50) students. To measure the pre- and post-performance in the two research groups, the researcher used the cognitive test and the skill assessment form for the skill of the 110 meters / hurdles under discussion. The researcher used the generative learning model On the experimental group, and the method used (explanation and model) on the control group, and after the completion of data collection the researcher subjected them to statistical transactions to obtain the results and the researcher reached the superiority of the experimental group over the control group in the level of cognitive achievement and skill performance of the 110 meters / hurdles under discussion.


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