Marketing deception and its effect on the attitude of consumers of sporting goods in Dakahlia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sports Administration, Faculty of Physical Education and sports , Damietta University, Egypt


The study aimed to identify marketing deception and its impact on the trends of consumers of sporting goods in Dakahlia Governorate, and the importance of research was evident in the attempts to link marketing deception related to product, price, distribution and promotion with consumer trends represented in the behavioral, cognitive and emotional dimension, searching for the best attempts to link between marketing deception Which relates to product, price, distribution, promotion, and consumer trends represented in the behavioral, cognitive and emotional dimension, providing information about the risk of forming a negative trend for the consumer; This affects the consumer decision in the long run. By using the questionnaire form, a sample of 369 individuals of consumers of sporting goods and services was applied using a random sample, and the most important results were that the promises made by the company about the shape of the product are not adhered to with the beneficiaries. Also, companies advertise prices that do not match the shape and quality of the real product, while most consumers rely on reference groups (family, friends, ...), whether formal or informal, when making a consumer decision


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