Excellence management standards As an entrance for developing youth welfare management at Alexandria University

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Alexandria University


Study title: Excellence management standards as an entry point for developing youth welfare management at Alexandria University
The management of institutional excellence requires radical changes in the prevailing organizational apparatus within the institution and the existence of flexible structures that suit the requirements of outstanding performance. It also requires continuous training of the human resources in the institution in order to build a culture of excellence in it. This requires achieving integration and interaction with the internal and external customers of the institution and the systems that make up the society and the existence of a conscious management of the same. Multiple competencies characterized by flexibility and the ability to adapt to the requirements of the times and its variables and the ability to analyze and perceive relationships and make decisions, and the study aims to identify the standards of excellence management as an entry point for the development of youth welfare management at the University of Alexandria. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method. The study sample was chosen randomly from the workers under study It consisted of workers sponsored by youth at Alexandria University and their number was (78) employees, and the most important results were: The study sample emphasized the importance and necessity of providing the following criteria (leadership with creativity - policies and strategies - relationships and resources - operations management - human resources management - focus on clients) with the care of youth University of Alexandria.


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