Evaluating swimming curricula outputs according to the requirements of the job field in the sports sector in the quality of education and accreditation standards

Document Type : Original Article


Benha University, Faculty of Physical Education for male, Department of Theories and Applications of Water Sports


Evaluating swimming curricula outputs according to the requirements of the labor market in the sports sector in light of the quality of education and accreditation standards
The research aims to evaluate the outputs of swimming curricula according to the requirements of the labor market in the sports sector in light of the quality of education and accreditation standards
Research Methodology
The researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the research
Means of data collection
- Reference survey for books and previous studies and the International Information Network.
- See personal interviews
- Field visits
Scientific conferences and seminars
Egyptian Swimming Federation courses
Egyptian Diving and Rescue courses
The researcher used the statistical treatments appropriate to the nature of the research data through the SPSS statistical program
First: Conclusions and recommendations
1. It was found through statistical analysis that the views of the two categories of the research sample varied. The second sample category had a negative view of the quality of several types of university outputs. This is due to various reasons, some of which fall within the responsibility of universities and others are the responsibility of labor market institutions.
Second: Recommendations
1 - The need for educational institutions to focus on aligning their outputs with the needs and requirements of labor market institutions to meet those needs on the one hand, and to ensure that graduates obtain employment opportunities appropriate to their specializations.


Main Subjects