Biomechanical movement of the center of gravity and the center of gravity of the bar and their relationship to digital achievement In the clean of lifting weightlifters

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sports kinesiology Science Faculty of Sport Education Damietta University


Biomechanical movement of the center of gravity and the center of gravity of the bar and their relationship to digital achievement In the clean of lifting weightlifters

The research aims to identify "the biomechanics of the movement of the center of gravity of the body and the center of gravity of the bar and their relationship to digital achievement in the height of the kidneys for weight lifters"

The researcher used the descriptive method and kinetic analysis for its suitability and the nature of the study, and the research sample was chosen intentionally for 5 quadruples from the team of the Sinbillawain Sports Club in Dakahlia Governorate and registered with the Egyptian Weight Lifting Federation, from a weight category of 67 kg.

The most important results were :Convergence values of the average displacement and horizontal velocity of the center of gravity of the bar and the center of gravity of the body that are in the stages of the initial withdrawal and cross of the bar for the knee and the advancement of gravity, the existence of a correlation statistically significant between the displacement and velocity variables and the amount of horizontal and vertical movement and the vertical strength of the center of gravity of the bar and the body and between the digital achievement level of the height of the kidney for the sample under consideration


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