The effectiveness of using an electronic educational platform to teach the physical education course and camps in the cognitive achievement and motivation for learning among students of the Childhood Division at the Faculty of Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education sohag university

2 Curricula and Teaching Methods Department, Faculty of Education, Sohag University


The educational platforms are one of the latest models of employing e-learning in the teaching, so that these platforms provide educational courses online with high quality, and generate the suspense of knowledge and make the educational process more enjoyable and more vital, and the electronic educational platforms adopt a philosophy that all learners must have freedom In use in accordance with the principle of openness, and the dissemination and sharing of knowledge online for all learners.
Several studies have stressed the need to take advantage of electronic educational platforms in the educational process in its various stages because of its multiple benefits and advantages, and previous studies of electronic educational platforms have not been studied and employed to investigate their effectiveness on developing knowledge and motivation learning for students of the Childhood Division at the Faculty of Education at Sohag University, which is Targeted by current research.
To achieve this, the researcher used the experimental curriculum on a sample of students from the second year of the Childhood Division who study the physical education and campuses course during the second semester 2019/2020.
The research has resulted in several results, the most important of which are the improved level of cognitive achievement and motivation for female students' learning, and the high effectiveness of the platform according to Black's equation.
The most important recommendations were the need to train students to learn using educational platforms, and to move from traditional to electronic methods of teaching at different educational levels.


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