Predictive values of playing positions and attack entrances in terms of the physical abilities of wrestlers

Document Type : Original Article


The study aims to know the values of the positions of the playing positions and the entrances of the attack in terms of the physical abilities of the wrestlers, the extent of the relationship between them and the rates of the contribution of the physical abilities in the effectiveness of the performance, and the research sample consisted of (14) players from (17:15) years of the third stage of cadets, and the researcher reached the physical abilities The most effective (explosive power, strength marked by speed, special agility) are the most influential on the playing position and the entrance to attack and the explosive force occupied the highest impact ratio (88.9%)), the impact ratio (explosive force and strength marked with speed together) (93.3%) and impact ratio ( Explosive and distinctive force With special speed and agility together ((96.2%), a predictive formula was reached for the effectiveness of the playing position and the entrance attack in terms of pitch: =

17.70 + (- 118.x explosive power (one-throw performance time) + (-217.x force marked with speed (three-time performance) +) 171.x special agility (maximum number within 10 seconds (bridge)


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