"The effect of plyometric exercises with resistance and assistance in the direction of movement on the development of explosive power and the level of performance of the kumite players"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Of Physical Education ,Fayoum university


And based on the amendments made to the Karate Sports Law, the parking distance during the introductory standby position (distance of 2 meters) converges, which calls the researcher to study this amendment and how to use this distance at the beginning of the game or after the game stops during the actual match time for the player to use offensive skills from setting Yue's willingness to attack the opponent with one of the individual or vehicle attacking skills at one end of the body through rapid attack from a distance of preparation
Research objective:
The study aims to use the plyometric exercises with resistance and help in the direction of movement to develop the explosive strength and the level of performance of the kumite players.
Research hypotheses:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the individuals in the research sample in the physical abilities of the muscular ability in favor of the dimensional measurement.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the research sample in the physical physical skills (individual skills) and (complex skills) of the skill level in favor of telemetry.
3- There is a percentage of improvement in the physical abilities of the muscular ability and the skilled physical abilities (individual skills) and the skilled physical abilities (complex skills) of the skill level of the individuals in the research sample (between the pre and post measurements) in favor of the post measurement.


Main Subjects