The extent to which members of the judo faculty possess educational technological competencies And Practicing them in colleges of physical education

Document Type : Original Article


Physical education for girls university zaghazigh


The research aims to identify the extent to which members of the judo sport faculty possess educational technological competencies and their practice in the colleges of physical education, and the researcher used the descriptive method by using the survey method, on an intentional sample of members of the judo sport faculty in physical education colleges in the Egyptian universities for the academic year 2018/2019, and has reached The number of the research community is (32) members, and the number of the final basic research sample was (26) faculty members, and the most important results that were reached are as follows:
1- There are 18 educational technology sufficiencies owned by members of the judo faculty in the colleges of physical education with a high degree, number (11) with an average degree, and a number (12) with a very small degree out of (40) educational adequacy.
2- There are (21) educational technological adequacy practiced by members of the judo faculty in physical education colleges with a high degree and number (8) with an average degree of (40) educational adequacy number (12) with a very low degree
3- There is a statistically significant correlation between the total degree of the judo faculty members ’acquisition of educational technological competencies and their practice in physical education colleges.competencies and their practice in physical education colleges.


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