mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players

Document Type : Original Article


Department of team sports and racket sports, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


The research aims to get acquainted with the effect of the plans maps for localized play to create spaces using Rondo training on the effectiveness of collective attacking performance of football players, and the number of the basic research sample reached (32) players. Experimental group performance in the variables of the effectiveness of the collective offensive performance in the passing speed and the exchange of positions, the length of the stadium between two players (wrong pass), the speed of the collective performance of three players (the open triangle), and the collective performance of a group of 4 individuals using the method of expanding the attack front (compound performance from the middle of the stadium ), The accuracy of the collective performance of a group of 5 individuals (repeated overflows), the collective performance of 6 players and the development of the role of the playmaker (playmaker) in the level of collective attack effectiveness performance of the football players in question, and the highest differences in the percentage of improvement (playmaker) 24.783%, (Frequent Overlab) 20.337%, (Wrong Pass) 18.855%, (Composite Midfield Performance) 18.443%, (Open Triangle) 17.579%.


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