Studying Some Biomechanical and Physiological Changes for the First-class and Under-20 Years 400m Runners

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for Men - Alexandria University

2 Faculty of Physical Education for girls- Alexandria University


400m event is one of the most active track and field events that has a great pressure and extreme effort on the body's vital systems and thus requires the maximum limits of anaerobic energy processes and particularly the aerobic processes. The research aims to identify the biomechanical and biochemical changes for the First-class and under-20 years 400m runners on a sample of 10 athletes from the Alexandria Track and Field Region. 400m race clips were captured and the concentrations of lactic acid, creatine phosphokinase CPK and lactic dehydrogenase LDH in the blood were analyzed after (100, 200, 300, 400 meters) for the research sample, After analyzing the results we found that the contestants depend on the best time sprint strategy during the second 100 meters, followed by the first, third and fourth. The First-class contestants depend on decreasing the sprint, focusing on the length of the step and maintaining the step speed and pivot, while the under-20 year's contestants depend on repeating the step during the first 300 meters, decreasing the speed, repetition and length of the step during the last 100 meters. The First-class contestants had a lower pulse after the race with a better rate and gradual increase in the concentration of lactic acid, creatine phosphokinase CPK, lactic dehydrogenase LDH in the blood during the race phases proportionating with the exerted effort and taking advantage of the necessary energy sources in the 400m sprint. 


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