Visualization of the graphic network for anthropometric and physical diagnosis, mental visualization and digital level For long jump players

Document Type : Original Article


Helwan University


This study aimed to identify:
-1Determine the quantitative amounts of the contribution percentages of age, height, weight, components of mental perception, some special physical capabilities, and the digital level of players participating in the long jump competition in the Republic Championship in 2017 in Cairo.
- 2Standard grades corresponding to the quantitative amounts of height, weight, mental perception, some special physical abilities, and the digital level of players participating in the long jump competition of the Republic Championship in 2017 in Cairo.
- 3The graphic network for the diagnosis of age, height and weight, the components of mental perception and some special physical abilities of the players participating in the long jump competition in the Republic Championship in 2017 in Cairo. And use it as a standard for diagnosis and evaluation.
The research sample was chosen intentionally by the female players participating in the long jump competition in the Arab Republic of Egypt in 2017 in Cairo and their number was 10 players. Statistical data and the most important results resulted in achieving the study goals and answering their questions, as Recommended by the researcher:
- 1Using the graphic network to select and evaluate long jump players in the Arab Republic of Egypt in the variables under discussion.


Main Subjects