A suggested rehabilitation program to improve the efficiency of the knee joint After surgery to replace the posterior cruciate ligament for athletes

Document Type : Original Article


1 No thing

2 Alexandria University - Faculty of Physical Education for Boys


The study aims to identify the effect of a proposed rehabilitation program after surgery to replace the posterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint for athletes through (designing a physical and motor rehabilitation program - improving muscle strength, range of motion, stable and motor balance - improvement in deep sensory receptors - improvement in the degree of pain) and so it has been done Proposing a rehabilitation program for the muscles of the lower limb with the aim of returning to the closest normal condition and then returning the injured to specialized exercise.
The sample was chosen intentionally by the injured people who had surgery for the posterior cruciate ligament replacement, and its strength was 4 individuals, the proposed rehabilitation program was applied to them and their ages ranged between (20-30) years, and the results were compared before the experiment and after the experiment during the study period. To the following conclusions:
The program had mixed effects on patients returning to normal after a posterior cruciate ligament replacement surgery.
The rehabilitation program made a major improvement for the injured: improved muscle strength - sensory receptors and pain


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