The role of the tourism recreational product in the manufacture of the recreational tourism movement which coming to the Arab Republic of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University


The research aims to maximize the economic role of the tourist recreational product in the tourism recreational movement movement coming to the Arab Republic of Egypt. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method (case study), chosen by the random and deliberate method and its strength was (341) incoming tourists, (68) individuals working in providing the product Recreational tourism in tourist establishments, the researcher used two questionnaire forms as tools to collect data, and one of the most important results of the study was that buying a tourist recreational product and leisure shopping associated with tourist recreational activities increases the value of the tourist experience in travel, buying a non-good recreational product for one of the tourist recreational activities does not mean Necessarily not to visit the country again, the reason tourists come to the establishment without the other facilities in the world is to provide good tourist recreational services, the quality of the infrastructure of the tourist recreational product inside the tourist establishments, diving is the most preferred tourism recreational product among tourists and the best-selling, Fraud in the sale and lack of quality of the tourist recreational product leads to insulting Egypt's tourism reputation, there is a lot of ambiance D must be made to market the tourism recreational product in the tourist facilities in the Arab Republic of Egypt.


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