The effect of compound weightlifting on physical requirements and the level of the front midfield lift skill and then thrown behind the curves of Wrestlers

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education – Menoufia university


The researcher undertook a study entitled "The effect of compound weight training on physical requirements and the level of the front midfield lift skill and then threw behind the curves of the wrestlers" with the aim of designing a training program using compound weight training and identifying its effect on: -
Physical requirements for front midfield skill, then arched back.
- The level of the performance of the skill of the front mid-lift, then threw behind the curve.
The researcher used the experimental method using the experimental design with pre and dimensional measurement on two experimental and control groups. The research sample was chosen intentionally by the players of the Menoufia Region team (fourth stage under 20 years) and the number (20) player by (10) players for each group and the results resulted in that
1- The proposed training program using compound weight training has a positive effect on the development of physical variables under consideration by the experimental group.
2- The proposed training program using compound weight training has a positive effect on the skill level of the experimental group.
3- The proposed training program using compound weight training is better than the traditional program on physical variables and the skill level of the experimental group.


Main Subjects