The effect of using elastic rope exercises on improving some physiological variables, physical abilities, and the level of performance of the straight attack skill of fencing players in the New Valley

Document Type : Original Article


new vally university phisical education


The elastic cords are one of the best important and ideal types of resistance that can be used without the need for large areas, in addition to that the elastic cords work to develop the muscular strength of the arms and legs as well as the development of special physical characteristics, in addition to that the elastic ropes are a key component in sports rehabilitation programs in activating the healthy muscle And the infected
Many previous researches have focused on studying the various sports activities and their relationship to the physiological variables that occur in the athlete’s body and to identify their role in this field when determining the training load for the training programs designed to improve and advance the movement’s performance of the player. Therefore, innovative resistance training methods such as (ropes must be provided. Rubber - dumbbells - weights) to reach the player to the highest levels required.
The physiological and physical capabilities factor also helps the fencer to move to perform the offensive and defensive movements required to perform on the field and is also an important factor in confusing the opponent, which makes him unable to think or anticipate the player's movements and surprise the opponent by performing quick movements and recording a touch on him and the movements he performs must also be characterized. Player with accuracy and good timing in order to succeed and score a touch.


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