The relationship of psychological rehabilitation to the level of skill of crawling on the abdomen for the students of the first division of the Faculty of Physical Education University Tanta

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sports Psychology, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta university

2 Department of water sports, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University.


This study aims to identify the relationship between psychological rehabilitation and the level of skilled performance of the skill of crawling on the abdomen of the first division of the Faculty of Sports Education University of Tanta, the researchers used the descriptive analytical method through which the researchers try to describe the phenomenon subject of the study and analyze its data and The two researchers used one of the experimental designs, which is the experimental design of an experimental group, to suit the nature of the study. The researcher applied the psychological security measure, the evaluation of the level of performance of the skill salating on the abdomen, and the most important results were the presence of statistically significant differences for the first division in the Faculty of Sports Education, Tanta University in the measure of psychological security, as well as a correlation with statistical significance between psychological rehabilitation and the level of performance of the skill to crawl on the abdomen of the first team in the Faculty of Sports Education in the Faculty of Sports Education, Tanta University in the measure of psychological security, as well as the relationship between the psychological rehabilitation and the level of performance of the skill of crawling on the abdomen of the first team in the Faculty of Sports Education University of Tanta.


Main Subjects