Dynamics of the Biorhythm course for the functional recovery phase Concerning the match pregnancy of the kinetic sentence (kanku - dai. Kata) with karate. "

Document Type : Original Article


The Faculty of physical Education for mens - Abi Qir - Alexandria University, Egypt.


Dynamics of the Biorhythm course for the functional recovery phase Concerning the match pregnancy of the kinetic sentence (kanku - dai. Kata) with karate. "

Prof . Dr. / Ahmed Mahmoud Ibrahim
Professor of Sports Training for Karate Sport - Faculty of Physical Education for Boys - Alexandria University

Introduction and importance of the study:
The training load is the most important factor for raising the level of athletic achievement and its development. The problem of hospitalization and elimination of the effects of fatigue among athletes is no less important than that and it is not an exaggeration if we say that it occupies the first place in terms of importance after this topic has become the new and modern trend of rise and development. Achievement level.

Study objective: The study aims to identify the dynamics of the biorhythm pathway for a stage Functional hospitalization for parastatal pregnancy of the motor sentence (kanku - dai. Kata) with karate.

Conclusions of the study: the dynamic of the biorhythm pathway of the functional and biochemical requirements of the study, we can extract the implementation of training loads similar to the load of the match that between the repetitions of the components of the structure of the motor sentence under study there is a temporary recovery period ranging from 20 to 25 minutes.



Main Subjects