The ideological structure of the Egyptian family in supporting sports culture to form social identity of the athletes

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education for girls alexandria unversity

2 Faculty of physical education- Alexandria university


Study aims at identify athletes' social identity level through ideological structure of the Egyptian family, the ideological structure of the Egyptian family in support sports culture of its children, the relationship between sports culture level and athletes' social identity level. Descriptive analytical approach adopted. Study conducted on sample chosen intentionally out of athletes participating in individual and group sports activities, where the total sample was (142) athletes (63 male and 79 females). The most important results were that the ideological structure of Egyptian family contributed to formation of athletes' e social identity , as the percentage of approval ranged between (13.73%: 82.75%), as well as supporting sports culture of their athletes, where the approval rate ranged between (31.69%: 92.96%). Results also indicated significant correlation between sports culture level and athletes' social identity level, and the existence of significant positive correlation between mother’s function and the family’s role in shaping social identity, and negative correlation between age, academic qualification, type of sporting activity practiced, and number of tournaments obtained , with family's role in supporting sports culture.


Main Subjects