Estimating biological age according to biomarkers, anthropometric and Bioelectrical Impedance measures, and its relationship to physical fitness age

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sports Health Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education - Minia University


The individual may appear older or younger compared to others at the chronological age and this is due to his biological age, which varies according to the method used, and when using sports as a means of improving biological age we encounter the problem of multiple methods used in estimating biological age, so this study was conducted on 18 males with an mean age of 42.44 to identify any biological age closer to the functional state of the individual, and one of the most important results was that the age of fitness is the real standard of biological age of the individual, indicators Vitality is most related to the age of fitness, regular training increases the level of fitness and the biological age decreases , There are many statistical models for estimating biological age, the estimation of biological age varies according to the method used in estimating it, and one of the most important recommendations was to build statistical models using other vital indicators that are more related to the functional state of the body at different age stages, to use biomarkers as a way to estimate biological age side by side with the estimation of the physical fitness age , the development of a battery for physical and physiological tests that help in estimating the fitness life for different age groups.


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