The effect of combination between coordination ‏Exercises and TRX by tools on improving BMI and thier relationship to some of physical variables and the digital level of young dolphin swimmers

Document Type : Original Article



2 Department of Fitness and Gymnastics and Sport shows , Faculty of Physical Education for Men- Alexandria University .


The aim of the research was to try to identify The effect of combination between coordination ‏Exercises and TRX by tools on improving BMI and thier relationship to some of physical variables and the digital level of young dolphin swimmers.The research sample was intentionally‎ selected from young dolphin swimmers for the alexandria Sports Club(sporting) under14years of age who ‎They participated in the Alexandria Championship in2019‎ where the number of the sample(5) dolphin swimmers.The researchers used the experimental approach using the one-group experimental design with the pre- and post-measurements for its relevance to the nature and purpose of the research.The most important results were that the proposed training program using the coordination Exercises and trx Exercises by tools have improved BMI, the physical variables, the digital level(50m dolphin,100m dolphin), found strong correlation between BMI and each of the physical variables and the digital level for young dolphin swimmers under14years.The most important recommendations were using the proposed training program for using the coordination Exercises and trx Exercises by tools ‎ to contribute to the improvement of BMI, physical variables and the digital level of distance(50m dolphin,100m dolphin) for young dolphin swimmers under14years, application of the program Exercises proposed using the coordination Exercises and trx Exercises by tools ‎in various sports ‎activities to improve BMI and physical variables to raise the performance of ‎athletes and reach the higher levels‎, also similar studies should be conducted on other skills and different age groups for dolphin swimmers ‎ using different forms of physical exercise.


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