The effect of high-intensity periodical training with the in-take of (arginine-carnitine) on some physical and biochemical variables for 400m race

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for men - Alexandria Univirsity

2 Faculty of Physical Education for men - Alexandria University

3 Researcher, Department of Biological and Sports Health Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education for Men - Alexandria University


The research aims to identify the effect of high-intensity interval training with the intake of carnitine and arginine on some of the physical and biochemical variables of the 400 - meter runners and a comparison between them, and the experimental method was used on a sample of 10 contestants of 400 meters in the Alexandria region for athletics and divided them into two groups, the first experimental group performs interval training High intensity interval training with L- arginine as a dietary supplement, and the second experimental group, high-intensity interval training with carnitine intake as a dietary supplement, and the results were that high-intensity interval training with arginine-carnitine intake has a positive effect on the physical and biochemical variables of the 400-meter contestants, and that the effect of high-intensity interval training With the intake of arginine on the physical and biochemical variables of the 400M contestants, it is better than taking L-Carnitine


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