Mental alertness and psychological distress in a sample of individual sports and team sports coaches: a comparative study

Document Type : Original Article


Mansoura University Faculty of Physical Education Sport Psychology


The research aims to identify mental alertness and its relationship to psychological stress in a sample of individual sports coaches and group games, and the researchers used the descriptive method for its suitability to the nature of the research, and the research community was represented in individual sports coaches and group games, and the research sample was chosen randomly from individual sports coaches and games Collective by (95) coaches distributed into (24) for team sports, (71) for individual sports, and the exploratory research sample was chosen randomly by (23) coaches for group and individual sports distributed into (9) for team sports, (14) for individual sports, Among the tools of data collection are (the mental alertness scale for a sample of individual sports coaches and group games - the two researchers 'preparation, the psychological stress scale for a sample of individual sports coaches and group games - the two researchers' preparation), and among the most important findings of the study: Distinguish the mental alertness scale and psychological stress Individual sports and team sports coaches have high reliability and validity transactions, and the two scales are valid to identify the level of mental alertness and psychological pressure of a coach Between individual sports and group games, there is a statistically significant correlation between mental alertness and psychological stress for individual sports coaches and team games.


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