Whats application and its role in learning kinesiology Course and developing some life skills For students of the third year in time of COVID-19

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods , Faculty of Physical Education, Al Jazeera, Helwan University


The research aims to identify the effectiveness of using Whats App in learning kinesiology course and the extent of acquiring some life skills for third year physical education female students.
The researcher used one group’s experimental method. The research sample was chosen by the purposive random method from Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University, third year students and their number is 120 students with a percentage of (24.7%) from the research community
The researcher used the data recording form, IQ test for(Dr. Elsaid Mohamed khiry), Cognitive test, then an expert opinion survey to identify the most important life skills for the third year students. an expert opinion survey in life skills phrases Finally, Third year students opinion survey in some life skills acquired from kinesiology course using Whats app in the time of COVID-19 .
The most important results are: There were significant differences between the pre and post-measurements in the experimental group in favor of the post-measurement in Cognitive test and some life skills acquired from kinesiology course using Whats app in the time of COVID-19
The researchers recommend using WhatsApp as one of the distance learning methods, as it's an effective and positive way in educational process.


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